Showing posts with label Putin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Putin. Show all posts



"Non è possibile che qualsiasi politico europeo sia sufficientemente idiota da credere che sia stata la Russia ad invadere l'Ucraina, che la Russia da un momento all'altro invaderà la Polonia e gli Stati baltici, o che Putin sia un "nuovo Hitler" che progetta di ricostruire l'impero sovietico. Queste accuse assurde non sono altro che propaganda di Washington priva di qualsiasi verità. Tutto ciò è evidente. Nemmeno un idiota potrebbe crederci. Eppure l'Unione europea va di pari passo con la propaganda, come fa la NATO".
Così si esprime in uno dei suoi ultimi articoli P. C. Roberts, economista americano già assistente Segretario del Tesoro ai tempi di Reagan, quindi non propriamente un pazzo esaltato ma un personaggio che ha coperto ruoli importanti in precedenti amministrazioni statunitensi. E' ovvio che i rappresentanti dell'Ue non possono essere classificati come meramente idioti ma se anche la cretineria, come spiega mirabilmente il letterato russo Zinoviev, può raggiungere "vette" di autentica maestria allora tout se tient:
"…In genere non si rivolge attenzione al fatto che gli uomini possono progredire anche in stupidaggine. Capita spesso d'incontrare nella vita certi cretini di cui si può dire che sono dei cretini estremamente notevoli. Possiamo qui perfino suddividere i cretini in geniali e insulsi. Si fa apprendistato di stupidaggine altrettanto quanto d'intelligenza. Solo nel corso di una lunga vita e con un costante allenamento gli uomini raggiungono un alto grado di stupidaggine. In modo assolutamente analogo si svolge la cosa con qualità come il cinismo, la viltà, la scaltrezza, l'astuzia, il raggiro, ecc. La capacità di compiere una bassezza non si raggiunge di colpo. E per diventare un insigne mascalzone, bisogna certo esservi predisposti, ma anche allenarsi a lungo e con tenacia. Non è perciò un caso se i più insigni scellerati s'incontrano più sovente tra la gente istruita e attempata".
Ecco spiegata, in poche parole, l'efficienza idiota con la quale i superdotati di Bruxelles si dedicano alla costruzione di un'Europa servile agli Usa e marginale nella geopolitica mondiale. La stessa efficienza scema che ci ha messo il Governo Italiano per approvare in un baleno i raid sulla Libia che ostacolano i suoi interessi concreti ma favoriscono quelli di Washington. Un vero capolavoro sciocco.
Stando così le cose, non possono esserci vie di mezzo: l'Unione Europea deve morire subito con tutte le sue istituzioni, tutti gli apparati e organismi che sono germinati proprio per riprodurre élite di deficienti con alto quoziente intellettivo, da lasciare precauzionalmente inutilizzato o da utilizzare nella maniera peggiore possibile, a detrimento dei cittadini che vi vivono dentro.
Per far inceppare il meccanismo automatico che riproduce tale incretinimento, colpendo contestualmente i portatori soggettivi dello stesso, non basta scagliarsi contro i suoi accidenti derivati, vedi l'Euro. Chi dice il contrario è vittima di una ottusità antitetico-polare a quella che pretende di combattere. Bisogna andare dritti al cuore del problema. Il mito poietico dell'Ue deve essere smascherato sin dalle sue origini ed il suo prodotto maligno distrutto dalle fondamenta. Esso è germogliato per volontà della C.I.A., come rivelato da documenti desecretati dagli statunitensi, con un ordine chiaro, dato dal Dipartimento di Stato, ai suoi "Padri Affondatori": "sopprimere il dibattito fino al punto in cui l'adozione di tali proposte diverrebbe praticamente inevitabile". Precisamente la strada seguita ancora oggi dai nostri sinceri democratici del piffero.
Siano stramaledetti Monnet (di lui il Generale Charles de Gaulle disse che si trattava di un agente americano), Schuman, Spinelli e compagnia servente. Solo gli schiavi possono prendere a modello gente che si è fatta comprare come Giuda.


