Governo mondiale e stranezze della Globalizzazione risparmiatori consumatori spogliati dall'inflazione e dalla speculazione,banche sempre meno trasparenti.Imbevitori di ogni sorta pronti a qualsiasi cosa purché di guadagni facili.Politici con nuove leggi che gravano sempre più sul comune cittadino,illuminati maghi,filantropi,onlus,coop,sette religiose,massoni.Piramidi sempre più perfette e ben studiate. La parola fondi che in realtà significa che non saranno mai riempiti a discapito di qualcuno.
Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts
Ukraine is on the verge of a real revolt?
You say the beginning of the civil war began last spring, but Ukraine may finally be on the verge of a legitimate revolt of the people against the government. The color revolutions in 2004 and 2014 were organized from abroad (despite the misleading representation of the mass media such as popular movements), to achieve geopolitical objectives concrete on behalf of the West, then discrediting as real work and expounding on the nature. Although Ukraine has not had a revolution (organized by Ukrainians for Ukrainians), it does not mean it is not imminent, having all the "ingredients" ready. Three recent developments indicate that the country is far closer to a revolution than most observers pretend, and if the population takes the initiative taking the opportunity in front of him, could reverse the disastrous policies of the regime before it's too late.
Ban booksKiev has decided to ban various books of Russian authors, especially the works of the famous crusading anti-color revolution and the historic Nikolai Starikov and presidential adviser Sergei Glaziev. These in particular are extremely critical of the regime, and it seems that Kiev sees them as threats to their ideological dominoes. The prohibition of the check book within the existing political oppression against all political dissidents, media and ordinary citizens. The authorities clearly express that any contrary opinion will tolerate and try to control the information received by the population. This should be seen as nothing more than fear of his nationality because if Kiev and its representatives were confident of their own domain, they would have no need to be so authoritarian. The fact that we now take the extreme step and advertised to ban certain books speaks of heightened paranoia, which in turn can be read (pun intended) as a serious threat by citizens who believe they face. The fact is, and it may not be mere paranoia, the objective reality of some elements of society, and not only the neo Nazis battalions (though for their own reasons), who are preparing to rebel against Kiev.
The threat of the Russian embargo on foodThe latest news from Moscow is Medvedev announce the campaign of counter-sanctions "extend to Albania, Montenegro, Iceland and Liechtenstein and, subject to certain conditions, Ukraine". Specifying warned that if Ukraine goes on the Association Agreement with the EU economy, which is expected to enter into force early next year, its agricultural products will be subject to the same restrictions. The ban on imports of fruit and vegetables last October has already threatened the loss of a market of 51m for Ukrainian producers, and to include all agricultural products could be catastrophic for the economy already on its knees. According to Business New Europe, agriculture is the largest industry today (thanks mostly to the drop in production now with the war on Donbas) and the only one to record growth last year; then, if Ukraine's exports to the main trading partner are excluded, the consequences could very well be fatal. A further point on this subject, it should be noted that it is very unlikely that exports could be redirected to the EU, because domestic producers already howl of pain for the misery inflicted by the economic-sanctions against Russia and are bravely competing in a saturated market. It would be a political move fatal to any government of the European Union give priority to Ukrainian agricultural products on their own, especially since the European Union is suffering the worst crisis in the milk for thirty years and can not absorb any Ukrainian imports. If Ukraine can not sell their products to Europe the excess that would originally finished in Russia will remain on the domestic market precipitating the Ocollapse of prices, foreshadowing the sudden collapse of the whole agriculture. This in turn would affect the country's ability to feed themselves, and that is expensive foreign food (probably with GMO products in the United States) would be imported to meet the demand. With less and less profitable farming, agricultural land would be sold at cost price to foreign companies (again probably the US, in particular Monsanto), thus ushering in the foreign acquisition complete one of the richest agricultural regions in the world. This disastrous scenario can be avoided, however, provided that the Ukrainians take urgent action to change the government before the end of the year, bringing the examination of subsequent developments.
The Committee for the Salvation of UkraineLast but not least, one of the most important, although not shown, aspects that could push the Ukrainians a real revolution is the establishment of the Committee for the Salvation of Ukraine (CSU), the government in exile in Moscow. As the saying goes, "better late than never" that seems quite suitable to the case. From what we can discern, the CSU is an idea of former Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov, and although it is not the leader (Vladimir Alejnik is), seems to direct the scene. Azarov promised that if they come to power, the CSU will hold new elections immediately, free and fair, but for this to happen "asks all citizens, political parties, unions and social movements to unite and restore order to our house through an effort Joint ". The point, apparently, is to unite civil society organizations and citizens in a coordinated anti-government campaign in the belief that it can prove to be a pivotal turning point for the regime. Almost every observer would agree that Kiev will never leave power without a fight, but Azarov does not mention violence in the upcoming fight, although you can understand that would be a logical response to the harsh repression of the State; some supporters may decide to react in this way. Today the CSU does not seem to inspire much enthusiasm, but this could change with time. After all, the organization is not perfect (and much of its composition and activities is still mysterious and unopened) m but symbolically stands out as the first realistic form of opposition to the government of Majdan, helped by the fact of being abroad, safe from the clutches of Kiev. The most important thing today, however, is that the organization will probably build a network of support cells in the Ukraine, in order to build a unified platform anti-government from which to challenge the state. This means that the CSU would essentially act as a coordinating committee of campaigns in the country, the public events (when the time is right), and perhaps, after being violently repressed, also of hybrid warfare. Speaking of protests and responsibilities and interests of the CSU, if ever there is a great social environment to test theories of Gene Sharp on "from dictatorship to democracy" and "there are no realistic alternatives", this is the contemporary Ukraine, where there is a certain dictatorship. If the legitimate people's revolution occurred in Ukraine, then it will be sure that the CSU will have a leading role and probably will use the event to catapult with its leadership from Moscow to Kiev.
