Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italy. Show all posts



Monday, October 31, 2016

LONDON - As Italy also Australia has the problem of illegal immigrants
who have no right to seekers arriving by sea, but unlike Italy, the
Australian government introduced draconian measures to prevent invasions
by those asylum seekers who are not .

And in fact in this connection it has decided to send all suspected
asylum seekers in reception centers that are located in Nauru or Manus
Island in Papua New Guinea, and whoever gets refugee status can 'go live
in other countries but not in Australia.

This policy has had some success in preventing the arrival of immigrants
by sea and of course avoided any accidents that could have cost the
lives of several of these desperate people, and for that reason it would
be logical to think that the Australian government does not intend to
introduce other draconian measures.

But things are not just so '.

A few days ago, the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said that
in the coming days his government will propose 'to the Parliament a law
that forbids all those who arrive by sea in Australia the opportunity'
to enter this country for life and the definition and 'quite large
considering that would affect not only refugees but also tourists,
businessmen and persons married to Australian and the only citizens
would be excluded children who currently find themselves in one of the
refugee centers in Nauru or Manus.

Turnbull said that this measure and 'necessary to give a strong and
clear message that is not appropriate to rely on smugglers because those
who do will be' prevented from going to Australia for good.

The purpose of this measure and 'clearly to stamp out the roots of human
trafficking by convincing all those who want to leave the door to enter
Australia illegally using methods that presuppose the arrival in
Australia without express prior thing that you can always if, instead of
breaking the law, follow the immigration procedures for work or study
and 'closed.

At the moment not 'clear whether the opposition will support this
measure, but certainly the Australian government will not be'
intimidated by the various humanitarian organizations that have done so
much damage elsewhere, who profit on this disgusting business.

This news' was widely reported in the British press, but censored in
Italy because it 'would give a lot of discomfort to the government Renzi
saw that Italians rightly ask because they' Italy does not follow the
Australian example and send all those who arrive by sea in other countries.

From January 2016 to date, they have been transported to Italy by
pretending to "poor refugees" over 170,000 Africans from across the
continent, and less than 5% of them with the opportunity to be accepted
as an asylum in Italy and consequently in the EU. And 'so high a risk
that these hordes invade Europe, that all - all true - neighboring
states have erected barriers and established strict controls at border
and along all border crossings with lines using even the army, as in

All this would not have been necessary if Italy, which is the government
Renzi, was using the Australian criteria to prevent the invasion of the
country. It would be very simple: once "saved at sea" Africans crammed
on boats and rafts, they should be brought back to Libya in safe havens
such as Tripoli, the more so now that the isis in Libya was eradicated.
But this, the Renzi government does not do it, otherwise it would
collapse the immense "deal hospitality" that makes more than 4 billion
euro a year - squandered by the state - to those who "takes care", not
least the Mafia, such as field investigations Rome showed.

And now that even entire regions of central Italy have been devastated
by the terrible consecutive earthquakes that have hit, the last violent
two days ago, more than the sixth grade, and already 40,000 Italians
were forced to flee from their homes destroyed and another 100,000 it
they will soon, cries that the Renzi government squandering billions for
Africans while the desperate Italians affected by the earthquake and
having lost everything, family, friends, home, work, are like a Dante's
circle to face a future that that being things does not give hope.

We do not agree to this horrendous injustice and decided to bring this
news coming from faraway Australia because 'we want Italians to rebel at
the Renzi government and force him to give all the resources that
squanders with Africans Italians earthquake victims.

If these reforms are, I Vote NO!

