Showing posts with label Monarchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monarchy. Show all posts


All western states united in supporting the invasion of Yemen by Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries began military operations in Yemen, the Saudi air force began bombing the position of the movement Ansarullah in the capital of the country, according to information broadcast by Al-Arabiya.The operation started after the statement issued by the Council of the Gulf countries that have decided to intervene militarily in support of the request made by the President (ousted by popular uprising), Abd Rabbuh Mansur Had, to restore the government of these. This is a real invasion of the neighboring country implemented by Saudi forces. See: Sputnik News
The United States, through their diplomatic representative, have declared their full support for the operation and also added the representative of the US, Washington is also committed to providing logistical support and intelligence to Saudi forces. US bases in Golo were mobilized for the occasion. So will the UK in accordance with agreements with the government in Riyadh.Note: this time we will talk about what the military spokesman Atlanticist, through the media controlled by them: perhaps intervening to protect "human rights"?What,: those trampled by the fierce absolutist regime of Monarchy of Saud supported by the US and the UK?Can explain many topics that the 'invasion of a foreign country (Yemen) becomes "legitimate" if they are in the interests of the Saudi state game and the Western powers?
Ansarullah ", Yemen
The facts are these: Yemen (Arabian Peninsula), the Yemeni population had risen a few weeks ago against the dictatorship (inspired by the Saudis) and, thanks to the thrust of the movement "Ansarullah", a heterogeneous formation of Shiite Houthi tribe but also of tribes Sunni, who struggled against an absolutist regime and the freedom-president, dictator Mansour Hadi, who currently and 'refugee in Aden. The Houthis, who earlier appeared militarily weak, the strong support of the population, have taken over and have also conquered the capital Sanaa.This revolution with the overthrow of a dictatorial regime, do not define an "Arab spring" by the West because this time there are at stake the interests of Saudi Arabia, the great ally of the US, Britain and France, and as a result is defines a change of government "illegitimate" because it is overthrown (coincidentally) a regime controlled by the Saudi monarchy, an ally of the Western powers. Actually you suspect that behind the movement of Ansarullah there is the support of Iran, first Shia power and great enemy of Israel and the USA and this just because it forms a "international coalition" to return the despot, deposed by an uprising popular in the government building of Sana.
Here then explained briefly the interest of the US and its allies to support the Saudis and provide any assistance requested military. Of course this time can not ammorbarci with the usual spiel propaganda of the need to "export democracy", as it would be a little hard to get that, that under the House of Saud, is something that vaguely resembles a "democracy" rather than not an absolutist regime and barbaric.
Sunni formations that supported the regime, supported by Ryad, are those who are guilty of the worst crimes such as the latest attack on Shiite mosques took place on Friday in which, due to the explosive placed in mosques have killed about 150 people helpless who attended religious services.
It just so happens that it is precisely the Saudi Monarchy (along with Qatar and Turkey), the country that inspired and supported terrorism takfiris that haunts the Middle East and that is infiltrating even in Europe among Muslim communities. But this media system Atlanticist not say indeed, support the blatant lie that, with the rise of Ansarullah Yemen, this would encourage terrorism.
Exactly the opposite of reality as are the Shiite formations in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon (Hezbollah and the Syrian Army) with the support of Iran, those who are fighting on the ground the army of the Islamic state, and certainly not the international coalition bombing from above and at the same time provides the weapons and supplies to the groups of ISIS in Iraq as in Syria (as documented).
Hence the Atlanticist media (TV and newspapers) are placed on trial, a new campaign of disinformation and lies to criminalize those who have rebelled against a despotic regime and to justify this time a real military intervention of the Saudis in a neighboring country.
In the sordid war exists in the Arab world between Sunnis, Shiites and Wahhabis, the West has made his choice, and, for their own interests, sided anywhere with the Sunnis and the Wahhabis of Islamic radicalism, those who are at war against Shiite populations, war fueled precisely by the Saudis who aspire to leaderschip the Muslim world. Not for nothing were killed or thwarted by Western intervention all were secular and nationalist radicalism which contrasted Sunni and Wahhabi inspired by Monarchy Ryad (Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Gaddafi in Libya, Assad in Syria).
On the other hand the business relations of the Americans, British and French with the Saudis and with Qatar are too strong and too intense to be able just to mention a few cracks. It is they who have and Westerners adapt. Not for nothing are the countries that invest their capital in the West, finance friendly governments and fund mosques and Sunni Muslim communities in Europe. Of this in a matter of if they were aware.
We know that military interventions can be "legitimate" for the West when they are suited to the interests of the US and its closest allies in the Middle East: the sheiks and the absolutist monarchs of Saudi Arabia do not touch, sit on mountains of petrodollars and they are always right and there are no "human rights" that take.

Translated by google

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