ConclusionsNever before Ukraine is close to a legitimate revolution today. Many people were afraid of the new regime of coup in February 2014, but not many, out of Crimea and Donbas, publicly demonstrated against it. When this happened, such as in Odessa in May of that year, they were horribly killed and criminals protected by justice (intentionally). Some people, on the uncertain themselves to resist the regime, decided to "try" passively and see what ultimately do for his own good. Nearly 18 months later, the authorities of Majdan do nothing but divide the country with civil war, murder of thousands of civilians and economic crash, and the time is spent with ridiculous drawn to 'blame Russia', increasingly stale and implausible at the majority of the population. The problems of Ukraine since the overthrow of Yanukovich are entirely attributable to the new authorities, and it appears that part of the Ukrainians finally understands, therefore Kiev instigates other paranoia to suppress independent thinking, coming outrageously to ban books. The Ukrainian media could be politically misleading, but most of them are smart enough to know that the country is falling apart and that it is increasingly difficult to make ends meet. With the ultimatum of sanctions against the Russian-Ukraine, some may finally despair enough to go against the government, while aware of the likely repression (or worse) would suffer. However, these individuals probably do not have the sense of organized leadership, and here enters the CSU. It is assumed that they will not act publicly, not having shown any form of underground presence in Ukraine, no matter how small, and you might conclude (according to the same Azov) that this is conducive to mass anti-government activities, and who will do everything to support them . According to this logic, and putting two and two, the CSU could very well organize this movement collecting disaffected segments of the Ukrainian society, leading to regime change before the end of the year. If the authorities of Majdan remain in power and do not backtrack on the agreement of economic association with the EU, Ukraine will sink deeper into a crisis that could inadvertently change the paranoia of Kiev on regime change in solid reality.
Andrew Korybko
PS: And little serve the intervention of foreign decisions as happened in the past in this collective outcome of social despair.Google translation.
Ukrainian Ministry of Information Policy consists of ordinary fascists.
We, CyberBerkut, continue publishing documents
obtained from the computer network of the Ukrainian Ministry of
Information Policy.
The documents
that we have recently released contained the analysis of the situation
in Mariupol prepared by Ukrainian social psychologist and writer Oleg
Pokalchuk. This person is also famous for writing many articles about
the Third Reich heraldry. He also appealed to the rehabilitation of the
The analysis of the Ministry documents that we have
gained after CyberBerkut had defeated the "Information Forces of
Ukraine" showed that the worship the Nazi symbols and ideas is an
everyday occurrence among the Ukrainian heirs of Goebbels.
The Minister of Information Policy Yuri Stets wearing
the Bandera uniform. It is interesting that this person was elected by
the Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko to conquer "hearts and minds"
of Donbass residents.
Of course you can call it a joke, staging or historical installation.
Here is another example of so called humor. The President’s counselor Oleg Medvedev says to Yuri Stec:
The documents we obtained say that the idolization of
the Nazi ideology is not a humor of young members of the Ukrainian
information forces. It is their ideology.
As an example we want to show you the letter sent by
Irina Friz, the Chief of the Information Policy Department of the
Presidential Administration, People’s deputy of the Poroshenko’s party,
to her colleagues. Keep in mind that this lady is responsible for the
information support of the current Ukrainian regime activities.
Attached analytical note called "The mentality
features of the Donbass residents" shows how the junta thinks about
their citizens living in the eastern part of the country. Hitler and
Rosenberg certainly would like such a development of the "subhuman"
The full document is available in the archive.We present the most interesting passages.
"The collective mentality of the Donbass residents
varies essentially from the mentality of other inhabitants of other
regions of Ukraine ...
The main characteristic of the mentality of
the region residents is the existence of powerful paternalistic
expectations, searches and shifting responsibility for their lives on
the symbolic "father", dependence, reliance on outside help, the
constant fear for their lives and their financial condition, respect for
the "boss", "authority", a willingness to delegate the solutions of
their own destiny to others, respect for the strength, tolerance of
violence, the cult of authority ... ".
"Because of the small value of the miner's life, psychological habits of burns and wounds, low life expectancy,
Donbass has a higher tolerance for violence, images of the wounded and
the dead. The region even shows some kind of obsession with violence and
death, as well as counter-violence and survival. Because of low
complexity of production processes and the low average level of
education, social backwardness, the only way to settle the productive
relations in mines is moral violence of the administration in a
descending line. Obscene language, humiliation and shouts are standard
control methods...
High risk and the desire to survive within insufficient intelligence to understand all the risks and dangers in their lives
have led to blind obedience of a miner to a boss. This obedience,
originated in such community, spread to the household level, passed to
social life. Uncertainty in mind leads to fear to make their own
decisions, unwillingness to take responsibility for their own actions
and decisions...".
"Criminal world is closely involved into the social structure of Donbass.
The percentage of previously convicted population is high, and
non-convicted persons can name some previously convicted persons from
their circle of friends as a rule. Small production thefts, fraud of
authorities, illegal business, drug traffics are not condemned by the
most part of society, but rather are silently welcome ... ".
"The highest value for the population of Donbass is money. As the population of Donbass was formed with a small participation of intellectuals,spiritual
and cultural values does not play any role in a life of Donbass people.
