Showing posts with label Isis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Isis. Show all posts


Syria is the Middle Eastern Stalingrad

Day and night, for years, an overwhelming force has been battering this quiet nation, one of the cradles of human civilization.
Hundreds of thousands have died, and millions have been forced to flee abroad or have been internally displaced. In many cities and villages, not one house is left intact.
But Syria is, against all odds, still standing.
During the last 3 years I worked in almost all of Syria’s perimeters, exposing the birth of ISIS in the NATO-run camps built in Turkey and Jordan. I worked in the occupied Golan Heights, and in Iraq. I also worked in Lebanon, a country now forced to host over 2 million (mostly Syrian) refugees.
The only reason why the West began its horrible destabilization campaign, was because it “could not tolerate” Syria’s disobedience and the socialist nature of its state. In short, the way the Syrian establishment was putting the welfare of its people above the interests of multi-national corporations.
More than two years ago, my former Indonesian film editor demanded an answer in a somewhat angry tone:
“So many people are dying in Syria! Is it really worth it? Wouldn’t it be easier and better for Syrians to just give up and let the US have what it is demanding?”
Chronically petrified, this young woman was always searching for easy solutions that would keep her safe, and safe with significant personal advantages. As so many others in this time and age, in order to survive and advance, she developed a complex system resting on betrayals, self-defenses and deceptions.
How to reply to such a question?
It was a legitimate one, after all.
Eduardo Galeano told me: “People know when it’s time to fight. We have no right to tell them … but when they decide, it is our obligation to support them, even to lead them if they approach us.”
In this case, the Syrian people decided. No government, no political force could move an entire nation to such tremendous heroism and sacrifice. Russians did it during World War Two, and the Syrians are doing it now.
Two years ago I replied like this: “I have witnessed the total collapse of the Middle East. There was nothing standing there anymore. Countries that opted for their own paths were literally leveled to the ground. Countries that succumbed to the dictates of the West lost their soul, culture and essence and were turned into some of the most miserable places on earth. And the Syrians knew it: were they to surrender, they would be converted into another Iraq, Yemen or Libya, even Afghanistan.”
And so Syria rose. It decided to fight, for itself and for its part of the world.
Again and again, it retained itself through the elections of its government. It leaned on its army. Whatever the West says, whatever the treasonous NGOs write, the simple logic just proves it all.
This modest nation does not have its own powerful media to share the extent of its courage and agony with the world. It is always the others who are commenting on its struggle, often in a totally malicious way.
But it is undeniable that whilst the Soviet forces stopped the advance of the German Nazis at Stalingrad, the Syrians have managed to stop the fascist forces of Western allies in its part of the world.
Of course Russia got directly involved. Of course China stood by, although often in the shadow. And Iran provided support. And Lebanon-based Hezbollah put up, what I often describe as, an epic fight on behalf of Damascus against the extremist monsters invented and armed by the West, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
But the main credit has to go to the Syrian people.
Yes, now there is nothing left of the Middle East. Now there are more tears than raindrops descending on this ancient land.
But Syria is standing. Burned, wounded, but standing.
And as is being widely reported, after the Russian armed forces came to the rescue of the Syrian nation, more than 1 million Syrian people were able to return home … often to encounter only ashes and devastation, but home.
Like people returned to Stalingrad, some 70 years ago.
So what would my answer be to that question now: “whether it would be easier the other way”, to surrender to the Empire?
I guess something like this:
“Life has meaning, it is worth living, only if some basic conditions can be fulfilled. One does not betray great love, be it love for another person or love for one’s country, humanity or ideals. If one does, it would be better not to be born at all. Then I say: the survival of humankind is the most sacred goal. Not some short-time personal gain or ‘safety’, but the survival of all of us, of people, as well as the safety of all of us, humans.”
When life itself is threatened, people tend to rise and fight, instinctively. During such moments, some of the most monumental chapters in human history are written.
Unfortunately, during these moments, millions tend to die.
But the devastation is not because of those who are defending our human race.
It is because of the imperialist monsters and their servants.
Most of us are dreaming about a world without wars, without violence. We want true kindness to prevail on earth. Many of us are working relentlessly for such a society.
But until it is constructed, until all extreme selfishness, greed and brutality are defeated, we have to fight for something much more “modest” – for the survival of people and of humanism.
The price is often horrible. But the alternative is one enormous gaping void. It is simply nothing – the end, full stop!
In Stalingrad, millions died so we could live. Nothing was left of the city, except some melted steel, scattered bricks and an ocean of corpses. Nazism was stopped. Western expansionism began its retreat, that time towards Berlin.
Now Syria, quietly but stoically and heroically, stands against Western, Qatari, Saudi, Israeli and Turkish plans to finish the Middle East.
And the Syrian people have won. For how long, I don’t know. But it has proven that an Arab country can still defeat the mightiest murderous hordes.
Andre Vltchek is philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist, he’s a creator of Vltchek’s World an a dedicated Twitter user, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
First appeared:


