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Showing posts with label education. Show all posts


Financial education: only weapon of survival

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Financial education: only weapon of survival

"An ignorant people do not reason, obeys." To this basic ignorance, induced, it also adds the weapon of "mass distraction" in a war that winds and of which we are more and more victims.
"An ignorant people do not reason, obeys." Word of Francesco De Sanctis. It was 1860 and Italy was at the dawn of its controversial existence. Today, 150 years later, the policy has yet easy game, out of a population that besides being deliberately kept in ignorance (with cuts to the school and without any competitive offer from teaching methods arrears in both the teaching staff in the very structures) is also stressed the most pressing problems and currently present.
The fusion of the disciplines

Humanists are the last aristocratic culture and the sublime pleasure that allows you to appreciate a hexameter Homer is undoubtedly invaluable, but we all live in a world that is governed by the finance and finance ignores the Greek meter as well as the beauty of 'oratory of Cicero or the construct Tacitus. But paradoxically, as the only gift is just the classical culture to warn us that Mother Logic can come to our rescue and makes us understand how the first weapon to sharpen both knowledge of the language spoken by the "enemy". Yes, the enemy, because civil society, today, without even knowing it, is in fact in the middle of a war. Fought well with other weapons, most notably that of "mass distraction" that welcomes provide myriad input useless tidbits seasoned easy sensationalism, or a subculture also imposed on banks of the school, in a dilapidated structure (budget cuts ) in turn run by professors equally resigned to a career often precarious, without stimuli or the other opposite, lying lazily in the certainties of a permanent contract. For those who have.
War, it was said. Parallelism too simple if you think that our economy, with its numbers can easily be compared to that of the Second World War on the consumer side: every day in many in Europe are forced to make ends meet making choices increasingly selective, dictated by a crisis that continues to persist, so much so that 80% of women to return to the value of the self-made, English-speaking term that could easily be translated with the classic homemade ".
Return to the wisdom of DIY

Food especially, also benefit health in some cases, but also clothes, thanks to the knowledge capacity maybe learn from a grandmother (luckily Italy has a population particularly long-lived and wisdom is always a bastion safe during storms, of all kinds), but also the discovery of the Internet as a place to exchange tips, create purchasing groups, have the possibility of barter, recycle or exploit ideas for recycling. A war with the work, to find it, to keep it, to be able to understand why there is not, but above all to understand why we are asking sacrifices people, politicians, who often do not have to sacrifice ever made. And is bitterly mocking the scene starring this "sacrifice" the unemployed in their early twenties who have no salary, much less no subsidies, just fired their fifties, too young to retire, too old for a new hire, but with a lot of family dependents and mortgage to close. A people who, as said earlier, often bears too. The reasons? So many, so many will not even be found more in one quadrant.

Ignorance financial
Everything could be one of the financial ignorance: according to a recent OECD study that involved 18 nations, Italy was second last for the knowledge of the subject. No wonder, then, that today no one be offended if he reads the news of an exposure to derivatives by Deutsche Bank amounting to 75 trillion dollars virtually the same amount of global GDP and 5 times that of Europe, or that in the US the major 5 the banks are for 40 trillion. Maybe because we ourselves are not even accustomed to thinking in trillions, or because, quite rightly, concerned about many other emergencies daily, with a slalom between taxes and tax deadlines that by the next day will bring into the coffers of the state 44 billion. How many of these will then be returned as services to citizens? And how, instead used to plug the hole from potential exposure to derivatives in June saw those on the public debt of the Italian Republic with a deficit of 34.4 billion euro? In the real possibility of not being able to honor our, deadlines, we find hardly desire to understand those of the Italian state. As well as to go and look up the meaning and dynamics that govern a derivative. Financial education and economic latita is a serious handicap.

The hidden benefits in daily life
Have it would be useful not only to understand what is really happening to the nation, what often unknown even to the politicians in office, but also for the understanding of reality and especially to be able to offer an alternative to the system. Easy to complain, propose plans reasoned, however, is very different. Financial education that would also be useful to be aware of our possibilities: extricate the financial jargon to understand the voices of your bank statement and find out the hidden costs imposed (and silenced) by banks, understand that the TAN (pure interest rate applied to a financing) or the APR (the indicator of interest rate financing operation) at the bottom of a loan within the customary range, improve the ability of criticism at the time of purchase, because every time you put your wallet at the supermarket, or you change even the rate of the telephone bill, it means that it has concluded a contract, or an exchange of goods / offer / rate, which has been taken note of and which are accepted as the intrinsic characteristics also the price. And perhaps avoiding some little surprise at the end of the month ...
"The quality of education given to the lower classes must be the poor and mediocre as possible so that the distance of ignorance that plans among the lower classes and upper classes is and remains impossible to fill the lower classes." This recently wrote Noam Chomsky, without being wrong.

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