Showing posts with label Finland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finland. Show all posts



This gentleman is Katainen, EU Commissioner for Economic Affairs claims Penalty
Italy and the USA is putting Finlandi like Greece.

Katainen, who is he? Don Abbondio probably would pose this question in the comments vitriolic launched unelected Italian Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen from this fresh European commissioner for economic affairs. The answer is soon given: former Prime Minister of Finland, who just settled into his new role as European oligarch, he promptly declared that Italy does not have the right to request flexibility on European standards and should in fact be more ready and above Prone to comply with the dictates of European austerity and poverty.

Nothing new under the sun, you say, but how much less irritating to say whether such claims is the former premier of a state that in recent years has achieved results which do end up straight behind the blackboard with a lot of donkey ears well stuck in my head.

You do not believe that a state like Finland could be worse than the country of puffins? Yet it is so.

Do you think that in less than five years, the Finnish government debt has almost doubled, rising from 33.9% to 57% in 2014. Course, is less than half of what Italic, but the speed at which it is growing is alarming to say the least and , which is not insignificant, before the advent of "governments grandfather George", the Italian public debt was the one with the growth rate lower than all other nations in the euro area since the start of the 2008 crisis . After 2011, thanks to the efforts of governments Monti, Letta and Renzi has exploded and this thanks to having followed the recipes of the eu.

Some might think that with rising public debt, Finland has been able to maintain low unemployment and GDP in positive through appropriate measures to stimulate the economy.

Also in this case Finland is red and blue pencil: GDP remains below the pre-crisis levels of 2008 and is still in negative territory, while unemployment jumped to over 10% and will soon rise again, visa Microsoft announced 18,000 layoffs in Nokia. Sure, Katainen could always propose the Finns to work harder and, perhaps, to emigrate to Hanoi, where the "new" Nokia will produce its phones.

The cost of labor has increased, while productivity fell, making suddenly "virtuous" Greece in comparison with the Nordic country.

Finland has, in the last instance, all economic and social indicators typical of most of the Mediterranean countries of Scandinavia, with values ​​that would take the harsh reprimands of the oligarchs of Brussels and the finger raised to German Chancellor Merkel, perhaps with the roar background of speculation on the public debt made by banks Teutonic in case of resistance to "take medicine".

Yeah: Katainen sermon and scratching hurt even worse, but being part of the "Nordic bloc" so dear to Germany, can make the lecture Italy with impunity, without having to account for the disaster in his country.

The saddest thing, however, is that the former mayor of Florence, has not seriously banged his fists on the table, pretending to Katainen and Finland for the immediate implementation of reforms blood and tears, which are mostly demanded by us.

But, you know, Don Abbondio felt crock pot in the middle iron pots and our Prime Minister is not elected, despite some bombastic statements, it appears more and more like the character Manzoni. Which, for a country that is reeling in the worst economic and social crisis since the end of World War II, is not really good. So even a Katainen any, can afford to make us moral, without looking at the beam in his own eye.
Google translation

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