Showing posts with label Rome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rome. Show all posts


Delays P.A. - Italy to commissioners Fools and EU Sanctions

Ready for yet another disastrous infringement procedure
Brussels - The President of the builders complaint
Stability Pact and imputes to it 80% of the missed
payments P.A.

The Commissioner welcomes the EU all'Industrie " electronic invoicing "
Brussels , Rome - In the last hours holding court at the European Commission was once again the puzzling question of delays in payment of the debts of PA in Italy , especially after the announcement of the use of electronic invoicing by the Italian prime minister , Matteo Renzi. The EU commissioner for industry, the Italian Antonio Tajani, in addition suffered the uproar : " so be it electronic invoicing from June 6 ... but this is not enough (?) ," He reiterated with great ease . "I hope that Renzi addition to bill you also face the payment of debts within 30 days " ... But for the rest - and here the rub - what is certain is the start of practice for the opening of yet infringement procedure against Italy , and this time - as I said - " for failure to comply with the EU Directive on late payments of public administration ." In short, the paradox is absolute. The EU first ties the hands of the nations, and then the sanction for " inaction ." Do not you find it absurd?

Yet another , unnecessary, unjust infringement procedure
Here is the " ratio" of remedies EU: other payables ( penalties against citizens ... ) to fight a rent arrears ( debts and generating additional financial stalls ) which in itself already hurt in an absolute Italian companies , many of which fail chain because of these delays : a thousand workers each day end up " on the sidewalk " or layoffs in Italy . At this rate we will arrive where it is all too clear! What , therefore, would benefit from these infringement procedures ? Really nothing, except to destabilize even more the general economic situation . But apparently this is the real goal that persists in pursuing union mad ! Despite many political "dissidents" or pseudo- these continue to be called Europeans and aspire to " join Europe " in the next election race for the Eurocamera . Would not it be better to shed the mask and send everyone home ? We ask especially the " dissident " - by definition - Grillo and his loyalists !

Beyond the Covenant
But back to the issue of payments ! "From the stage of the invoice to the date of payment there is still an essential step ," he stressed Tajani , pointing primarily on accounting law of the state ( which pushes the government to postpone the payment as much as possible not to weigh on deficit for the current year ) and then on the internal Stability Pact (almost as if it had been decided by the EU itself ) and on the payment of debts . The Vice-President of the EU Commission has also greeted favorably the above procedure for electronic invoicing payments decided by Renzi & Padoan . But one of the most stringent loops around the neck of Italy - which now also many Europeans pretend to denounce - as we have seen , is and remains that of the debt / GDP ratio <3 and="" connected="" in="" invest="" literally="" pact="" prevents="" span="" stability="" state="" that="" the="" to="">national economy.
demagogy -European
The Observatory " Here Europe " in recent weeks as he denounced the EU since 1997 and has given rise to "run " a kind of process -induced euthanasia / suicide of their country through the introduction dell'insensato " Stupidity Pact " (see here - Stability Pact - How Europe from 97 asks the suicide of the Italian economy ) . The annotation of the demagogue Tajani is therefore unnerving and disarming. As stated in Brussels , in the last hours , the president of the National Association of Builders (ANCE ) Paolo Buzzetti today, " 80% of PAs have on hand the money to pay their debts to businesses, but not are due to the internal stability pact , whose bonds - according to frontman ANCE - should be loose . "

The alibi of relaxing the constraint of 3%
A substantial alibi , that of relaxing the constraint - it would be better to the proposal of a logical total scrapping of the same - you need to hide behind a finger -European crime that is blowing up the Public Debt (thanks, as I said, the phenomenon of seigniorage banking primary and illegitimate debt - paper money issued by the ECB , on the shoulders of the poor taxpayers) and on the other hand is now giving to the sudden and uncontrollable decline in GDP (size placed in the denominator of the ratio ) . And this through taxation by the world record ; the approval of the credit crunch ( to close the valves of the credit induced by the compulsory capital reserve ratios of banks, with Basilea3 decided and ratified by the European Parliament) ; the endorsement of the spread and the mechanism of the rating ; and through a strategic lack of state protection to businesses : Vandals attacked by the voracious and foreign multinationals .

and still call the international economic crisis ...
The same Buzzetti , in Brussels revealed a given really speaks for itself: for the construction industry , there are still 11 billion in arrears to which a solution has not been found . And this is tantamount to mathematics paralysis exacerbated the country's productive system . And then have the nerve to call it " the international economic crisis

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