After more than twenty years I decided to get back in the queue to the polls to use the immense power that the state has granted me through my expensive Italian citizenship: December 4'm going to vote for the constitutional referendum. I have to inform you as well because in all honesty I have no idea, but I decided to go and vote and will vote NO.
However, before explaining the humble reasons that lead an anarchist like myself to use their precious time to participate in this "democratic" ritual, should plan a full-bodied and substantial
I want to first start by saying that I had to plug my nose and still withstand hard to retch at the thought of being on the same side of the fence of horrifying subjects such as Massimo D'Alema, Zagrebelsky Gustavo, Beppe Grillo and Motion 5 stables all, Matteo Salvini, Renato Brunetta, Silvio Berlusconi and companionship singer (at least sing ...) for whom i have a deep, persistent and constant scorn. But you want, even if a broken clock is right twice a day, when the choice is one of the three can also happen to be on the same side of people that makes you sick.
also state that I do not give absolutely nothing "to topple" the government of the equally despised Matteo Renzi. First, because I do not see a rational reason for a defeat of the government should resign and then yes because even if that happens I do not see on the horizon any Messiah who can save the geographical expression called Italy, militarily occupied by the organization (criminal ) that bears the name of the Italian Republic. I believe that it would take to save themselves:
- Less taxes (possibly zero);
- Less state spending (possibly zero);
- Fewer laws (few, clear and concise);
- Less state employees (possibly zero);
- Less State holdings in companies (possibly zero)
in short, to sum up in two words: LESS STATE.
But carries no political formation these instances, in Italy and I must say in virtually all the rest of the world (the exceptions are always interesting, but irrelevant to the outcome), trivially because who gets to make policy makes it to increase their own power on the other, not to reduce it.
So here it is at best to float or sink.
I think Renzi represents the floating, slow sinking or rather, not for what he does, but for external forces that support him and with him all the Italian State, reduced to an immense elephant in a china shop, already dead but it mummified and kept standing outside for fear of the consequences of his fall.
Probably unaware of the Marxist government (at least D'Alema concussion to read Marx did) Movement 5 stables mean the fast sinking for lack of external support and excess internal gullibility.
In both cases salvation is and remains an individual, then 'sti cocks of very great consequence of the referendum vote policies.
The latest and premise concerns the Italian Constitution: certainly will not vote NO to safeguard the Italian Constitution. The Italian Constitution is shit. Sucks. A jumble given birth Communists and Democrats self proclaimed winners of a lost war that does not respond to three key principles that a constitution should follow: synthesis, clarity and consistency.
Fortunately Antonino Trunfio on these pages regularly makes a meticulous work of criticism of this worthless crap: just read your post, I can only declare myself in agreement on all.
I'm going to vote and will vote NO to the constitutional referendum of December 4 because I made the huge splash of reading reform and believe pejorative than the current system. VERY pejorative. We see, then,
Analyze point by point the constitutional reform would be a long job, boring and completely useless to the bottom. As noted by our Guests the very fact that the reform is so long and complicated is reason enough for a dry and firm NO. But reading it to you if you want you can find it here .
Let us instead of the two pillars of the reform, which is more than enough: the abolition of perfect bicameralism and the Senate reform.
The perfect bicameralism is the process by which the two Houses of Parliament must approve both the exact same piece of legislation before it becomes effective. Any changes made to the text of a law by a Chamber shall be approved on the other. This process is realized in a coming and going of the text between the two chambers until final approval.
All this causes delays in the legislative process.
The reform aims to change this process by ensuring that the Senate votes, only some laws, while others just need the vote of one House of Representatives. In this way, the legislative process would be much faster. You could then do a lot more laws.
Have you by any chance you had even a moment in your life I do not say sure, but also just a vague feeling that there are too few laws in Italy?
Is there?
There seems to be so?
So you think, Miss Woods, Mr. Renzi?
And the souls of the dead were your worst, in this paesuccio fucking exist tens of thousands of laws and regulations, written with parts of the body intended to defecation by overpaid bureaucrats, in obvious, persistent and total contradiction with each other , so many and messy that the same government can not even tell you not to apply them, but even to explain, for fuck's sake, the so-called "citizen" - it's time to call it by its name, and that is a subject - and your fucking vital problem and priority is to change the Constitution because they can approve even more?
NO. I say NO. And I add, moderately, FUCK.
After this peaceful criticism of the first pillar of the reform, we move to the second, hilarious, pillar: Senate reform. For a while 'I have passed off as "abolition" of the Senate, then they realized that taking the piss was really too exaggerated for minds clouded by tivvù, they are passed to the word "reform."
As mentioned in case of victory of the yes, the Senate will not vote some more laws. But it will not disappear, ever, but simply no longer be elected, but composed of councilors elected by regional councils and a little more even by the President of the Republic, perhaps because otherwise the subjects could begin to suspect that it did not serve a fucking him either. The new Senate will vote only some laws, particularly those concerning the application of European regulations (which then, as known to the bureaucrats are in parks give birth more laws, will be very few, right?) And those of local interest, but also other , whose confusissima and absurd list found in Article 10 of the reform .
Basically we try to merely copy the dysfunctional German parliamentary system, but it is at least consistent because Germany is a Federal State. Instead the Italian Republic is not only federal, but in this same constitutional reform is going to limit the autonomy of the regions, rimodificando Title V, then on the one hand you a more federal parliament, on the other hand is limited federalism. What does it mean? Sarcazzo.
Throughout this whole ordeal it is justified with the mythological "cutting the cost of politics", that when I hear the phrase I put my hand to the gun because I already know that at porn is coming soon: the new senators, in fact, will have regional advisers and perceive already the salary for that role, so they will not receive the salary of senators (but daily allowances and reimbursement miscellaneous expenses, make no mistake, yes).
Already talking about the cost reduction of parliament when the parliament itself has not only the barbers as employees, but also pays them as an executive of a multinational company, is a jack ass, but if we cut 'sti fucking costs - and them we want to cut, oh if you want to cut - it is no longer easy to start drastically reducing the number of parliamentarians? Let's use, say, twenty, ten senators and ten deputies. So maybe we know them well and know with whom blame for the filth they do. We still want to cut? Let's say these 20 do not take no salary, and live entirely on donations and finished the film. Are the "representatives of the people"? The "people" will be happy to donate a few cents to their representatives, no? NO? And if NO, fuck's sake, it is right to die of hunger!
But once we have with this clever move reduced to zero "costs of" stop policy for the benefit of talking about it and we go to see the hundreds of billions that are thrown in the toilet, because in this paesuccio the state spends billions eight hundred and tell OTTOCENTO the year of public spending, which is a number that you spell that 800 million € 000.00 and I like some suspicion that it is a tantinino exaggerated. Maybe we can do better. A limaturina. What do you say, huh? Un'accorciatina, a trim. We ask barbers House how to do, with all the money that will surely take the world's best in the field.
So even at this, let's face it, crazy shit Senate reform I say, moderately as always, NO.
And that is enough.
The rest of the reform is secondary. It also has something positive, but they are irrelevant details compared to the pillars. They could have let us vote article by article, but I wanted to go all-in, and now, as far as I'm concerned, their seven red with two black can stick it straight in the ass.
I wish to close this post here already too long, but I feel the buzz in the ears of the average piddino, who says the recurring phrase from radical chic in champagnino and hogan "yeah, but if ragionassero all so we would not do anything." Phrase that infuriates me like a Tasmanian devil in speed overdose.
Noting the average piddino that the state does less and better off you are, because you really want to do, I will make
First the good, healthy and effective constitutional reform should start with the repeal of the current Constitution: we take it, we print on a roll of toilet paper (probably serve one maxi) and use it to wipe our asses.
Then we start to put some 'of limits: we put a limit on the size of the same Constitution (for example a publishing folder), a limit to the size of the Civil Code, a limit to the size of the Penal Code, a limit to taxation and a limit to spending.
We then add perhaps that the popular initiative laws by parliament - place that should exist -nemmeno we pass and in any case the new laws, as well as international treaties, must be adopted by all and only by a referendum, with a very high quorum ( 75%) and a very high consensus (75%). Maybe we also say that instead the referendums quorum do not have just a simple majority. And we could also say that if by chance the parliamentarians - given that there must be - dare to propose a law that has already been repealed by a referendum, these are hanged or impaled in front of the parliament and their corpses left there for a few months as an incentive for colleagues to do better. Type: you have proposed a proportional electoral law after we have beaten us for years to repeal it and in the end we succeeded? ZAC! Impaled and remains there with a face like a idiot to greet your former colleagues in the morning.
Finally Condiamo all with the possibility of each community to become free and independent, and we ready our new cool fresh constitution to serve the citizens.
Happen? No, not going to happen. But do not say that we have no proposals. I do not like, I know, but we have.
Meanwhile your proposal really makes me shit, so this time I will vote and will vote NO!