Military situation in Syria 17.10.2015-19.10.2015

While continuing relentless and effective bombing of the Russian Space Forces on Syrian soil the Syrian armed forces, with many allies among which Hezbollah, Lebanese army (which controls the range on the border of their country, Iran, several formations of civilian volunteers Shiites, Pakistani volunteers, Russian special forces, and others, are moving on several fronts.
To the north of Hama: does not cease pressure on the south side of what we might start calling boiler closed between Aleppo and Hama, thereby blocking large troops of terrorists in the firing line.
North of Hama
North of Hama
Homs: the two pockets of "Moderate-Terrorists" are "moderately" subjected to bombardments and ground attacks, are "moderately" isolated and therefore will not be long in being "moderately eliminated" from the face of the earth, or choose a "moderate yield "unconditionally.
Damascus: the offensive urban neighborhoods occupied by the forces pro-Powers-occult-foreign (ISIS them there, but to me it makes no difference, remember that months ago the terrorists did not hesitate to use chemical weapons against the civilian population for blame this army of Assad and create the "casus belli" which would guarantee an excuse to Western powers to intervene against Syria and allow them to seize power) shows the first results. Syrian troops advancing from house to house forcing the enemy to retreat in a perimeter that will be closer and more vulnerable to shelling. Furthermore, the continued operation of the fighting will be discovered deposits of weapons, which will be destroyed by air strikes targeted.
Damascus area east of the oasis
Damascus area east of the oasis
Facing south: for now there are no major developments, some attacks in recent days have secured the release of some strategic strongholds, but they are mostly in a quiet phase. The fact that there is no terrorist attack against Syrian forces on several fronts examined so far indicates that the initiative remains constantly in Syrian hands for which the overall strategy is really working.
Northern front in Aleppo city, I found a very careful and detailed analysis of the offensive in Aleppo city, analysis made ​​by a friend to the site analysis Geopolitical Center. I'll direct you to this valuable source.
Southwest of Aleppo
Southwest of Aleppo
The offensive against Aleppo is not limited to the city. Around it, there are two lines of attack. In recent days, the forces in defense of the air base of Rasin El Aboud, but isolated and encircled for months, have been able to strike an effective attack and occupy a portion of the nearby M15 motorway, cutting off a supply line forces ISIS at the front. Today other attacks Syrian impose a setback to the terrorists. At Ward, Buradjza, Tel-Sabina, villages are released between yesterday and today, but the offensive still is not subsiding, the intent is to reopen a land link with the isolated air base and ensure an important cornerstone for future attacks .
Southeast of Aleppo
Southwest of Aleppo
South of the city, continued the attack on other villages in the hands Daesh, and even here the Takfiri retreat under the impetus of the attack Syrian. Shugaidila, Hahan-Fog, Sabigija, villages are released at this time, the manager of the advance point towards Al-Hader, even further east the advance has secured the release of Kafar Habid and control of a stretch of highway. On this front no sign of counter-terrorism, an important signal that shows the lack of confidence in their own ability and in their hopes of victory: the rebels are limited to baste the defense of the foundations and then are to be destroyed piece by piece . Not maneuver and do not attempt to recover the initiative and mobility that has made it so successful in the past months.
The Russian campaign in Syria is beginning to produce effects that leave everyone stunned. The ability to control the strategic vision, the information system and communications, have taken aback all commands Western (primarily American) who would not know even where to begin a military campaign organized with a minimum device of airplanes, helicopters and above men on the field and yet the Russians with few but targeted interventions are achieving important results.
Military situation in Syria 19.10.2015
Front of Aleppo: Continuing clashes in the town circle. Clearly the terrorists, stronger natural shelters offered by an urban environment, they resist, but with the support of helicopters, planes and artillery, some Syrians and mostly Russians, their nests are identified and eliminated one by one. And 'really impressive fire resistance of even large caliber automatic weapons, which give proof of the Mi-24, which we saw in the movie released the day before yesterday .
Outside the city there are more developments. The troops of President Assad, together with the allied forces of Hezbollah, are advancing towards Hani Touman little more to the east you have already succeeded in freeing another piece of territory by takfiris coming up in Tel Sanobarat.
Southeast Aleppo
Southeast Aleppo