La Mogherini: una incapace o solo un agente della CIA?

Negli scorsi giorni pensavo spesso alle imprese della Mogherini, che rimane rinchiusa nel suo ufficio a Bruxelles per uscirne solamente per parlare male della Russia.
Che due marroni,.
Embargo di qua, sanzioni di la, bisogna riportare indietro la Crimea , le solite cose, con una intensità ossessiva che neanche se ci fosse il buon segretario di Stato, l'ebreo Khon, pardon l'irlandese cattolico Kerry, a dettargli cosa dire (come poter credere ad uno che mente sulle sue origini, sulla sua famiglia e sulla sua religione…).
In realtà è quasi esattamente quello che succede.
La nostra cara amica Federica è da anni un informatore per conto della CIA, come ci racconta Wikilieaks.
Adesso capisco come mai rompono tanto i coglioni a chi ha diffuso quelle note, sapeste quante cose interessanti ci sono , lì in mezzo, ancora da scoprire.
Ecco cosa racconta la Mogherini riguardo a Bertinotti:
 11. (C) Mogherini discussed government formation developments 
in light of the recent decision by DS President Massimo 
D'Alema to step aside and allow Communist Renewal Secretary 
Fausto Bertinotti (RC) to take the pole position for the 
important Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies.  She argued 
that Prodi strengthened his coalition and reinforced the more 
moderate elements within the Communist Renewal party by 
giving Bertinotti such a high-profile institutional position 
in the new government.  By making Bertinotti part of the 
establishment, Prodi weakened the more extreme elements 
within Bertinotti's party and has ensured a more cooperative, 
centrist RC party. 

In pratica la Mogherini rassicura gli ammerregani sull'elezione di Bertinotti come presidente della Camera, voluta da Prodi.
In cambio Bertinotti terrà buone le frange estreme del suo partito.
Brava Mogherini, e bravi anche Prodi e Bertinotti.
Ma non è finita, ovvio:
4. (C) Vecchi refrained from terming Prodi's acceptance of 
the call a mistake but when asked how he thought Prodi would 
respond the next time Hamas calls, he said "often the phones 
don't work so well in Italy."  Vecchi stated that a Prodi 
government would strictly follow the EU line on Hamas but 
hinted that more needs to be done to encourage Hamas to 
behave better.  He said it is not a positive result that 
money the EU has withdrawn from the Palestinian Authority has 
been replaced by funds from Iran.  At the same time, 
Mogherini said much of Hamas' electoral support came not from 
Islamic extremists but from common Palestinians disillusioned 
with the management of the Palestinian territories by Al 
Fatah.  She said the Quartet's other goal must be to prevent 
Hamas from consolidating that support.
L'agente Mogherini fa rapporto e assicura che farà tutto quello in suo potere per prevenire il consolidamento del poter di Hamas. Si fa anche capire che Prodi non è perfettamente allineato in tal senso.
Interessante anche la citazione di Luciano Vecchi, vero Dominus nei rapporti Italia Cia di allora, adesso in "buen retiro" a Modena.
Ovviamente la Mogherini ne deve dire ancora tante di cazzate e darsi tanto da fare , per potere occupare il posto lasciato vacante da Vecchi, ma non preoccupateci, vedrete che ce la farà.
Ecco i nostri amici Vecchi e Mogherini che si danno da fare nuovamente:
6. (C) Unprompted, Vecchi said Prodi would be careful that 
the government's public signals avoid any appearance that 
actions being taken could have an anti-American flavor or 
that the comments could disappoint "our good friend 
Talabani."  Mogherini did predict that the Italian Communist 
Party (PdCI) and the Greens, who are members of Prodi's 
coalition and likely government partners, would raise their 
tones in advance of the July vote for funding the Iraqi 
mission in Iraq.  Both she and Vecchi said the US should not 
be worried by that, however.  Nevertheless, Vecchi predicted 
some tough work ahead for the coalition as it moved mission 
funding through parliament. 