Being oriented towards commodity production Donbass residents do not
understand the value of non-material assets - such as knowledge,
technology, particularly the humanities, and consider them as an attempt
to cheat and to deceive them.. Intellectuals are not included in
the regional elite groups, they are treated with contempt, salaries of
such employees are very small, and the authority is zero. The only way
to survive is to accumulate wealth. Demonstration of well-being is a
measure of the social position…".
The document is completed by the following conclusions:
«1. Any public opinion in the Donbas is fragile.
Those who support independence, one day, depending on circumstances or
strength of a particular government, may consider themselves supporters
of the Great Russia or Ukrainian nationalists the following day. The
victory of any force cannot be called decisive.
2. The government must create in the Donbass region the image which will attract the local community: strong, unmotivated cruel, but fair which will take care of every citizen.
3. The most important things for every citizen in
the Donbas are material security and protection of a life, overcoming
dangers of starvation and death as well as money.
Based on the instability of values, lack of
resistant moral values, we can conclude that for a long period of time
Donbass will remain a favorable field for external manipulation. The
stability depends on whose manipulation will be more efficient."
It does not make a sense commenting this pseudo
analytical works. Everyone can make his own conclusions about this
document and about purposes of its creation.
We, CyberBerkut, pay attention to the following. This
text was sent by Irina Friz to Yuriy Stets, Minister of Information
Policy of Ukraine, authorized by the President of Ukraine on the
peaceful settlement of the conflict in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions
Irina Gerashchenko and Director of the Poroshenko's television "Channel
5" Vladimir Mzhelskiy. These are the officials who determine the
information policy of Ukraine in relation to the war in the Donbass.
There are no comments or objections on their part, respondents did not
express their own opinion. This fact shows their agreement with the
The authors of the analytic note are Sergey Morugin
and Natalia Ishchenko. They are known as journalists and political
engineers but not as scientists, psychologists or sociologists. They
obviously worked out the order of the presidential administration and
did what they were asked to do.
By the way now Morugin and Ishchenko under the
auspices of the same Irina Gerashchenko travel around the world with the
photo exhibition "Donbass: war and peace." Here Gerashchenko refers to
Yuriy Stets for help in financing the project. She requests 3.5 thousand
dollars a month.
This exhibition serves as "the truth about the
Donbas." What is this "truth" - you might guess. The same variations on
the theme of "subhuman miners with low intelligence, unsteady values,
which appeals to the unmotivated violence of the authorities." After
all, we recall, the exhibition curators and authors of the research
flamed mentality of Donbass people are same persons.
By the way 3.5 thousand dollars can afford to
organize shopping. Why is the People's Deputy Irina Gerashchenko worse
miners with their desire for material independence?
In the nearest future CyberBerkut will continue to
introduce the community the internal documents of the Ministry of
Information Policy of Ukraine and the correspondence of senior officials
of Ukraine, politicians and journalists, who show the true attitude of
Kiev new elites to the people of their country.
The archives of massages you can download here:
CyberBerkut gained access to the documents of Joseph Biden’s delegation officials
We, CyberBerkut, have already warned against
inadmissibility of the Washington's interference in internal affairs of
our country. Moreover, we repeatedly claimed our rejection of Kiev
authorities’ antinational policy which had put Ukraine in dependence
from the USA.
During two-day visit of Joseph Biden to Kiev on November 20-21 we gained access to confidential files of the State Department that had been stored on American delegation member’s mobile device.
Today we are ready to acquaint Ukrainian citizens, the USA and the world community with the documents that uncover the real volume and direction of American aid to “settle” the Ukrainian crisis.
After examination of just a several files there is the impression that the Ukrainian army is the branch of US Armed Forces. The volume of US financial assistance amazes with its scale. They also show the highest level of degradation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Besides, thousands of dollars go on personal accounts of military personnel and used by certain officers in personal needs. What will the American taxpayers say?
Documents signed by Kiev and foreign authorities speak for themselves:
During two-day visit of Joseph Biden to Kiev on November 20-21 we gained access to confidential files of the State Department that had been stored on American delegation member’s mobile device.
Today we are ready to acquaint Ukrainian citizens, the USA and the world community with the documents that uncover the real volume and direction of American aid to “settle” the Ukrainian crisis.
After examination of just a several files there is the impression that the Ukrainian army is the branch of US Armed Forces. The volume of US financial assistance amazes with its scale. They also show the highest level of degradation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Besides, thousands of dollars go on personal accounts of military personnel and used by certain officers in personal needs. What will the American taxpayers say?
Documents signed by Kiev and foreign authorities speak for themselves:
One of the most surprising documents. The
Naval Command begs it's foreign masters to sponsor Ukrainian officers
during military exercises headed by the Pentagon on the Ukraine
territory. And what about national pride?
Besides, what's the point of transferring more than a half million UAH on a card account of LCDR Denis Stupak? It cannot be explained. Except for uncontrolled spending and enriching without paying taxes. Perhaps it would be very interesting for Ukrainian and American journalists to find this officer and ask him a couple of questions.
Besides, what's the point of transferring more than a half million UAH on a card account of LCDR Denis Stupak? It cannot be explained. Except for uncontrolled spending and enriching without paying taxes. Perhaps it would be very interesting for Ukrainian and American journalists to find this officer and ask him a couple of questions.
Here's another document concerning military
exercises. This time the Army Academy Named After Hetman Petro
Sagaydachnyi begs to recover exercise expenditure for meals and
incidentals of its eleven officers and one civilian. They want up to
53,000 UAH.
And now attention! Why does the assignment allowance of Naval Forces officers come up to 1310 UAH per day, and assignment allowance of the Army Academy officers – 500 UAH per day? Are sailors hungrier? Or is it just blind cupidity?