1) it takes more Europe.
2) need to focus on growth.
3) we need to reduce taxes.
4) you have to reduce your debt.
5) Italy will play a leading role in the European future.
6) we must work as a team.
7) Italy grows poorly because it does not make structural reforms.
the € 8) is just a coin.
9) banks, altogether, are solid.
10) the TTIP agrees at all.
11) we must reduce the tax wedge.
12) it takes more flexibility in the workplace.
13) In Italy, wages are too rigid.
14) you may need to reduce pensions.
Italian health model 15) is not sustainable.
16) we will continue to produce abroad but ready investments in Italy.
17) Italian banks are suffering problems.
18) zero rates are a problem but an opportunity.
19) there is a need for more expansionary monetary policies.
20) immigrants are an asset.
21) from Ventotene is a new Europe.
22) Italy will grow.
Renzi 23) the Government is doing a lot of things.
24) if he wins the Trump will break out a war.
25) the collapse linked to Brexit there was because Britain hasn't yet emerged from the EU.
26) 2017 will eventually be the year of recovery. There are all conditions.
27) we moved abroad but the brand, history and soul remain in Italy.
28) we need to internationalize the excellence.
29) it has been a year of light and darkness but we are confident for the future.
30) the euro protects the system country and Italian savers.
31) you must defeat the uprights populism.
32) Italy is prey to the populists. Who wants the Italy out of the Euro takes a future of destitution.
33) Italian banks hi thanks to the euro.
34) On Bail in a risk but an opportunity.
35) NPLs are more a case of media that a real problem.
36) markets have a distorted view of Italian banks, nearly all of them promoted in recent stress tests.
37) the Yes in the referendum will give stability to the country.
38) we are buying volatility.
39) there is no emergency.
40) we're covered in case the markets moved against.
41) we aim at steady growth globally.
42) Italy will rise by the earthquake, as after the Eagle.
43) don't leave the Italy but we focus on global markets.
44) this is our expertise! In this field we aim to expand our core business!
45) if the South does not grow Italy is split in 2.
46) there is a great desire for made in Italy especially in China.
47) the yield is on shares.
48) hard to say if any field is level.
49) real estate mortgage growth shows that the Italian is back to grow and that fears about the value of bank guarantees are unfounded.
50) look for State intervention in favour of the banks.
51) recent history teaches that when States intervene in support of the banks, taxpayers get handsome profits.