No reaction was basted by terrorists to regain lost ground, although it has been reported that some missile battery multiple launches against the Syrians advancing. Never mind: soon the planes of President Putin will have the opportunity and time to deal with it. Al Safirah are expected in the evening large troop reinforcements motorized infantry and armored that the Syrian army is bringing together in the area. Above, after the villages of Darkvana and Xalabija even Muflisa was liberated and the Syrian air base is even closer. Russian air strikes have hit on stations ISIS east of Tel-Sabina. ISIS troops are reported in moving on the domestic front in the Zerbeh.
South West Aleppo
South West Aleppo
Front of Homs continues the pressure on Syrian terrorists. The hot spot is in Talbiseh, where the Syrian Arab army is now just outside the town. Even to Tel Maela recording an advanced and the town is now disputed, as indeed are many other towns in the east of the bag: it seems that now the Takfiri are collapsing. Unfortunately for them there are no escape routes.



Москва один из военных лидеров исламского государства, Тархан Batirashvili, более известный как Omar Shishani, под угрозой атаки против Российской Федерации и поклялся вести «тысячи исламистов отомстить против Москвы».
В прокламации от российской прессы Shishani говорит что Isis силы имеют уже «избиение» иракской армии и что следующий объект будет Россия. Незадолго до состояния исламские партизаны опубликовали в Интернете видео, которое упоминается президента России, заявляя о своем намерении «освободить Чечне и на Кавказе» и создание исламского халифата».
В ответ на террористические угрозы премьер-министр Чечни Рамзан Кадыров пообещал «уничтожить террористов, которые пытаются делать набеги на территорию России».
Будильник уже очевидным с двойной резня между Чечни и Дагестана в последние дни, становится все более конкретным и в настоящее время возобновлен агентство Bloomberg, что подчеркивает как командир исламского государства, известный как «Omar Чеченской», Тархан Batirashvili называется отцом, проживающих в Панкисском ущелье, чуть более 100 км к северо-востоку от Тбилиси, на границе с Чечнейне только для того, чтобы говорить с передовой в Ираке, но и для добавления: Россия следующей.
Кавказ является целью Isis и лидер Кремля было уже ясно от времени. Региона, зажатый между Россией, Ираном и Турцией представляет собой сложную сеть напряженности, в результате насилия в несколько раз за последние три десятилетия в различных горячих точках. Из Чечни в Нагорный Карабах до Грузии. И в частности Чечни, снова может стать серьезной проблемой, хотя в последние годы были гарантией безопасности для Путина Рамзана Кадырова и его железный кулак. Повтор, Кадыров «ситуация находится под контролем» не убеждены в том, что много, а Batirashvili, который во время вооруженного конфликта в Южной Осетии в 2008 году он воевал на стороне Грузии, обещает «возвращение» в России. С его стороны «несколько тысяч людей».
В последние дни секретарь российского Совбеза Николай Патрушев заявил, что общее количество бойцов «Исламского государства», 30-50 тысяч человек. ЦРУ в середине сентября заявил, что Исида зафиксировано около 30 тысяч человек.
Но несмотря на свое прозвище, Batirashvili это не Чечня, а грузинского происхождения. Исходя из Панкиси, т.е. из области, президент России Путин обвиняет в пособничестве исламистского восстания, которая стремилась раздавить так, как он пришел к власти. Но пока Россия сосредоточение внимания на конфликт в Украине, Панкиси до сих пор помню унижения пятидневной войны в 2008 году, когда Путин помог цемента сепаратистских движений в провинциях Абхазии и Южной Осетии.
