Showing posts with label AFRICAN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AFRICAN. Show all posts



Monday, October 31, 2016

LONDON - As Italy also Australia has the problem of illegal immigrants
who have no right to seekers arriving by sea, but unlike Italy, the
Australian government introduced draconian measures to prevent invasions
by those asylum seekers who are not .

And in fact in this connection it has decided to send all suspected
asylum seekers in reception centers that are located in Nauru or Manus
Island in Papua New Guinea, and whoever gets refugee status can 'go live
in other countries but not in Australia.

This policy has had some success in preventing the arrival of immigrants
by sea and of course avoided any accidents that could have cost the
lives of several of these desperate people, and for that reason it would
be logical to think that the Australian government does not intend to
introduce other draconian measures.

But things are not just so '.

A few days ago, the Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said that
in the coming days his government will propose 'to the Parliament a law
that forbids all those who arrive by sea in Australia the opportunity'
to enter this country for life and the definition and 'quite large
considering that would affect not only refugees but also tourists,
businessmen and persons married to Australian and the only citizens
would be excluded children who currently find themselves in one of the
refugee centers in Nauru or Manus.

Turnbull said that this measure and 'necessary to give a strong and
clear message that is not appropriate to rely on smugglers because those
who do will be' prevented from going to Australia for good.

The purpose of this measure and 'clearly to stamp out the roots of human
trafficking by convincing all those who want to leave the door to enter
Australia illegally using methods that presuppose the arrival in
Australia without express prior thing that you can always if, instead of
breaking the law, follow the immigration procedures for work or study
and 'closed.

At the moment not 'clear whether the opposition will support this
measure, but certainly the Australian government will not be'
intimidated by the various humanitarian organizations that have done so
much damage elsewhere, who profit on this disgusting business.

This news' was widely reported in the British press, but censored in
Italy because it 'would give a lot of discomfort to the government Renzi
saw that Italians rightly ask because they' Italy does not follow the
Australian example and send all those who arrive by sea in other countries.

From January 2016 to date, they have been transported to Italy by
pretending to "poor refugees" over 170,000 Africans from across the
continent, and less than 5% of them with the opportunity to be accepted
as an asylum in Italy and consequently in the EU. And 'so high a risk
that these hordes invade Europe, that all - all true - neighboring
states have erected barriers and established strict controls at border
and along all border crossings with lines using even the army, as in

All this would not have been necessary if Italy, which is the government
Renzi, was using the Australian criteria to prevent the invasion of the
country. It would be very simple: once "saved at sea" Africans crammed
on boats and rafts, they should be brought back to Libya in safe havens
such as Tripoli, the more so now that the isis in Libya was eradicated.
But this, the Renzi government does not do it, otherwise it would
collapse the immense "deal hospitality" that makes more than 4 billion
euro a year - squandered by the state - to those who "takes care", not
least the Mafia, such as field investigations Rome showed.

And now that even entire regions of central Italy have been devastated
by the terrible consecutive earthquakes that have hit, the last violent
two days ago, more than the sixth grade, and already 40,000 Italians
were forced to flee from their homes destroyed and another 100,000 it
they will soon, cries that the Renzi government squandering billions for
Africans while the desperate Italians affected by the earthquake and
having lost everything, family, friends, home, work, are like a Dante's
circle to face a future that that being things does not give hope.

We do not agree to this horrendous injustice and decided to bring this
news coming from faraway Australia because 'we want Italians to rebel at
the Renzi government and force him to give all the resources that
squanders with Africans Italians earthquake victims.

Vogliono davvero ridurre la popolazione?

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