
Dear Friend phishing?

Se ricevete mail del genere non rispondete al 99% sono truffe.

If you receive such email does not answer the 99% are scams.

Dear Friend!! Good Day,
I am Dr Frances Ozioma the Accountant General of Delta State in the Federal Republic of Nigeria; I have a business proposal for you I got your contact details while browsing through the internet seeking for a trusted foreign partner.

I work for the Delta State Government in Nigeria and presently i am in charge of the delegates sent to the United Kingdom for negotiation talk on the return of funds stolen from the Delta State Government by the past Governor Mr. James Ibori, you can as well go through this news link to be sure of the authenticity of this message: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-17739388

First What i need from you is trust and confidence that you can handle this deal, may i also inform you that this is a risk free transaction as such you have nothing to be afraid of and at the end of this deal we will both smile and be happy, the proceed from this deal will be shared 60% for me and 40% .

After a successful negotiation with the UK Government ( $250 Million) was released to the Delta State Government by the UK Government, being part of the money stolen from the Delta State Government by the past Governor, the ($250 Million) has also been moved to Nigeria into the Delta Government Account.

But during the conclusion of the investigation and negotiation talk i received a call from the HSBC Bank Malaysia that Mr. James Ibori had an account with them with a total sum of ($27 Million) deposited into the account and from my investigation and clear observation the said fund with HSBC Bank Malaysia is not among the fund recorded to be returned to the Delta State Government in Nigeria and that is were you come in as a partner.

I need you to work with me so that we can have this unrecorded ($27 Million) moved out of HSBC Bank Malaysia and to your account in your country, the HSBC Bank Account were this fund is deposited is working very okay and all documemts including ATM CARD are still valid, so there wont be any problem moving the fund out beside that is part of my assignment.

Get back to me if you can handle this risk free deal and lets work out something for our own good, below is my contact details email me as soon as you receive this message, i will be leaving UK to Malaysia at once to conclude this deal as soon as i hear from you.

I await your prompt response.

Thank you.

Dr Frances Ozioma
Chairman Delta State Negotiation Committee.
E-mail: drfrancesozioma1@globomail.com

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