В самом деле Панкиси после распада Советского Союза уже стал зоной не права. Мимо нас вооружений, предназначенных для чеченских повстанцев и наркотиков из Афганистана и направились на европейские рынки. Затем во время второй чеченской войны, Панкисское ущелье стало убежищем для боевиков.
Население удвоилось и активизации преступной деятельности, включая похищения высокого профиля, включая брата Милан футболист, Кахабер Каладзе. И есть мастер, рыжебородый и теперь известна как Битва Omar al-Omar Shishani или действительно Чеченской, один из лидеров сил, которые ведут борьбу за исламского халифата в Сирии и в Ираке.
Batirashvili считается тактик. Оно происходит от наиболее опасным местом летать. Marvin Кальб, консультант центра Pulitzer, базирующейся в Вашингтоне, сказал Аль-Арабия, что «Путин беспокоится постоянно для местных повстанцев, обучение в Сирии и теперь, Isis и затем намерен вернуться с их новым навыкам. Путин не хочет их и это хронический кошмар для него».
Низкий Нью-Йоркской группы в июне заявил, что около 200 чеченцев, боевые действия в Сирии и недавнего захвата видные сирийские военно-воздушной базы заработал даже российский МиГ струи, изъятых во время акции. Время в видео, выпущенное Isis говорит: «это сообщение адресовано вам, да Vladimir Путин (президент России), это ваш самолет, вы отправили по Башар (президент Сирии, Асад), и с помощью Аллаха мы вышлем их вам. Помните об этом. Это с разрешения Аллаха, который мы можем освободить Чечне и на Кавказе.»
Из источников, близких к Кремлю, однако, является отфильтрованный новости что «на этот раз не закончится в Афганистане, эти группы убийц, которые борются во имя Аллаха, но на самом деле являются только из жестоких бандитов, stermineremo их любыми средствами, включая ядерное оружие, в случае необходимости Низк удар "-так сказал высокопоставленный представитель российского оборонного. И мы можем доверять ему.


The west in a panic

We are on the verge of a nervous breakdown? Apparently, yes: the new president of the European Council Donald Tusk evokes the "great war with Russia", implicitly urging Europe to prepare to lead hands, David Cameron goes behind Hollande takes poses in front of the Roman dictator Rubicon , the Nobel Prize for Peace Obama goes to alternating current: a threat apocalypses day and the next day he retires. And the newspapers you read things that were unthinkable a few weeks ago. Ezio Mauro reads the contemporary crises of Ukraine and Iraq as a joint attack by the West and its values ​​of freedom, rule of law, their style of life, indeed, (let's face!) In civilization. Fifty years: the Free World against the USSR. Handsome hint ontologically imperialist character of Russia "has preceded, accompanied and survived communism" reads like the "long telegram" by George Kennan. No doubt about Gulf wars and the cost to iraqueni 400,000 dead, insane or management occupation of Iraq on the bestiality made ​​by American intelligence, the political effects of what Israel does to the Palestinians: all unpleasant misunderstandings. And no doubt either that the Russians may have their reasons. Putin is a dictator? Yes, but why in Kiev are students of John Locke and Tocqueville? Or at Wall street is the club Voltaire? The massacre in Odessa? Why there was a massacre in Odessa? "When? In 1942?