Si, bisogna evitare a tutti i costi che nascano sentimenti anti-americani nel governo.
Eh, si , adesso la Mogherini è davvero la persona giusta al posto giusto, per rappresentare gli interessi della NATO  dell'Europa.
Chissà come mai spesso non appare in sintonia con Renzi, e chissà come mai il governo di Prodi non è durato, annientato dopo una sparata sui "nostri amici talebani".
Coincidenze, sempre coincidenze.
P.S. fossi in Renzi comincerei a fare sparate tipo "bisogna combattere l'invasione della Russia" e "Putin è scemo", per ottenere considerevoli vantaggi economici per l'Italia. O anche solo rimanere primo ministro.


The nine points that do not come from charges to Putin on the Litvinenko case

Moreover, the timing is really impressive. The British media make public the news
The operation to kill Alexander Litvinenko was "authorized" by Russian President Vladimir Putin. This morning London has hurled a real thunderclap, making notes the conclusion of the British public inquiry into the death by poisoning of former Kgb agent, died on 23 November 2006 in the British capital. The 300-page report, edited by Judge Robert Owen, says that with "high probability" Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitri Kotvun, accused of being the murderers of Litvinenko, have completed their mission on behalf of the FSB, the Russian secret service. The two would have acted under the direction of then Director Nikolai Patrushev and precisely of Russian President Vladimir Putin. In short, the polonium 210 used at the Millennium Hotel in Mayfair, in the heart of the city, come straight from the secret rooms of the Kremlin.

We always use the conditional, because despite talk to terminate the investigation, British courts have failed to prove with certainty the responsibilities of the Russian leadership, raising the suspicion of a relationship built to make more noise in the media than in the classrooms of some court. Moreover, the timing is really impressive. The British media make public the news, bouncing across all major networks in the world. A few minutes after Mr Litvinenko's widow talking: ' of course I am very satisfied that the words spoken in my husband's deathbed have been tested in a real English Court with the highest standards of independence, ' he said. "Now it's time to David Cameron. Targeted economic sanctions to be imposed immediately and ask travel bans to several people related to Russia ".

Then it fell to the British Government, which decided to convene immediately the Russian Ambassador in London. "We will summon the Russian Ambassador in London to the Foreign Office, where we will express our deep disappointment at the failure of Russia to cooperate and provide satisfying answers, ' he announced, British Interior Minister Theresa May. According to a spokeswoman for David Cameron, quoted by EFE, the findings of the investigation are "extremely troubling. It is not the way to behave to any State, let alone for one permanent member of the UN Security Council. "

The Russia spoke of political survey. During a briefing with the press, Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, described the work of the investigators ' quasi-judicial process British». The Department led by Serghei Lavrov, a few hours earlier, in a statement released to the press, and cited by Interfax, had announced that "closing the case Litvinenko is illegitimate and uncivilized and will have consequences on relations between Russia and the United Kingdom." So in the next few days Moscow will spread a counter-report to prove to be totally alien to each other. But beyond that, beyond the sympathies and antipathies, as well as of political affiliations, there are many accounts that don't add up in the British report:

1. After ten years, you get to close an investigation without certainties and with many doubts. We speak of "probabilities" rather than "certainty". The media talking about putting together the words "likely" and "instigator of the assassination", the first will sound less strong than the second, especially if referred to a head of State.

2. Already several years ago there had been a judicial inquiry into English, but had not emerged evidence against Putin.

3. art. 6 paragraph 2 of the European Convention on human rights States: "every person accused of a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law ensured." By its judgment in the media, the English Court has effectively disrupted international law, because Putin's guilt has not been established, but is simply deemed "likely".

