Showing posts with label Crimea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crimea. Show all posts


La Mogherini: una incapace o solo un agente della CIA?

Negli scorsi giorni pensavo spesso alle imprese della Mogherini, che rimane rinchiusa nel suo ufficio a Bruxelles per uscirne solamente per parlare male della Russia.
Che due marroni,.
Embargo di qua, sanzioni di la, bisogna riportare indietro la Crimea , le solite cose, con una intensità ossessiva che neanche se ci fosse il buon segretario di Stato, l'ebreo Khon, pardon l'irlandese cattolico Kerry, a dettargli cosa dire (come poter credere ad uno che mente sulle sue origini, sulla sua famiglia e sulla sua religione…).
In realtà è quasi esattamente quello che succede.
La nostra cara amica Federica è da anni un informatore per conto della CIA, come ci racconta Wikilieaks.
Adesso capisco come mai rompono tanto i coglioni a chi ha diffuso quelle note, sapeste quante cose interessanti ci sono , lì in mezzo, ancora da scoprire.
Ecco cosa racconta la Mogherini riguardo a Bertinotti:
 11. (C) Mogherini discussed government formation developments 
in light of the recent decision by DS President Massimo 
D'Alema to step aside and allow Communist Renewal Secretary 
Fausto Bertinotti (RC) to take the pole position for the 
important Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies.  She argued 
that Prodi strengthened his coalition and reinforced the more 
moderate elements within the Communist Renewal party by 
giving Bertinotti such a high-profile institutional position 
in the new government.  By making Bertinotti part of the 
establishment, Prodi weakened the more extreme elements 
within Bertinotti's party and has ensured a more cooperative, 
centrist RC party. 

In pratica la Mogherini rassicura gli ammerregani sull'elezione di Bertinotti come presidente della Camera, voluta da Prodi.
In cambio Bertinotti terrà buone le frange estreme del suo partito.
Brava Mogherini, e bravi anche Prodi e Bertinotti.
Ma non è finita, ovvio:
4. (C) Vecchi refrained from terming Prodi's acceptance of 
the call a mistake but when asked how he thought Prodi would 
respond the next time Hamas calls, he said "often the phones 
don't work so well in Italy."  Vecchi stated that a Prodi 
government would strictly follow the EU line on Hamas but 
hinted that more needs to be done to encourage Hamas to 
behave better.  He said it is not a positive result that 
money the EU has withdrawn from the Palestinian Authority has 
been replaced by funds from Iran.  At the same time, 
Mogherini said much of Hamas' electoral support came not from 
Islamic extremists but from common Palestinians disillusioned 
with the management of the Palestinian territories by Al 
Fatah.  She said the Quartet's other goal must be to prevent 
Hamas from consolidating that support.
L'agente Mogherini fa rapporto e assicura che farà tutto quello in suo potere per prevenire il consolidamento del poter di Hamas. Si fa anche capire che Prodi non è perfettamente allineato in tal senso.
Interessante anche la citazione di Luciano Vecchi, vero Dominus nei rapporti Italia Cia di allora, adesso in "buen retiro" a Modena.
Ovviamente la Mogherini ne deve dire ancora tante di cazzate e darsi tanto da fare , per potere occupare il posto lasciato vacante da Vecchi, ma non preoccupateci, vedrete che ce la farà.
Ecco i nostri amici Vecchi e Mogherini che si danno da fare nuovamente:
6. (C) Unprompted, Vecchi said Prodi would be careful that 
the government's public signals avoid any appearance that 
actions being taken could have an anti-American flavor or 
that the comments could disappoint "our good friend 
Talabani."  Mogherini did predict that the Italian Communist 
Party (PdCI) and the Greens, who are members of Prodi's 
coalition and likely government partners, would raise their 
tones in advance of the July vote for funding the Iraqi 
mission in Iraq.  Both she and Vecchi said the US should not 
be worried by that, however.  Nevertheless, Vecchi predicted 
some tough work ahead for the coalition as it moved mission 
funding through parliament. 