The apotheosis comes with Giuliano Ferrara, who invokes the "religious war" with Islam, "The only answer is in an incomparably greater violence." Sic! That just sounds like an invitation to use nuclear weapons (of course: tactics, small, not heavy stuff). Then it swept away all distinctions between jhiadismo, fundamentalism and Islam as such: a whole bunch. What's going on? And 'the effect of sunspots? In addition to that there is around the ebola virus dementia? None of this: for the first time is manifesting a panic attack of Western leaders, faced unexpected evolution of globalization , which was conceived as the triumphal march of the values ​​of the West in the World and is turning into a nightmare. "Why shoot at those people who should thank us, as we bring freedom, prosperity, democracy, culture? It 'clear: it is the fault of Putin, of Osama, the despots who are afraid of our freedom and incite their people to stay in power. "The West (ie the United States with the usual retinue of lackeys European, Australian and Japanese) loves consolation of his political defeat, telling the tale of the tyrants of the conspiracy against him. He feels besieged by a growing China (and weapon) too quickly, to a Russia that is the bear imperialist ever, that Islam is the usual army of bloodthirsty lousy, the South Americans who are ungrateful, incompetent and not want to pay their debts and also by those sly Indians that you never know which way they're.

The world hates the West and does not give you any suspicion? The fact is that the West has triggered its decline with relocation, not to pay three cents more than his workers, with the total financial deregulation, who removed the capital to the tax authorities by producing the chasm of public debt, with the return of appalling social inequalities internal, which affect the efficiency of the system itself, with a crazy selection of the ruling classes, less able to handle the huge power entrusted to him, with the corruption that destroys the legitimacy of the system. Now collects the results of this disastrous seeding, he realizes that his hegemony wobbles more and more, and instead of starting a serious examination of their own mistakes, puts in the holster. This does not mean that others do not have their wrongs, that Isis is good to decapitate his prisoners and Putin to try to resolve the crisis in Ukraine slaps or the Chinese to forcibly hold down the yuan renminbi; but the responsibilities are certainly prominent in the USA and their henchmen, who stubbornly refuse to consider the possibility of a different world order. I'm not so utopian to think of a world order idyllic and without hegemonies, nor naive enough to think of a power that is stripped from him. But the historical moment we are going through would require more wisdom: the hegemony of the coast, has costs. L '"West" if they can still afford it?

The world situation is such that the sovereign debt debts of the western states (Use in the head, then Japan, Italy, England, France, and even the most virtuous Germany) exceeded the threshold of 90% of GDP and, therefore, are no longer returnable , the more so in growth rates that, when it goes luxury, plodding between 2 and 3% and in several cases have a minus sign in front. So, let's face it a good time, our states are almost all technically bankrupt, because the moment will not be able to pay the interest is not far, it is true, how true it is, that the interest on the debt and now are equal in different cases exceed the increase in GDP. In such a situation, it would not be appropriate to discuss a worldwide restructuring of debt, offsetting a portion with the mutual credits and another with the exchange between moratorium and shares of world power? Can the West, under present conditions, to claim the monopoly of the top positions in the IMF, the WB, the WTO? A world order, both monetary and political, based on the hegemony of a group of 7-8 major powers (USA, Japan, China, Brazil, India, Russia, South Africa and, if it can exist, EU), would certainly be more balanced and, through an efficient system of regulation of international conflicts, would allow a balanced reduction of military spending. It would be the decline of Western hegemony, but not for the transition to another unipolar hegemony, but to a balanced and shared hegemony. All this is not deemed worthy of consideration by our ruling classes who, rather than give up their shaky monopoly of power, they think to go to arms. It is not the "world of tyrants" to be afraid of freedom in the West. And 'the West afraid of its own decay, which reads in the mirror of the crisis.

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