4. relations between Moscow and London are strained for years. Over the past 12 months, the tug of war between Putin and Cameron has focused on the war in Syria. The British Prime Minister has accused of supporting the "butcher" Assad, inviting Russian President repeatedly to remove its support to the Government in Damascus. It's a ploy to discredit the image of Putin (returned in vogue for his role on the Syrian issue) in the eyes of the world?
 5. In short, today, remember in detail the Litvinenko case. The former FSB agent fled from Russia in 2000, helped oligarch Boris Berezovksij (former political godfather of Putin) because it had information that would "shake the Russian leadership." The premise of all this is that Litvinenko and Berezovsky had already previously accused Putin of having organized a series of attacks that shook Russia in 1999 and that, according to the two, allowed the former KGB agent he came to power through a kind coup, blaming the bloody massacres Chechen rebels. Very serious allegations. What other kind of information could be dangerous, they are having blamed for having massacred their own people to come to power?6. The murder of Litvinenko (23 November 2006) was consumed a few weeks after that of Anna Politkovskaya (7 October 2006). What interest would have had in those days the Kremlin to compromise its diplomatic relations with London and with the West, a few weeks away from the barbaric murder of the journalist? What was the need to perform two gestures so blatant and exposed to so little distance from each other?7. In December 2010, soon after the scandal Wikileaks, by cabli of various US embassies in the world, he popped out one prepared by a staff member of the US Embassy in Paris, where it was stated that 007 of Moscow knew that there were People in possession of deadly poison and were on the trail of the killers of Litvinenko before it was poisoned, but were stopped by the British authorities that "reassured" the Russians that the situation was "under control". The revelation, dated December 26, 2006, was made by Anatoly Safonov, the representative of the Russian presidency, Henry Crumpton, the US ambassador for counter-terrorism, during a dinner in the French capital. Cablo sent to Washington in the American diplomat commented the conversation, pointing out that the statements made by fellow Russian left implied that "Moscow was not involved in the murder."8. Back in May 2007, Boris Berezovsky, who told the British authorities the name of one of the killers of Litvinenko, the business man Andrei Lugovoi, said that it was "life threatening." According to the oligarch, who died a few years ago under mysterious circumstances and never found, in the general silence of the Western media, the Russian secret services could kill Lugovoi because now cumbersome. "And 'the way services operate Russians - said the BBC - you kill the witness of the crime. In London he is accused but in Russia it is a witness to the crime of Putin. " Today, nine years later, Lugovoi is not only still alive, but is also a member of Parliament, decorated by Putin for his "contribution to the development of Russian parliamentarian and his active role in legislative life." So one of two things: either Berezovksij was right, and in that case we would have witnessed the murder of "uncomfortable" Lugovoi, or simply mistaken about the role of the Russian leadership in the deal Litvinenko.9. The same Lugovoi, also in 2007, launched accusations against Berezovksi and MI-6, the secret service of Her Majesty. "Litvinenko had asked me to collect compromising information about Putin," said Lugovoi, also a former KGB agent, adding that Litvinenko had been put to work for British intelligence. But at some point the reports would be deteriorated, when the leaders MI-6 would have understood that they can not operate at will a hothead like Litvinenko, who had already given a big headache to his superiors in Russia. Two other valid hypotheses, could identify the instigators or the Russian mafia or just in Boris Berezovsky, who is also suspected of being an agent of British intelligence for the amount of information held on Putin. The Mafia may have avenged for the help given by Litvinenko to the police Iberian for inquiry into an alleged boss named Zakhar Kalashov, extradited from Dubai to Spain, while Berezovsky could have eliminated his friend to prevent the spread of potentially damaging documents for maintaining its status as a political refugee in Britain or lean then to Putin responsibility for the crime.P.S. The writer has certainly wanted to turn in the lawyer defender of Vladimir Putin, the latter because it will definitely better. He simply pointed out the many inconsistencies and oddities of the case. Who does not know in depth the Russian reality, it can not understand how a society move in any direction means step on toes to some oligarch. Litvinenko was definitely a hothead, a person who wanted to go all the way to what he did and his actions did not disturb only Vladimir Putin, but also many other members of the Russian political and economic power, all with different interests and objectives and very often at odds. Perhaps it is among these that hides the true instigator of his murder. The truth, the real one, it is always difficult to obtain in cases like these.

Author:Eugenio Cipolla
Translated by Google Translator


Putin, the ruble and the 'hoax' Russia's knee: The collapse is a bargain

Following the media, Russia is apparently about to experience a major crisis in a position to put the domestic economy to its knees. It 's true?