images Litalia THAT SINKING WORK MORE OR LESS SOItaly sinking (as it should be) works more or less like this.
Let's say you have a small business that goes well, producing sales and profits. The company is entrusted with the banking system because the business is good and you have mortgaged your home to ensure the necessary line of credit to your company in order to work. 
You were also always diligent and accurate payment of suppliers, the ta iff and contributions of your employees. In short, everything in order. At a certain point in the story comes the crisis and your company should be in trouble. But since you've been diligent, maybe you put away some savings. So, you support the company (as it should be) because you think that the crisis is temporary and therefore destined to be resolved in a short time.
There is one problem, though. That is to say that the crisis, rather than only last a few quarters, went on for several years, however, worsened. But you do not mushy, why do you do with a matter of pride and good name. Maybe the good name of your grandfather's or your father who, with so much sacrifice, they had created that company thinking that one day would be you to manage and be the steersman.
For this reason, in these years of crisis, you'll bleed to death and the enterprise fund drying up all your savings. But not enough. Your customers increasingly delaying payments. Some of them fail and your credits become waste paper. They are loans that you had mentioned in your bank credit lines. So, to avoid signaling to the central banking risks, you have to cover them up.
Ask other loans, in other banks. But they also sailing in troubled waters and then, when they see that your business is no longer profitable as in past years, do not have the confidence to take on loans to other banks, which would be your debts. So legitimately refuse to finance your.
To fix the holes that are opening up, having exhausted his savings, you have no other way out but to finance your not paying taxes. So do not pay VAT, income tax from your employees and even contributions.
Try to plug the holes as you can. But the crisis is worsening and the holes become chasms. Your historic bank with which you have entrusted and lines of credit, is becoming increasingly intolerant towards your position. They feel at risk and are also asking for signatures to guarantee your wife or your family. The grant, also accompanied by a guarantee of a trust to which you, while not potendotelo permit, pay lavish fees.
Tax liabilities increase. You get bundles of good-natured warnings by the tax authorities. Li rateizzi, with associated penalties and interest. But you can not pay them and then decades by the benefits. The state accounts in shambles and needs to be collected. So send the cavalry to charge the tax claim.
Comes with Equitalia premiums, interest and penalties with 30%. Now you're with water in the throat and if you decide that you do not want to send home your employees and you want to keep your business paying suppliers, you care Equitalia. But these, after a few months, they attack your shed and you sign a mortgage. The bank realizes the mortgage registered by Equitalia and understand that you are more doomed than what emerges from your budgets. You ask for the return of exposures. Now you're bankrupt and your company is going to hell.
You no longer working, the suppliers do not deliver more goods and you can not do anything more than to drown in your own despair in a sea of ​​mud called glia. Have you finished your reserves, your family and squeaks instead of having unemployment benefits, you get folders Equitalia. End of story. It is not a happy ending.
Ps: this is a story common to millions of businesses and families in Italy. Subjects who have no future and that this state pretends not to see condemning them to certain death. 

