Showing posts with label truffe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label truffe. Show all posts


Details requested for the Job Position.

La canzone è ormai diventata vecchia eppure continuano.

Charity Organization
1119 K Street, 2nd Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814

Hello ,

My name is Issaih Clark, I work for the charity Organization based in California. I am 58 years.

I am looking for someone that can handle my business errands during his or her spare time(I own an Art Gallery)

I need your service because I am constantly traveling abroad to support the charity Organization. We work in over 190 countries helping children survive, protecting them from harm and getting them to school.

Manage my business errands today and earn yourself not less than $670weekly. You are not required to travel abroad or inter state. Your errands are simple and straight

1. Receive my mail and Drop them off at the post office or shipping center.
2. Pick up my items at your nearby post office at your convenience.
3. When you get my mail or package, you would mail all items to where I want them shipped. All expenses and shipping charges will be covered by me.

The contents of the packages are mostly art materials and paintings. In addition, there will be clothing I need for business and personal letters. No heavy packages is involved

please read the employment requirements listed below.


A. You are an honest and trustworthy citizen.
B. You need to be able to check your EMAIL 2 times daily.

THE PAY IS $670 WEEKLY and you are entitle to a brand new car after 2weeks if you are hardworking and honest with me, WHICH IS NOT A BAD OFFER.

In closing, I have a couple of questions for you.

First, If I were to mail you money to do my shopping plus an upfront payment for your service, where would you want it mailed to?

Second, how would you like for your name appear on any Package sent to you?

Apply Below & send your information to

Full Name:
Zip Code:
Home No:
Cell NO:
Work Status:


Hope all is clear?

Waiting to hear from you  & I look forward to establish a long term business relationship with you.

Issaih Clark


Dividendi la tosatura silenziosa dell’azionista

Articolo di Beppe Scienza che ringraziamo immensamente per istruirci su cose che quasi nessuno ci spiega.

CON L’INIZIO del 2014
sono dieci anni esatti dalla
soppressione del credito
d’imposta sui dividendi.
Un istituto di equità
fiscale che si sono ben
guardati dal ripristinare i
governi da allora succedutisi,
di destra, sinistra e
intese più o meno larghe.
Il principio a monte di
questo strumento è semplice:
permettere al piccolo
azionista di essere tassato
sugli utili distribuiti
dalla società in base al suo
reddito. E in particolare
di meno, se questo è basso.
Il che è del tutto coerente
col criterio di progressività
tributaria enunciato
nell’articolo 53 della
Costituzione. Vediamo
cosa capita invece adesso,
semplificando molto, perché
la normativa è complessa,
ma quello che
conta è il concetto di fondo.
Partendo da 100 euro
lordi di utile per azione e
togliendo il 27,5 per cento
per l’imposta sul reddito
delle società (Ires), restano
72,5 euro. Se la società
li distribuisce come dividendo,
viene applicata
un'ulteriore ritenuta del
20 per cento, per cui in
tasca all'azionista arrivano
58 euro netti. Così in
pratica paga il 42 per cento
di tasse. A rigore ben
di più a causa di un’altra
imposta (Irap), dei costi
non deducibili ecc. Ma
fermiamoci pure qua.
È giusto che un piccolo risparmiatore
sia così tartassato?
Fino al 2003 si
pensava di no. Per cui un
contribuente con redditi
medio-bassi riceva indietro
un po’ di soldini, riportando
i dividendi nel modello
Unico o anche nel
730. La norma venne
abrogata da Giulio Tremonti
a fine 2003, in barba
alla prima delle tanto decantate
“tre i” (impresa,
Internet e inglese). Perché
Enrico Letta non ha trovato
lo spazio per reintrodurla,
fra le centinaia di
provvedimenti di cui ha
infarcito la Finanziaria e il
decreto Milleproroghe?
Ragionando sulle aliquote
attuali e su ogni 100 euro
di dividendi netti incassati,
chi è nel secondo scaglione
(15-28 mila euro di
reddito annuo) riceverebbe
dall’erario altri 25,9 euro;
e addirittura 32,8 nel
caso di redditi inferiori.
Mentre ora, di fatto, tutti
sono obbligati a subire la
cosiddetta cedolare secca
sui dividendi, inventata
per chi aveva redditi alti. È
così che si vogliono indurre
gli italiani a comprare
altre azioni delle aziende
pubbliche da privatizzare?


Dear Friend phishing?

Se ricevete mail del genere non rispondete al 99% sono truffe.

If you receive such email does not answer the 99% are scams.

Dear Friend!! Good Day,
I am Dr Frances Ozioma the Accountant General of Delta State in the Federal Republic of Nigeria; I have a business proposal for you I got your contact details while browsing through the internet seeking for a trusted foreign partner.

I work for the Delta State Government in Nigeria and presently i am in charge of the delegates sent to the United Kingdom for negotiation talk on the return of funds stolen from the Delta State Government by the past Governor Mr. James Ibori, you can as well go through this news link to be sure of the authenticity of this message:

First What i need from you is trust and confidence that you can handle this deal, may i also inform you that this is a risk free transaction as such you have nothing to be afraid of and at the end of this deal we will both smile and be happy, the proceed from this deal will be shared 60% for me and 40% .

After a successful negotiation with the UK Government ( $250 Million) was released to the Delta State Government by the UK Government, being part of the money stolen from the Delta State Government by the past Governor, the ($250 Million) has also been moved to Nigeria into the Delta Government Account.

But during the conclusion of the investigation and negotiation talk i received a call from the HSBC Bank Malaysia that Mr. James Ibori had an account with them with a total sum of ($27 Million) deposited into the account and from my investigation and clear observation the said fund with HSBC Bank Malaysia is not among the fund recorded to be returned to the Delta State Government in Nigeria and that is were you come in as a partner.

I need you to work with me so that we can have this unrecorded ($27 Million) moved out of HSBC Bank Malaysia and to your account in your country, the HSBC Bank Account were this fund is deposited is working very okay and all documemts including ATM CARD are still valid, so there wont be any problem moving the fund out beside that is part of my assignment.

Get back to me if you can handle this risk free deal and lets work out something for our own good, below is my contact details email me as soon as you receive this message, i will be leaving UK to Malaysia at once to conclude this deal as soon as i hear from you.

I await your prompt response.

Thank you.

Dr Frances Ozioma
Chairman Delta State Negotiation Committee.

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