The answer is no, and is obtained by applying elementary economic dynamics completely divorced from the political will that would paint a different situation. We see the 'against' amplified by the media to explain then, with the greatest possible clarity, because those 'against' are, instead of the 'pro' for Russia.

The 'AGAINST'. In order to support the devaluation of the ruble, the Central Bank of Russia is burning its reserves. The amount of the reserves until now consumed to support the ruble is about $ 100 billion out of a total of about 450 billion available. 50% of tax revenues in Russia comes from the energy sector, strategic sector for Russia. Some operators are exposed signaling that Russia would need a rate of about $ 110 a barrel to break even the budget of 2015. The collapse of oil prices "would be" a problem for Russia because it causes a contraction of the domestic economy .

The 'PRO'. The ruble devalued just to compensate for the collapse of oil (Russia being a major manufacturer is rather unlikely that they were not ready for such an eventuality).

The procedure is as follows: Russia is an oil-producing country and derived from its sale nearly 50% of government revenues, for every dollar received in less exports of crude oil, now derives a greater amount of ruble, due to the depreciation . Let's take an example to make the concept clear.

In June, when the price was at its maximum ($ 115 a barrel), a dollar is still traded against 34.40 rubles. The calculation is simple: for every barrel of oil exported, Russia incassava 3,700 rubles. With the collapse in prices of around $ 65 per barrel, and with a change that sees a dollar worth 57 rubles, Russia continues to collect exactly the same amount of rubles of six months ago, when the oil market was booming.

The confirmation of what we write is mathematics. In November (included) in 2014, the Russian state budget recorded a fiscal surplus of 1.27 trillion rubles ($ 23 billion). Compared with the same period last year when the surplus was 600 billion rubles in 2012 was 798 billion rubles, and in 2011 was 1.34 trillion rubles.

It 'clear that the collapse of the ruble is a bargain for the Russian government, which erased (this does not tell anyone) 24 weekly auctions this year, thanks to the fact that the performance of public accounts has allowed him to avoid refinance stellar rates imposed by the market.

Obviously, there is to report some problems, we find it at the bottom scraping the "barrel". A something had to appeal misinformation. Inflation tends to double digits, must necessarily be opposed by the Russian Central Bank, the procedure to compress inflation in Economics is to make a monetary tightening. Monetary tightening is an operation performed by a central bank aimed at reducing the supply of money circulating in the economy. The instrument is used to make an increase in the discount rate, and will have the effect of sending the Russian economy in "mild" recession in 2015.

At this point it is understandable the objection of those who want us to believe that the recession is not a good thing. Of course it's not, but objectively speaking comforted by the Economic Science, can not release the objector (intellectually correct) from considering that we are talking about a country in the "war" with the West, which apparently has already accepted the price a temporary economic crisis. The Russian Central Bank is only preserving the public finances, there is no catastrophe Russian, with all due respect to those who wait "blindly" to the contrary.



LONDON - It seems that Vladimir Putin has found another major customer for Russian gas. In fact, after concluding supply contracts with China and Japan, and now the Russian government 'in talks with the Indian government to build a giant pipeline that will allow India to import gas from Russia.
For years, the Indian government and 'desperate to find reliable suppliers to meet its energy needs and Russia due to its vast reserves of natural gas, and' the ideal partner and for this reason, the Indian prime minister Narendra Modi and 'met with Vladimir Putin to discuss the details of the agreement.
The cost of this pipeline are estimated at $ 40 billion and are currently studying two possible routes, one that directly links Russia and India through the Himalayas, and another that passes through the Khazakstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Obviously, this project will not be 'not at all easy but the Indian government and' determined to approviggionarsi from Russia and the Russian government and 'more' than happy to find new customers for its gas so 'as to compensate for the loss of the European market with good peace to those who still insist on imposing sanctions on Russia.
For our part, we hope that this winter Russia decides to cut off supplies of gas to Europe but if it happens we will know who to blame and certainly not to Putin.


