LONDON - It seems that Vladimir Putin has found another major customer for Russian gas.
In fact, after concluding supply contracts with China and Japan, and
now the Russian government 'in talks with the Indian government to build
a giant pipeline that will allow India to import gas from Russia.
For years, the Indian government and 'desperate to find reliable
suppliers to meet its energy needs and Russia due to its vast reserves
of natural gas, and' the ideal partner and for this reason, the Indian
prime minister Narendra Modi and 'met with Vladimir Putin to discuss the
details of the agreement.
The cost of this pipeline are estimated at $ 40 billion and are
currently studying two possible routes, one that directly links Russia
and India through the Himalayas, and another that passes through the
Khazakstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Obviously, this project will not be 'not at all easy but the Indian
government and' determined to approviggionarsi from Russia and the
Russian government and 'more' than happy to find new customers for its
gas so 'as to compensate for the loss of the European market with good
peace to those who still insist on imposing sanctions on Russia.
For our part, we hope that this winter Russia decides to cut off
supplies of gas to Europe but if it happens we will know who to blame
and certainly not to Putin.
Governo mondiale e stranezze della Globalizzazione risparmiatori consumatori spogliati dall'inflazione e dalla speculazione,banche sempre meno trasparenti.Imbevitori di ogni sorta pronti a qualsiasi cosa purché di guadagni facili.Politici con nuove leggi che gravano sempre più sul comune cittadino,illuminati maghi,filantropi,onlus,coop,sette religiose,massoni.Piramidi sempre più perfette e ben studiate. La parola fondi che in realtà significa che non saranno mai riempiti a discapito di qualcuno.
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