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Showing posts with label Yran. Show all posts


Military situation in Syria 17.10.2015-19.10.2015

While continuing relentless and effective bombing of the Russian Space Forces on Syrian soil the Syrian armed forces, with many allies among which Hezbollah, Lebanese army (which controls the range on the border of their country, Iran, several formations of civilian volunteers Shiites, Pakistani volunteers, Russian special forces, and others, are moving on several fronts.
To the north of Hama: does not cease pressure on the south side of what we might start calling boiler closed between Aleppo and Hama, thereby blocking large troops of terrorists in the firing line.
North of Hama
North of Hama
Homs: the two pockets of "Moderate-Terrorists" are "moderately" subjected to bombardments and ground attacks, are "moderately" isolated and therefore will not be long in being "moderately eliminated" from the face of the earth, or choose a "moderate yield "unconditionally.
Damascus: the offensive urban neighborhoods occupied by the forces pro-Powers-occult-foreign (ISIS them there, but to me it makes no difference, remember that months ago the terrorists did not hesitate to use chemical weapons against the civilian population for blame this army of Assad and create the "casus belli" which would guarantee an excuse to Western powers to intervene against Syria and allow them to seize power) shows the first results. Syrian troops advancing from house to house forcing the enemy to retreat in a perimeter that will be closer and more vulnerable to shelling. Furthermore, the continued operation of the fighting will be discovered deposits of weapons, which will be destroyed by air strikes targeted.
Damascus area east of the oasis
Damascus area east of the oasis
Facing south: for now there are no major developments, some attacks in recent days have secured the release of some strategic strongholds, but they are mostly in a quiet phase. The fact that there is no terrorist attack against Syrian forces on several fronts examined so far indicates that the initiative remains constantly in Syrian hands for which the overall strategy is really working.
Northern front in Aleppo city, I found a very careful and detailed analysis of the offensive in Aleppo city, analysis made ​​by a friend to the site analysis Geopolitical Center. I'll direct you to this valuable source.
Southwest of Aleppo
Southwest of Aleppo
The offensive against Aleppo is not limited to the city. Around it, there are two lines of attack. In recent days, the forces in defense of the air base of Rasin El Aboud, but isolated and encircled for months, have been able to strike an effective attack and occupy a portion of the nearby M15 motorway, cutting off a supply line forces ISIS at the front. Today other attacks Syrian impose a setback to the terrorists. At Ward, Buradjza, Tel-Sabina, villages are released between yesterday and today, but the offensive still is not subsiding, the intent is to reopen a land link with the isolated air base and ensure an important cornerstone for future attacks .
Southeast of Aleppo
Southwest of Aleppo
South of the city, continued the attack on other villages in the hands Daesh, and even here the Takfiri retreat under the impetus of the attack Syrian. Shugaidila, Hahan-Fog, Sabigija, villages are released at this time, the manager of the advance point towards Al-Hader, even further east the advance has secured the release of Kafar Habid and control of a stretch of highway. On this front no sign of counter-terrorism, an important signal that shows the lack of confidence in their own ability and in their hopes of victory: the rebels are limited to baste the defense of the foundations and then are to be destroyed piece by piece . Not maneuver and do not attempt to recover the initiative and mobility that has made it so successful in the past months.
The Russian campaign in Syria is beginning to produce effects that leave everyone stunned. The ability to control the strategic vision, the information system and communications, have taken aback all commands Western (primarily American) who would not know even where to begin a military campaign organized with a minimum device of airplanes, helicopters and above men on the field and yet the Russians with few but targeted interventions are achieving important results.
Military situation in Syria 19.10.2015
Front of Aleppo: Continuing clashes in the town circle. Clearly the terrorists, stronger natural shelters offered by an urban environment, they resist, but with the support of helicopters, planes and artillery, some Syrians and mostly Russians, their nests are identified and eliminated one by one. And 'really impressive fire resistance of even large caliber automatic weapons, which give proof of the Mi-24, which we saw in the movie released the day before yesterday .
Outside the city there are more developments. The troops of President Assad, together with the allied forces of Hezbollah, are advancing towards Hani Touman little more to the east you have already succeeded in freeing another piece of territory by takfiris coming up in Tel Sanobarat.
Southeast Aleppo
Southeast Aleppo

No reaction was basted by terrorists to regain lost ground, although it has been reported that some missile battery multiple launches against the Syrians advancing. Never mind: soon the planes of President Putin will have the opportunity and time to deal with it. Al Safirah are expected in the evening large troop reinforcements motorized infantry and armored that the Syrian army is bringing together in the area. Above, after the villages of Darkvana and Xalabija even Muflisa was liberated and the Syrian air base is even closer. Russian air strikes have hit on stations ISIS east of Tel-Sabina. ISIS troops are reported in moving on the domestic front in the Zerbeh.
South West Aleppo
South West Aleppo
Front of Homs continues the pressure on Syrian terrorists. The hot spot is in Talbiseh, where the Syrian Arab army is now just outside the town. Even to Tel Maela recording an advanced and the town is now disputed, as indeed are many other towns in the east of the bag: it seems that now the Takfiri are collapsing. Unfortunately for them there are no escape routes.

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