The status quo post-Cold War Eastern Europe, not to mention the West, is dead: "For the Western plutocracy, that 0.00001% at the peak, the true Masters of the Universe, Russia is the prize final, "writes Pepe Escobar. "An immense wealth of natural resources, forests, crystal clear waters, minerals, oil and gas: enough to lead to a state of ecstasy any war game NSA-CIA-owelliano panopticon." Question: "How to take the fly and take advantage of a booty so succulent?". Here comes the "globopolizia" Nato. On the verge of seeing his rearguard mercilessly abused by a handful of mountain guerrillas armed with Kalashnikov, the Atlantic Alliance is rapidly turning - the same old pattern Mackinder-Brzezinski - to Russia. The road map to alert the journalist of "Asia Times", will be prepared to summit in early September in Wales. The United States should be "hunting for bears," but the patience of the Russian Bear is not infinite, supported by China, sooner or later, Putin will be forced to react. And there'll be trouble for everyone.
Simply amazing, Escobar notes in a post translated from "Like Don Quixote," the story of the flight of Malaysia Airlines Mh17 shot down by a fighter jet in the skies of Kiev Ukraine Eastern Europe: the coup leaders to nail Ukrainians supported by NATO, the testimony of a OECD Observer Canadian and a German pilot. "Everything points to a 30 mm cannon of a Su-25 from Ukraine who is firing at the cockpit dell'Mh17, causing a decompression snapshot and the crash." No rocket, therefore, much less the air-to-air missile evoked in "raw, frenetic American statements." In addition, new versions coincide with the eyewitness accounts recorded on the spot by the BBC in a report "notoriously" disappeared "." Conclusion: accident planned by the United States and implemented by blaming Moscow for Kiev. "We can only begin to imagine the geopolitical earthquake if the" false flag "was made public."
Fog, of course, about the investigation: Malaysia has delivered recorders dell'Mh17 the United Kingdom, "so to NATO, then the manipulations of the CIA," while the Ah5017 Air Algerie flight, crashed after Mh17, has already been cleared up thanks an investigation promptly disclosed. "The question arises as to why there is so much wanting to analyze / manipulate the black boxes dell'Mh17." Bringing clarity hinder the dirty game of the sanctions, "Russia remains guilty - without any evidence - and therefore must be punished." The EU? "He followed slavishly the master's voice and has taken all the extreme sanctions against Russia." Moscow will have reduced access to markets in dollars and Euros, and Russian state-owned banks will be prohibited from selling shares or bonds in the West. But there are loopholes decisive: Sberbank, the largest Russian bank, has not been sanctioned. In the medium term, Russia will finance itself? "Chinese banks can easily replace that type of loans."
And 'now a strategic partnership with Beijing. "As if Moscow would need other warnings that the only way to do it is to give up every dollar the system." EU states will suffer a lot, Escobar continues: BP has a 20% stake in Rosneft, and for the record "is already freaking out." Even Exxon Mobil, the Norwegian Statoil and Shell will be penalized. The penalties do not affect the gas industry if it had been, "the stupidity of the EU would be counterproductive rocketed to galactic levels." Poland, "hysterically that blames Russia for whatever happens," buy it for more than 80% of the gas, and 'no less hysterical Baltic Republics, as well as Finland, 100%. " The veto on dual-use products - military and civilian - will in turn create problems for Germany, the largest EU exporter to Russia. In the branch of the defense will be France and the UK to suffer: it has at least 200 contracts for the sale of weapons and controls for launching missiles in Russia; However, the sale of 1.2 billion euro ($ 1.6 billion) of assault ships "Mistral" to Russia by France will continue to proceed.
The economic adviser to Putin, Sergei Glazyev, argues that the European economy should be really careful in protecting their own interests, while the United States seek to "wage a war in Europe, and a Cold War against Russia." Conclusion: "Key sectors of the Western plutocracy want a continuous and indefinite war with Russia." The Plan-A NATO adds Escobar, plans to establish missile batteries in Ukraine: "If this happens, the red line for Moscow would be exceeded by quite a lot," because at that point, "it would give the possibility of a first attack on the western borders of Russia. " Meanwhile, Washington aims to isolate Russia from the separatist eastern Ukraine. "This implies fund directly and massively parallel Kiev and build and arm, using US advisers already in place, a huge army (about 500,000 by the end of the year, according to projections by Glazyev)." Checkmate: enclose the federalists in a tiny area. For the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, should happen by September, at worst by the end of 2014.