And now attention! Why does the assignment allowance of Naval Forces officers come up to 1310 UAH per day, and assignment allowance of the Army Academy officers – 500 UAH per day? Are sailors hungrier? Or is it just blind cupidity?
This is one of the documents confirming that
the Ukrainian army becomes a branch of US Armed Forces. The amount of
expenses is amazing. What is much astonishing, almost one million
dollars is assigned for opening "linguistic laboratories" and purchasing
text-books for them. Undoubtedly, it is what Ukrainian Armed Forces
need today. They all need English to understand Washington's orders more
This document contains signatures of Barak Obama
and John Kerry. The USA will provide Ukrainian Armed Forces with
counter-mortar radars. It is what Mr. Poroshenko proudly talked about.
So it happened. Three radars worth a total of $400 000. It's a penny in
comparison with what Ukrainian army will receive from Washington. From
these documents it's not difficult to understand that US military
assistance calculates in millions of dollars. And as we all know, he who
pays the piper calls the tune.
The United States of America continue to
assert that they are ready to provide Ukraine only with non-lethal
commodities. But for some reasons members of Joseph Biden’s delegation
have been given the document with the mark “for the Congress, final”.
After reading of this document it’s getting clear that the junta is not
going to comply with the Minsk agreements and observe the truce. They
are ready to kill again!
400 sniper-rifles, 2000 assault-rifles, 720 hand-held grenade launchers, 200 mortars with more than 70 000 mines, 150 stingers, 420 antitank missiles and so on. That’s the plan of a peaceful settlement of the conflict in the South-East by Petro Poroshenko.
400 sniper-rifles, 2000 assault-rifles, 720 hand-held grenade launchers, 200 mortars with more than 70 000 mines, 150 stingers, 420 antitank missiles and so on. That’s the plan of a peaceful settlement of the conflict in the South-East by Petro Poroshenko.
For some reason, special attention is paid to Ukraine’s Naval Forces. On one hand it’s clear that there are no Naval Forces in Ukraine. On the other hand it points at aggressive plans of the USA and Kiev to prepare subversive operations not only in the South-East, but in Crimea. It’s hard to find another explanation. Otherwise, for what purpose does Ukraine need 150 combat divers?
Запад в панике
Мы находимся на грани нервного срыва? Судя по всему, да: новый президент Европейского совета Дональда Туска вызывает "большую войну с Россией", неявно призывают Европу готовиться к привести руки, Дэвид Кэмерон идет за Олланд принимает позы перед Римской диктатора Рубикон , лауреат Нобелевской премии мира Обаме идет на переменный ток: угроза Апокалипсиса день и на следующий день он уходит в отставку. А газеты вы читаете то, что было бы немыслимо еще несколько недель назад. Эцио Мауро читает современные кризисы Украиной и Ираком в качестве совместного нападения Запада и его ценностей свободы, верховенства права, их стиль жизни, на самом деле, (давайте решать!) В цивилизации. Пятьдесят лет: Свободный мир против СССР. Красивый намек онтологически империалистический характер России "предшествовало, сопровождали и выжил коммунизм" читается как "длинной телеграммы" Джорджа Кеннана. Нет сомнений залива войн и стоимости, чтобы iraqueni 400000 мертвое, безумную или управления оккупацию Ирака на зверства, сделанное американской разведки, политические последствия, что Израиль делает с палестинцами: все неприятные недоразумения. И нет сомнений, что либо русские могут быть свои причины. Путин диктатор? Да, но почему в Киеве являются студентами Джона Локка и Токвиля? Или, по крайней Уолл-стрит является клуб Вольтер? Резня в Одессе? Почему была бойня в Одессе? "Когда? В 1942?
Апофеозом поставляется с Джулиано Феррара, который прибегнет к "религиозную войну" с исламом, "Единственный ответ находится в несравненно большей насилия." Sic! Это звучит просто, как приглашение к применению ядерного оружия (конечно: тактика, маленький, не тяжелый материал). Тогда сметены все различия между jhiadismo, фундаментализма и ислама как такового: целый букет. Что происходит? И 'эффект пятен? В дополнение к этому существует вокруг вируса Эбола деменции? Все это: впервые не проявляется приступ паники западных лидеров, столкнулись с неожиданной эволюции глобализации, которая была задумана как триумфального шествия значений Запада в мире и превращается в кошмар. "Почему стреляют в тех, кто должен поблагодарить, как мы приносим свободу, процветание, демократию, культуру? Это понятно: это вина Путина, Усамы, деспоты, которые боятся нашей свободы и подстрекают своих людей, чтобы остаться у власти ". Запад (т.е. США с обычной свитой лакеев европейских, австралийских и японских) любит утешение его политического поражения, рассказывая историю о тиранов заговора против него. Он чувствует себя в осаде растущим Китаем (и оружия) слишком быстро, к России, которая является медведь империалист либо, что ислам является обычным армия кровожадных паршиво, южноамериканцы, которые неблагодарны, некомпетентны и не хотят платить свои долги, а также тех хитрых индейцев, что вы никогда не знаете, в какую сторону они.