from Winners and Losers of Paul Cardena



This gentleman is Katainen, EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs claims Penalty
Italy and the USA is putting Finlandi like Greece.

Katainen, who is he? Don Abbondio probably would pose this question in the comments vitriolic launched unelected Italian Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen from this fresh European commissioner for economic affairs. The answer is soon given: former Prime Minister of Finland, who just settled into his new role as European oligarch, he promptly declared that Italy does not have the right to request flexibility on European standards and should in fact be more ready and above Prone to comply with the dictates of European austerity and poverty.

Nothing new under the sun, you say, but how much less irritating to say whether such claims is the former premier of a state that in recent years has achieved results which do end up straight behind the blackboard with a lot of donkey ears well stuck in my head.

You do not believe that a state like Finland could be worse than the country of puffins? Yet it is so.

Do you think that in less than five years, the Finnish government debt has almost doubled, rising from 33.9% to 57% in 2014. Course, is less than half of what Italic, but the speed at which it is growing is alarming to say the least and , which is not insignificant, before the advent of "governments grandfather George", the Italian public debt was the one with the growth rate lower than all other nations in the euro area since the start of the 2008 crisis . After 2011, thanks to the efforts of governments Monti, Letta and Renzi has exploded and this thanks to having followed the recipes of the eu.

Some might think that with rising public debt, Finland has been able to maintain low unemployment and GDP in positive through appropriate measures to stimulate the economy.

Also in this case Finland is red and blue pencil: GDP remains below the pre-crisis levels of 2008 and is still in negative territory, while unemployment jumped to over 10% and will soon rise again, visa Microsoft announced 18,000 layoffs in Nokia. Sure, Katainen could always propose the Finns to work harder and, perhaps, to emigrate to Hanoi, where the "new" Nokia will produce its phones.

The cost of labor has increased, while productivity fell, making suddenly "virtuous" Greece in comparison with the Nordic country.

Finland has, in the last instance, all economic and social indicators typical of most of the Mediterranean countries of Scandinavia, with values ​​that would take the harsh reprimands of the oligarchs of Brussels and the finger raised to German Chancellor Merkel, perhaps with the roar background of speculation on the public debt made by banks Teutonic in case of resistance to "take medicine".