"In the United States and in much of the EU, has developed a monstrous caricature representing Putin as the new Osama Bin Laden Stalinist," writes Escobar. "So far, his strategy on Ukraine was based on patience," that is, "watch the gang of Kiev commit suicide while trying to sit civilly with the EU to find a political solution." Now, however, we could find ourselves in front of a variable that changes the games, because "the massing of evidence that Glazyev and Russian intelligence are providing to Putin, indicate the Ukraine as a battleground, as a boost to a change regime in Moscow, Russia into a destabilized. " This is approaching the possibility of "a final provocation." Geopolitics, "Moscow, allied with the Brics, is actively working to bypass the dollar - which is the reference point of a war economy US-based printing useless pieces of green paper. Progress is slow but tangible: not only the Brics, but also aspiring BRICS, the G-77, the Non-Aligned Movement and the South of the world have filled the pockets of the Eternal Empire of Chaos bullying and want a new paradigm in international relations. "
The United States rely on NATO - which manipulate to their liking - and the "mad dog" Israel, and perhaps on Ggg (Gulf Cooperation Council), the petro-monarchies Sunni accomplices in the massacre of Gaza, which can be purchased and made silence "with a slap on the wrist." In Moscow, the nerves were put to the test: "The temptation for Putin to invade Ukraine Europe in 24 hours and reduce dust militias Kiev must have been superhuman. Especially with the increasing escalation of madness missiles in Poland and Ukraine in early, indiscriminate bombing of civilians in the Donbass, the tragedy dell'Mh17, the hysterical demonization by the West. " A lot of patience, so far, on the part of '"bear" Russian - patience is not unlimited, however. "Putin is scheduled to play the game long term. The window for a lightning attack has run now closed: kung fu move that would have stopped NATO with a fait accompli and the ethnic cleansing of 8 million Russians and Russian speakers in the Donbass would never begin. " Putin, however, did not "invade" Ukraine knows that "the Russian public does not want to do it."
Moscow, adds Escobar, will continue to support what appears as a resistance movement in the Donbass de facto: in two months at most, "the winter will start to dominate in the Ukrainian lands destroyed and looted by the IMF." The Russian-German peace plan recently leaked, the analyst continues to "Asia Times", will be developed "on the corpse of Washington." That's why this new "Great Game" sponsored by the United States seeks to prevent the integration of the economies of the EU and Russia through Germany, "which would become part of a larger Eurasian integration that includes China and its multitude of silk roads' . If the trade of Russia with Europe - about $ 410 billion in 2013 - are about to get a shot because of the sanctions, which implies a movement that pushes to the east. Which leads to an adjustment of the project of the Eurasian Economic Union, or a Greater Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok, "the initial idea of ​​Putin," in tandem with the Chinese. "Translated, it means a strong China-Russia partnership in the heart of Eurasia - a terrifying curse for the Masters of the Universe."
Not mistaken, the China-Russia strategic partnership will continue to grow rapidly - with Beijing in symbiosis with the immense natural resources and technological-military Moscow. Not to mention the benefits to the strategic level, Escobar adds: "Such a thing has not happened since the days of Genghis Khan. But in this case, Xi Jinping is not a recruiting Khan to subdue the Siberia and beyond. " Warning: "The Cold War 2.0 is now inevitable because the Empire of Chaos will never accept that Russia has a sphere of influence in areas of Eurasia (as who has it does not accept China). Never accept Russia as an equal partner (exceptionalism has no equal) and will never forgive Russia - like China - for having openly defied the squeaky and exceptionalist order imposed by the United States. " So, "if the State Department, led by those who pass for leaders nullity, in desperation, he went a step too far - could be a genocide in the Donbass, an attack on NATO in Crimea or, at worst, a attack on Russia itself - warning: the bear will strike.

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