Мир ненавидит Запад и не дает вам никаких подозрений? Дело в том, что Запад вызвал его снижение с переездом, не платить три цента больше, чем его работников, с общей финансовой дерегуляции, который снял столицу в налоговые органы по производству пропасть государственного долга, с возвращением ужасающих социальных неравенств внутренних, которые влияют на эффективность самой системы, с сумасшедшим выбором правящих классов, в меньшей степени способны справиться с огромной силой, возложенную на него, с коррупцией, которая разрушает легитимность системы. Теперь собирает результаты этого катастрофического посева, он понимает, что его гегемония качается все больше и больше, и вместо того чтобы начинать серьезную экспертизу собственных ошибках, ставит в кобуре. Это не означает, что другие не имеют их обиды, что Исида хорошо обезглавить пленников и Путин, чтобы попытаться урегулировать кризис в Украине ударит или китайцы насильно удерживая юань; но обязанности, безусловно, выдающийся в США и их ставленников, которые упорно отказываются рассмотреть возможность иного миропорядка. Я не так утопично думать о мировом порядке идиллической и без гегемонии, ни достаточно наивно думать о власти, которая, отделенной от него. Но исторический момент мы переживаем потребует больше мудрости: гегемония побережья, имеет свою стоимость. L '"Запад", если они все еще могут себе это позволить?
Ситуация в мире такова, что суверенные долговые долги западных государств (Используйте в голове, то Японии, Италии, Англии, Франции и даже самого добродетельного Германия) превысил порог 90% ВВП и, следовательно, больше не подлежит возврату , тем более в темпы роста, что, когда он идет роскошь, усидчивости между 2 и 3%, а в ряде случаев имеют знак минус перед. Итак, давайте посмотрим правде в глаза хорошее время, наши государства являются почти все технически банкротом, потому что момент не смогут платить проценты не далеко, это правда, как это верно, что проценты по долгу и теперь равны в разные случаи превышать прирост ВВП. В такой ситуации, это не было бы целесообразно обсудить реструктуризацию долга во всем мире, компенсируя часть с взаимных кредитов и другой с обменом между моратория и акций мировой державы? Может ли Запад, в нынешних условиях, чтобы претендовать на монополию на верхних позициях в МВФ, ВБ, ВТО? Мировой порядок, как денежные, политические, основанный на гегемонии группы 7-8 крупных держав (США, Япония, Китай, Бразилия, Индия, Россия, Южная Африка и, если она может существовать, ЕС), несомненно, будет более сбалансированным и, посредством эффективной системы регулирования международных конфликтов, позволило бы сбалансированное сокращение военных расходов. Было бы упадок западной гегемонии, но не для перехода к другому однополярной гегемонии, но к сбалансированному и общей гегемонии. Все это не считается достойным рассмотрения наших правящих классов, которые, вместо того, отказаться от своей шаткой монополии на власть, по их мнению, идти к оружию. Это не "мир тиранов" бояться свободы на Западе. И 'Запад боится собственной распада, которые читает в зеркале кризиса.
Апофеозом поставляется с Джулиано Феррара, который прибегнет к "религиозную войну" с исламом, "Единственный ответ находится в несравненно большей насилия." Sic! Это звучит просто, как приглашение к применению ядерного оружия (конечно: тактика, маленький, не тяжелый материал). Тогда сметены все различия между jhiadismo, фундаментализма и ислама как такового: целый букет. Что происходит? И 'эффект пятен? В дополнение к этому существует вокруг вируса Эбола деменции? Все это: впервые не проявляется приступ паники западных лидеров, столкнулись с неожиданной эволюции глобализации, которая была задумана как триумфального шествия значений Запада в мире и превращается в кошмар. "Почему стреляют в тех, кто должен поблагодарить, как мы приносим свободу, процветание, демократию, культуру? Это понятно: это вина Путина, Усамы, деспоты, которые боятся нашей свободы и подстрекают своих людей, чтобы остаться у власти ". Запад (т.е. США с обычной свитой лакеев европейских, австралийских и японских) любит утешение его политического поражения, рассказывая историю о тиранов заговора против него. Он чувствует себя в осаде растущим Китаем (и оружия) слишком быстро, к России, которая является медведь империалист либо, что ислам является обычным армия кровожадных паршиво, южноамериканцы, которые неблагодарны, некомпетентны и не хотят платить свои долги, а также тех хитрых индейцев, что вы никогда не знаете, в какую сторону они.
Мир ненавидит Запад и не дает вам никаких подозрений? Дело в том, что Запад вызвал его снижение с переездом, не платить три цента больше, чем его работников, с общей финансовой дерегуляции, который снял столицу в налоговые органы по производству пропасть государственного долга, с возвращением ужасающих социальных неравенств внутренних, которые влияют на эффективность самой системы, с сумасшедшим выбором правящих классов, в меньшей степени способны справиться с огромной силой, возложенную на него, с коррупцией, которая разрушает легитимность системы. Теперь собирает результаты этого катастрофического посева, он понимает, что его гегемония качается все больше и больше, и вместо того чтобы начинать серьезную экспертизу собственных ошибках, ставит в кобуре. Это не означает, что другие не имеют их обиды, что Исида хорошо обезглавить пленников и Путин, чтобы попытаться урегулировать кризис в Украине ударит или китайцы насильно удерживая юань; но обязанности, безусловно, выдающийся в США и их ставленников, которые упорно отказываются рассмотреть возможность иного миропорядка. Я не так утопично думать о мировом порядке идиллической и без гегемонии, ни достаточно наивно думать о власти, которая, отделенной от него. Но исторический момент мы переживаем потребует больше мудрости: гегемония побережья, имеет свою стоимость. L '"Запад", если они все еще могут себе это позволить?