Si, bisogna evitare a tutti i costi che nascano sentimenti anti-americani nel governo.
Eh, si , adesso la Mogherini è davvero la persona giusta al posto giusto, per rappresentare gli interessi della NATO  dell'Europa.
Chissà come mai spesso non appare in sintonia con Renzi, e chissà come mai il governo di Prodi non è durato, annientato dopo una sparata sui "nostri amici talebani".
Coincidenze, sempre coincidenze.
P.S. fossi in Renzi comincerei a fare sparate tipo "bisogna combattere l'invasione della Russia" e "Putin è scemo", per ottenere considerevoli vantaggi economici per l'Italia. O anche solo rimanere primo ministro.


CyberBerkut gained access to the documents of Joseph Biden’s delegation officials

We, CyberBerkut, have already warned against inadmissibility of the Washington's interference in internal affairs of our country. Moreover, we repeatedly claimed our rejection of Kiev authorities’ antinational policy which had put Ukraine in dependence from the USA.

During two-day visit of Joseph Biden to Kiev on November 20-21 we gained access to confidential files of the State Department that had been stored on American delegation member’s mobile device.

Today we are ready to acquaint Ukrainian citizens, the USA and the world community with the documents that uncover the real volume and direction of American aid to “settle” the Ukrainian crisis.

After examination of just a several files there is the impression that the Ukrainian army is the branch of US Armed Forces. The volume of US financial assistance amazes with its scale. They also show the highest level of degradation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Besides, thousands of dollars go on personal accounts of military personnel and used by certain officers in personal needs. What will the American taxpayers say?

Documents signed by Kiev and foreign authorities speak for themselves:

One of the most surprising documents. The Naval Command begs it's foreign masters to sponsor Ukrainian officers during military exercises headed by the Pentagon on the Ukraine territory. And what about national pride?
Besides, what's the point of transferring more than a half million UAH on a card account of LCDR Denis Stupak? It cannot be explained. Except for uncontrolled spending and enriching without paying taxes. Perhaps it would be very interesting for Ukrainian and American journalists to find this officer and ask him a couple of questions.

Here's another document concerning military exercises. This time the Army Academy Named After Hetman Petro Sagaydachnyi begs to recover exercise expenditure for meals and incidentals of its eleven officers and one civilian. They want up to 53,000 UAH.
And now attention! Why does the assignment allowance of Naval Forces officers come up to 1310 UAH per day, and assignment allowance of the Army Academy officers – 500 UAH per day? Are sailors hungrier? Or is it just blind cupidity?

This is one of the documents confirming that the Ukrainian army becomes a branch of US Armed Forces. The amount of expenses is amazing. What is much astonishing, almost one million dollars is assigned for opening "linguistic laboratories" and purchasing text-books for them. Undoubtedly, it is what Ukrainian Armed Forces need today. They all need English to understand Washington's orders more quickly.

This document contains signatures of Barak Obama and John Kerry. The USA will provide Ukrainian Armed Forces with counter-mortar radars. It is what Mr. Poroshenko proudly talked about. So it happened. Three radars worth a total of $400 000. It's a penny in comparison with what Ukrainian army will receive from Washington. From these documents it's not difficult to understand that US military assistance calculates in millions of dollars. And as we all know, he who pays the piper calls the tune.

The United States of America continue to assert that they are ready to provide Ukraine only with non-lethal commodities. But for some reasons members of Joseph Biden’s delegation have been given the document with the mark “for the Congress, final”. After reading of this document it’s getting clear that the junta is not going to comply with the Minsk agreements and observe the truce. They are ready to kill again!
400 sniper-rifles, 2000 assault-rifles, 720 hand-held grenade launchers, 200 mortars with more than 70 000 mines, 150 stingers, 420 antitank missiles and so on. That’s the plan of a peaceful settlement of the conflict in the South-East by Petro Poroshenko.

For some reason, special attention is paid to Ukraine’s Naval Forces. On one hand it’s clear that there are no Naval Forces in Ukraine. On the other hand it points at aggressive plans of the USA and Kiev to prepare subversive operations not only in the South-East, but in Crimea. It’s hard to find another explanation. Otherwise, for what purpose does Ukraine need 150 combat divers?

Vogliono davvero ridurre la popolazione?

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