Yeah: Katainen sermon and scratching hurt even worse, but being part of the "Nordic bloc" so dear to Germany, can make the lecture Italy with impunity, without having to account for the disaster in his country.

The saddest thing, however, is that the former mayor of Florence, has not seriously banged his fists on the table, pretending to Katainen and Finland for the immediate implementation of reforms blood and tears, which are mostly demanded by us.

But, you know, Don Abbondio felt crock pot in the middle iron pots and our Prime Minister is not elected, despite some bombastic statements, it appears more and more like the character Manzoni. Which, for a country that is reeling in the worst economic and social crisis since the end of World War II, is not really good. So even a Katainen any, can afford to make us moral, without looking at the beam in his own eye.
Google translation


Privatization Italy: Ridiculous and Dangerous Incompetence

Privatization Italy: Ridiculous and Dangerous Incompetence
I wonder if some subsidized media will notice the figure of shit made ​​by the new phenomenon that has Italy as Minister of Economy and Finance.

Moreover, it is something very dangerous and that puts a stone TOMBSTONE any other hypothesis privatization Italian. Ok many will say, thank goodness! Well, for a moment, before you breathe a sigh of relief it would be better to note that Italy has shown yet another business GUANO A view towards foreign capital.

And at the same time, or state has given yet another rip-off citizens, Italian investors who trusted him. And I agree, cabbage to trust them, but be careful, here we are talking about small investors who have made buggered by a series of television commercials and went to subscribe for shares on the basis of what is fortunately little confidence that the Italian State Thief still manages to convey.

I remind points to the sad and horrible story of the sale of shares on the Stock Exchange Fincantieri:

The story is well known: in the public offering and sale of shares Fincantieri, at the hands of its sole shareholder of the Deposits and Loans Fund, was planned sale of 104 million shares by CDP, and the issuance of 600 million new shares, to support the development plans of the company. Of this stock offer maximum, 141 million shares were allocated to the retail public (small investors), and the remaining 563 million shares to institutional investors. What happens at the end of the placement period? You find that foreign institutional investors have booked only a dozen million shares, while the Italian institutional thirty million. Out of a total of 563 million shares to institutional destined. So what? Meletti writes:

     What does this point to the number one Fincantieri, Giuseppe Bono? Do not lose heart and run for cover. Remove the offering of shares of the Deposit and Loans for sale, and it also reduces the capital increase, so that the placement is reduced from 704 million to 450 million shares. Then fixed the price at minimum fork, 0.78 euro. But the shot of the master is called claw-back. This is the clause that allows, at any time, move the weights of placement among institutional and retail investors. International funds have good reason to stay away from Fincantieri actions? Very well, without investigating further they give up the Italian retail investors. So go to the institutional 49 million shares (him had proposed 563 million), and the poor small private investors who still trust their bank come to 401 million shares (313 million euro on the nail) instead of the proposed 141 million. One might ask: but if depositors 400 million shares have asked the, what's wrong? There is no one warned them that the international funds of those actions were spitting on us. Anyone who has bank branches knows the refrain that the officials are trained to repeat in exchange for a premium for each share placed: "Look, it's a bargain garnde, the Fincantieri will be snapped up, the demand will be three times the offer, then she asks three lots least four thousand shares, so when you go to the allotment will have its package verbatim "

Well so many beautiful small shareholders to be mowed for good.

In fact, after the price of decency Fincantieri has magically kept on the prices of placement for a couple of sessions and via the parachute (bet that was placed by the placing banks
It was serene, this is just the beginning of shearing.

Now, with what face Padoan goes around talking about the stock market and sales of state companies?

What are the credentials that Padoan screams in Europe?

Pull Parcels to the citizens and the (few) institutions that have been?


And look, I know, sprouts are those who have trusted the State, it is true. But I do not find anything nienete fun and even useful, just another demonstration of international jurisdiction.

Translated by Google.

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