Ситуация в мире такова, что суверенные долговые долги западных государств (Используйте в голове, то Японии, Италии, Англии, Франции и даже самого добродетельного Германия) превысил порог 90% ВВП и, следовательно, больше не подлежит возврату , тем более в темпы роста, что, когда он идет роскошь, усидчивости между 2 и 3%, а в ряде случаев имеют знак минус перед. Итак, давайте посмотрим правде в глаза хорошее время, наши государства являются почти все технически банкротом, потому что момент не смогут платить проценты не далеко, это правда, как это верно, что проценты по долгу и теперь равны в разные случаи превышать прирост ВВП. В такой ситуации, это не было бы целесообразно обсудить реструктуризацию долга во всем мире, компенсируя часть с взаимных кредитов и другой с обменом между моратория и акций мировой державы? Может ли Запад, в нынешних условиях, чтобы претендовать на монополию на верхних позициях в МВФ, ВБ, ВТО? Мировой порядок, как денежные, политические, основанный на гегемонии группы 7-8 крупных держав (США, Япония, Китай, Бразилия, Индия, Россия, Южная Африка и, если она может существовать, ЕС), несомненно, будет более сбалансированным и, посредством эффективной системы регулирования международных конфликтов, позволило бы сбалансированное сокращение военных расходов. Было бы упадок западной гегемонии, но не для перехода к другому однополярной гегемонии, но к сбалансированному и общей гегемонии. Все это не считается достойным рассмотрения наших правящих классов, которые, вместо того, отказаться от своей шаткой монополии на власть, по их мнению, идти к оружию. Это не "мир тиранов" бояться свободы на Западе. И 'Запад боится собственной распада, которые читает в зеркале кризиса.
status quo post-Cold War Eastern Europe, not to mention the West, is
dead: "For the Western plutocracy, that 0.00001% at the peak, the true
Masters of the Universe, Russia is the prize final, "writes Pepe
"An immense wealth of natural resources, forests, crystal clear waters,
minerals, oil and gas: enough to lead to a state of ecstasy any war
game NSA-CIA-owelliano panopticon." Question: "How to take the fly and take advantage of a booty so succulent?". Here comes the "globopolizia" Nato.
On the verge of seeing his rearguard mercilessly abused by a handful of
mountain guerrillas armed with Kalashnikov, the Atlantic Alliance is
rapidly turning - the same old pattern Mackinder-Brzezinski - to Russia. The road map to alert the journalist of "Asia Times", will be prepared to summit in early September in Wales.
The United States should be "hunting for bears," but the patience of
the Russian Bear is not infinite, supported by China, sooner or later,
Putin will be forced to react. And there'll be trouble for everyone.
Simply amazing, Escobar notes in a post translated from "Like Don Quixote," the story of the flight of Malaysia Airlines Mh17 shot down by a fighter jet in the skies of Kiev Ukraine Eastern Europe: the coup leaders to nail Ukrainians supported by NATO, the testimony of a OECD Observer Canadian and a German pilot. "Everything points to a 30 mm cannon of a Su-25 from Ukraine who is firing at the cockpit dell'Mh17, causing a decompression snapshot and the crash." No rocket, therefore, much less the air-to-air missile evoked in "raw, frenetic American statements." In addition, new versions coincide with the eyewitness accounts recorded on the spot by the BBC in a report "notoriously" disappeared "." Conclusion: accident planned by the United States and implemented by blaming Moscow for Kiev. "We can only begin to imagine the geopolitical earthquake if the" false flag "was made public."
Fog, of course, about the investigation: Malaysia has delivered recorders dell'Mh17 the United Kingdom, "so to NATO, then the manipulations of the CIA," while the Ah5017 Air Algerie flight, crashed after Mh17, has already been cleared up thanks an investigation promptly disclosed. "The question arises as to why there is so much wanting to analyze / manipulate the black boxes dell'Mh17." Bringing clarity hinder the dirty game of the sanctions, "Russia remains guilty - without any evidence - and therefore must be punished." The EU? "He followed slavishly the master's voice and has taken all the extreme sanctions against Russia." Moscow will have reduced access to markets in dollars and Euros, and Russian state-owned banks will be prohibited from selling shares or bonds in the West. But there are loopholes decisive: Sberbank, the largest Russian bank, has not been sanctioned. In the medium term, Russia will finance itself? "Chinese banks can easily replace that type of loans."
And 'now a strategic partnership with Beijing. "As if Moscow would need other warnings that the only way to do it is to give up every dollar the system." EU states will suffer a lot, Escobar continues: BP has a 20% stake in Rosneft, and for the record "is already freaking out." Even Exxon Mobil, the Norwegian Statoil and Shell will be penalized. The penalties do not affect the gas industry if it had been, "the stupidity of the EU would be counterproductive rocketed to galactic levels." Poland, "hysterically that blames Russia for whatever happens," buy it for more than 80% of the gas, and 'no less hysterical Baltic Republics, as well as Finland, 100%. " The veto on dual-use products - military and civilian - will in turn create problems for Germany, the largest EU exporter to Russia. In the branch of the defense will be France and the UK to suffer: it has at least 200 contracts for the sale of weapons and controls for launching missiles in Russia; However, the sale of 1.2 billion euro ($ 1.6 billion) of assault ships "Mistral" to Russia by France will continue to proceed.
The economic adviser to Putin, Sergei Glazyev, argues that the European economy should be really careful in protecting their own interests, while the United States seek to "wage a war in Europe, and a Cold War against Russia." Conclusion: "Key sectors of the Western plutocracy want a continuous and indefinite war with Russia." The Plan-A NATO adds Escobar, plans to establish missile batteries in Ukraine: "If this happens, the red line for Moscow would be exceeded by quite a lot," because at that point, "it would give the possibility of a first attack on the western borders of Russia. " Meanwhile, Washington aims to isolate Russia from the separatist eastern Ukraine. "This implies fund directly and massively parallel Kiev and build and arm, using US advisers already in place, a huge army (about 500,000 by the end of the year, according to projections by Glazyev)." Checkmate: enclose the federalists in a tiny area. For the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, should happen by September, at worst by the end of 2014.
