

images Litalia THAT SINKING WORK MORE OR LESS SOItaly sinking (as it should be) works more or less like this.
Let's say you have a small business that goes well, producing sales and profits. The company is entrusted with the banking system because the business is good and you have mortgaged your home to ensure the necessary line of credit to your company in order to work. 
You were also always diligent and accurate payment of suppliers, the ta iff and contributions of your employees. In short, everything in order. At a certain point in the story comes the crisis and your company should be in trouble. But since you've been diligent, maybe you put away some savings. So, you support the company (as it should be) because you think that the crisis is temporary and therefore destined to be resolved in a short time.
There is one problem, though. That is to say that the crisis, rather than only last a few quarters, went on for several years, however, worsened. But you do not mushy, why do you do with a matter of pride and good name. Maybe the good name of your grandfather's or your father who, with so much sacrifice, they had created that company thinking that one day would be you to manage and be the steersman.
For this reason, in these years of crisis, you'll bleed to death and the enterprise fund drying up all your savings. But not enough. Your customers increasingly delaying payments. Some of them fail and your credits become waste paper. They are loans that you had mentioned in your bank credit lines. So, to avoid signaling to the central banking risks, you have to cover them up.
Ask other loans, in other banks. But they also sailing in troubled waters and then, when they see that your business is no longer profitable as in past years, do not have the confidence to take on loans to other banks, which would be your debts. So legitimately refuse to finance your.
To fix the holes that are opening up, having exhausted his savings, you have no other way out but to finance your not paying taxes. So do not pay VAT, income tax from your employees and even contributions.
Try to plug the holes as you can. But the crisis is worsening and the holes become chasms. Your historic bank with which you have entrusted and lines of credit, is becoming increasingly intolerant towards your position. They feel at risk and are also asking for signatures to guarantee your wife or your family. The grant, also accompanied by a guarantee of a trust to which you, while not potendotelo permit, pay lavish fees.
Tax liabilities increase. You get bundles of good-natured warnings by the tax authorities. Li rateizzi, with associated penalties and interest. But you can not pay them and then decades by the benefits. The state accounts in shambles and needs to be collected. So send the cavalry to charge the tax claim.
Comes with Equitalia premiums, interest and penalties with 30%. Now you're with water in the throat and if you decide that you do not want to send home your employees and you want to keep your business paying suppliers, you care Equitalia. But these, after a few months, they attack your shed and you sign a mortgage. The bank realizes the mortgage registered by Equitalia and understand that you are more doomed than what emerges from your budgets. You ask for the return of exposures. Now you're bankrupt and your company is going to hell.
You no longer working, the suppliers do not deliver more goods and you can not do anything more than to drown in your own despair in a sea of ​​mud called glia. Have you finished your reserves, your family and squeaks instead of having unemployment benefits, you get folders Equitalia. End of story. It is not a happy ending.
Ps: this is a story common to millions of businesses and families in Italy. Subjects who have no future and that this state pretends not to see condemning them to certain death. 

from Winners and Losers of Paul Cardena

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