Showing posts with label Mariupol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mariupol. Show all posts


Ukrainian Ministry of Information Policy consists of ordinary fascists.

We, CyberBerkut, continue publishing documents obtained from the computer network of the Ukrainian Ministry of Information Policy.

The documents that we have recently released contained the analysis of the situation in Mariupol prepared by Ukrainian social psychologist and writer Oleg Pokalchuk. This person is also famous for writing many articles about the Third Reich heraldry. He also appealed to the rehabilitation of the swastika.

The analysis of the Ministry documents that we have gained after CyberBerkut had defeated the "Information Forces of Ukraine" showed that the worship the Nazi symbols and ideas is an everyday occurrence among the Ukrainian heirs of Goebbels.

The Minister of Information Policy Yuri Stets wearing the Bandera uniform. It is interesting that this person was elected by the Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko to conquer "hearts and minds" of Donbass residents.

Of course you can call it a joke, staging or historical installation.
Here is another example of so called humor. The President’s counselor Oleg Medvedev says to Yuri Stec:

The documents we obtained say that the idolization of the Nazi ideology is not a humor of young members of the Ukrainian information forces. It is their ideology.

As an example we want to show you the letter sent by Irina Friz, the Chief of the Information Policy Department of the Presidential Administration, People’s deputy of the Poroshenko’s party, to her colleagues. Keep in mind that this lady is responsible for the information support of the current Ukrainian regime activities.

Attached analytical note called "The mentality features of the Donbass residents" shows how the junta thinks about their citizens living in the eastern part of the country. Hitler and Rosenberg certainly would like such a development of the "subhuman" theory.

The full document is available in the archive.We present the most interesting passages.

"The collective mentality of the Donbass residents varies essentially from the mentality of other inhabitants of other regions of Ukraine ...
The main characteristic of the mentality of the region residents is the existence of powerful paternalistic expectations, searches and shifting responsibility for their lives on the symbolic "father", dependence, reliance on outside help, the constant fear for their lives and their financial condition, respect for the "boss", "authority", a willingness to delegate the solutions of their own destiny to others, respect for the strength, tolerance of violence, the cult of authority ... ".

"Because of the small value of the miner's life, psychological habits of burns and wounds, low life expectancy, Donbass has a higher tolerance for violence, images of the wounded and the dead. The region even shows some kind of obsession with violence and death, as well as counter-violence and survival. Because of low complexity of production processes and the low average level of education, social backwardness, the only way to settle the productive relations in mines is moral violence of the administration in a descending line. Obscene language, humiliation and shouts are standard control methods...

High risk and the desire to survive within insufficient intelligence to understand all the risks and dangers in their lives have led to blind obedience of a miner to a boss. This obedience, originated in such community, spread to the household level, passed to social life. Uncertainty in mind leads to fear to make their own decisions, unwillingness to take responsibility for their own actions and decisions...".

"Criminal world is closely involved into the social structure of Donbass. The percentage of previously convicted population is high, and non-convicted persons can name some previously convicted persons from their circle of friends as a rule. Small production thefts, fraud of authorities, illegal business, drug traffics are not condemned by the most part of society, but rather are silently welcome ... ".

"The highest value for the population of Donbass is money. As the population of Donbass was formed with a small participation of intellectuals,spiritual and cultural values does not play any role in a life of Donbass people. Being oriented towards commodity production Donbass residents do not understand the value of non-material assets - such as knowledge, technology, particularly the humanities, and consider them as an attempt to cheat and to deceive them.. Intellectuals are not included in the regional elite groups, they are treated with contempt, salaries of such employees are very small, and the authority is zero. The only way to survive is to accumulate wealth. Demonstration of well-being is a measure of the social position…".

The document is completed by the following conclusions:

«1. Any public opinion in the Donbas is fragile. Those who support independence, one day, depending on circumstances or strength of a particular government, may consider themselves supporters of the Great Russia or Ukrainian nationalists the following day. The victory of any force cannot be called decisive.

2. The government must create in the Donbass region the image which will attract the local community: strong, unmotivated cruel, but fair which will take care of every citizen.

3. The most important things for every citizen in the Donbas are material security and protection of a life, overcoming dangers of starvation and death as well as money.

Based on the instability of values, lack of resistant moral values, we can conclude that for a long period of time Donbass will remain a favorable field for external manipulation. The stability depends on whose manipulation will be more efficient."

It does not make a sense commenting this pseudo analytical works. Everyone can make his own conclusions about this document and about purposes of its creation.

We, CyberBerkut, pay attention to the following. This text was sent by Irina Friz to Yuriy Stets, Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine, authorized by the President of Ukraine on the peaceful settlement of the conflict in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions Irina Gerashchenko and Director of the Poroshenko's television "Channel 5" Vladimir Mzhelskiy. These are the officials who determine the information policy of Ukraine in relation to the war in the Donbass. There are no comments or objections on their part, respondents did not express their own opinion. This fact shows their agreement with the document.

The authors of the analytic note are Sergey Morugin and Natalia Ishchenko. They are known as journalists and political engineers but not as scientists, psychologists or sociologists. They obviously worked out the order of the presidential administration and did what they were asked to do.

By the way now Morugin and Ishchenko under the auspices of the same Irina Gerashchenko travel around the world with the photo exhibition "Donbass: war and peace." Here Gerashchenko refers to Yuriy Stets for help in financing the project. She requests 3.5 thousand dollars a month.

This exhibition serves as "the truth about the Donbas." What is this "truth" - you might guess. The same variations on the theme of "subhuman miners with low intelligence, unsteady values, which appeals to the unmotivated violence of the authorities." After all, we recall, the exhibition curators and authors of the research flamed mentality of Donbass people are same persons.

By the way 3.5 thousand dollars can afford to organize shopping. Why is the People's Deputy Irina Gerashchenko worse miners with their desire for material independence?

In the nearest future CyberBerkut will continue to introduce the community the internal documents of the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine and the correspondence of senior officials of Ukraine, politicians and journalists, who show the true attitude of Kiev new elites to the people of their country.

The archives of massages you can download here:


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