"In the United States and in much of the EU, has developed a monstrous caricature representing Putin as the new Osama Bin Laden Stalinist," writes Escobar. "So far, his strategy on Ukraine was based on patience," that is, "watch the gang of Kiev commit suicide while trying to sit civilly with the EU to find a political solution." Now, however, we could find ourselves in front of a variable that changes the games, because "the massing of evidence that Glazyev and Russian intelligence are providing to Putin, indicate the Ukraine as a battleground, as a boost to a change regime in Moscow, Russia into a destabilized. " This is approaching the possibility of "a final provocation." Geopolitics, "Moscow, allied with the Brics, is actively working to bypass the dollar - which is the reference point of a war economy US-based printing useless pieces of green paper. Progress is slow but tangible: not only the Brics, but also aspiring BRICS, the G-77, the Non-Aligned Movement and the South of the world have filled the pockets of the Eternal Empire of Chaos bullying and want a new paradigm in international relations. "
The United States rely on NATO - which manipulate to their liking - and the "mad dog" Israel, and perhaps on Ggg (Gulf Cooperation Council), the petro-monarchies Sunni accomplices in the massacre of Gaza, which can be purchased and made silence "with a slap on the wrist." In Moscow, the nerves were put to the test: "The temptation for Putin to invade Ukraine Europe in 24 hours and reduce dust militias Kiev must have been superhuman. Especially with the increasing escalation of madness missiles in Poland and Ukraine in early, indiscriminate bombing of civilians in the Donbass, the tragedy dell'Mh17, the hysterical demonization by the West. " A lot of patience, so far, on the part of '"bear" Russian - patience is not unlimited, however. "Putin is scheduled to play the game long term. The window for a lightning attack has run now closed: kung fu move that would have stopped NATO with a fait accompli and the ethnic cleansing of 8 million Russians and Russian speakers in the Donbass would never begin. " Putin, however, did not "invade" Ukraine knows that "the Russian public does not want to do it."
Moscow, adds Escobar, will continue to support what appears as a resistance movement in the Donbass de facto: in two months at most, "the winter will start to dominate in the Ukrainian lands destroyed and looted by the IMF." The Russian-German peace plan recently leaked, the analyst continues to "Asia Times", will be developed "on the corpse of Washington." That's why this new "Great Game" sponsored by the United States seeks to prevent the integration of the economies of the EU and Russia through Germany, "which would become part of a larger Eurasian integration that includes China and its multitude of silk roads' . If the trade of Russia with Europe - about $ 410 billion in 2013 - are about to get a shot because of the sanctions, which implies a movement that pushes to the east. Which leads to an adjustment of the project of the Eurasian Economic Union, or a Greater Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok, "the initial idea of Putin," in tandem with the Chinese. "Translated, it means a strong China-Russia partnership in the heart of Eurasia - a terrifying curse for the Masters of the Universe."
Not mistaken, the China-Russia strategic partnership will continue to grow rapidly - with Beijing in symbiosis with the immense natural resources and technological-military Moscow. Not to mention the benefits to the strategic level, Escobar adds: "Such a thing has not happened since the days of Genghis Khan. But in this case, Xi Jinping is not a recruiting Khan to subdue the Siberia and beyond. " Warning: "The Cold War 2.0 is now inevitable because the Empire of Chaos will never accept that Russia has a sphere of influence in areas of Eurasia (as who has it does not accept China). Never accept Russia as an equal partner (exceptionalism has no equal) and will never forgive Russia - like China - for having openly defied the squeaky and exceptionalist order imposed by the United States. " So, "if the State Department, led by those who pass for leaders nullity, in desperation, he went a step too far - could be a genocide in the Donbass, an attack on NATO in Crimea or, at worst, a attack on Russia itself - warning: the bear will strike.
Simply amazing, Escobar notes in a post translated from "Like Don Quixote," the story of the flight of Malaysia Airlines Mh17 shot down by a fighter jet in the skies of Kiev Ukraine Eastern Europe: the coup leaders to nail Ukrainians supported by NATO, the testimony of a OECD Observer Canadian and a German pilot. "Everything points to a 30 mm cannon of a Su-25 from Ukraine who is firing at the cockpit dell'Mh17, causing a decompression snapshot and the crash." No rocket, therefore, much less the air-to-air missile evoked in "raw, frenetic American statements." In addition, new versions coincide with the eyewitness accounts recorded on the spot by the BBC in a report "notoriously" disappeared "." Conclusion: accident planned by the United States and implemented by blaming Moscow for Kiev. "We can only begin to imagine the geopolitical earthquake if the" false flag "was made public."
Fog, of course, about the investigation: Malaysia has delivered recorders dell'Mh17 the United Kingdom, "so to NATO, then the manipulations of the CIA," while the Ah5017 Air Algerie flight, crashed after Mh17, has already been cleared up thanks an investigation promptly disclosed. "The question arises as to why there is so much wanting to analyze / manipulate the black boxes dell'Mh17." Bringing clarity hinder the dirty game of the sanctions, "Russia remains guilty - without any evidence - and therefore must be punished." The EU? "He followed slavishly the master's voice and has taken all the extreme sanctions against Russia." Moscow will have reduced access to markets in dollars and Euros, and Russian state-owned banks will be prohibited from selling shares or bonds in the West. But there are loopholes decisive: Sberbank, the largest Russian bank, has not been sanctioned. In the medium term, Russia will finance itself? "Chinese banks can easily replace that type of loans."
And 'now a strategic partnership with Beijing. "As if Moscow would need other warnings that the only way to do it is to give up every dollar the system." EU states will suffer a lot, Escobar continues: BP has a 20% stake in Rosneft, and for the record "is already freaking out." Even Exxon Mobil, the Norwegian Statoil and Shell will be penalized. The penalties do not affect the gas industry if it had been, "the stupidity of the EU would be counterproductive rocketed to galactic levels." Poland, "hysterically that blames Russia for whatever happens," buy it for more than 80% of the gas, and 'no less hysterical Baltic Republics, as well as Finland, 100%. " The veto on dual-use products - military and civilian - will in turn create problems for Germany, the largest EU exporter to Russia. In the branch of the defense will be France and the UK to suffer: it has at least 200 contracts for the sale of weapons and controls for launching missiles in Russia; However, the sale of 1.2 billion euro ($ 1.6 billion) of assault ships "Mistral" to Russia by France will continue to proceed.
The economic adviser to Putin, Sergei Glazyev, argues that the European economy should be really careful in protecting their own interests, while the United States seek to "wage a war in Europe, and a Cold War against Russia." Conclusion: "Key sectors of the Western plutocracy want a continuous and indefinite war with Russia." The Plan-A NATO adds Escobar, plans to establish missile batteries in Ukraine: "If this happens, the red line for Moscow would be exceeded by quite a lot," because at that point, "it would give the possibility of a first attack on the western borders of Russia. " Meanwhile, Washington aims to isolate Russia from the separatist eastern Ukraine. "This implies fund directly and massively parallel Kiev and build and arm, using US advisers already in place, a huge army (about 500,000 by the end of the year, according to projections by Glazyev)." Checkmate: enclose the federalists in a tiny area. For the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, should happen by September, at worst by the end of 2014.
"In the United States and in much of the EU, has developed a monstrous caricature representing Putin as the new Osama Bin Laden Stalinist," writes Escobar. "So far, his strategy on Ukraine was based on patience," that is, "watch the gang of Kiev commit suicide while trying to sit civilly with the EU to find a political solution." Now, however, we could find ourselves in front of a variable that changes the games, because "the massing of evidence that Glazyev and Russian intelligence are providing to Putin, indicate the Ukraine as a battleground, as a boost to a change regime in Moscow, Russia into a destabilized. " This is approaching the possibility of "a final provocation." Geopolitics, "Moscow, allied with the Brics, is actively working to bypass the dollar - which is the reference point of a war economy US-based printing useless pieces of green paper. Progress is slow but tangible: not only the Brics, but also aspiring BRICS, the G-77, the Non-Aligned Movement and the South of the world have filled the pockets of the Eternal Empire of Chaos bullying and want a new paradigm in international relations. "
The United States rely on NATO - which manipulate to their liking - and the "mad dog" Israel, and perhaps on Ggg (Gulf Cooperation Council), the petro-monarchies Sunni accomplices in the massacre of Gaza, which can be purchased and made silence "with a slap on the wrist." In Moscow, the nerves were put to the test: "The temptation for Putin to invade Ukraine Europe in 24 hours and reduce dust militias Kiev must have been superhuman. Especially with the increasing escalation of madness missiles in Poland and Ukraine in early, indiscriminate bombing of civilians in the Donbass, the tragedy dell'Mh17, the hysterical demonization by the West. " A lot of patience, so far, on the part of '"bear" Russian - patience is not unlimited, however. "Putin is scheduled to play the game long term. The window for a lightning attack has run now closed: kung fu move that would have stopped NATO with a fait accompli and the ethnic cleansing of 8 million Russians and Russian speakers in the Donbass would never begin. " Putin, however, did not "invade" Ukraine knows that "the Russian public does not want to do it."
Moscow, adds Escobar, will continue to support what appears as a resistance movement in the Donbass de facto: in two months at most, "the winter will start to dominate in the Ukrainian lands destroyed and looted by the IMF." The Russian-German peace plan recently leaked, the analyst continues to "Asia Times", will be developed "on the corpse of Washington." That's why this new "Great Game" sponsored by the United States seeks to prevent the integration of the economies of the EU and Russia through Germany, "which would become part of a larger Eurasian integration that includes China and its multitude of silk roads' . If the trade of Russia with Europe - about $ 410 billion in 2013 - are about to get a shot because of the sanctions, which implies a movement that pushes to the east. Which leads to an adjustment of the project of the Eurasian Economic Union, or a Greater Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok, "the initial idea of Putin," in tandem with the Chinese. "Translated, it means a strong China-Russia partnership in the heart of Eurasia - a terrifying curse for the Masters of the Universe."
Not mistaken, the China-Russia strategic partnership will continue to grow rapidly - with Beijing in symbiosis with the immense natural resources and technological-military Moscow. Not to mention the benefits to the strategic level, Escobar adds: "Such a thing has not happened since the days of Genghis Khan. But in this case, Xi Jinping is not a recruiting Khan to subdue the Siberia and beyond. " Warning: "The Cold War 2.0 is now inevitable because the Empire of Chaos will never accept that Russia has a sphere of influence in areas of Eurasia (as who has it does not accept China). Never accept Russia as an equal partner (exceptionalism has no equal) and will never forgive Russia - like China - for having openly defied the squeaky and exceptionalist order imposed by the United States. " So, "if the State Department, led by those who pass for leaders nullity, in desperation, he went a step too far - could be a genocide in the Donbass, an attack on NATO in Crimea or, at worst, a attack on Russia itself - warning: the bear will strike.
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