New coup for Putin contract for gas supply to Japan for 20 billion cubic meters.
At this point I suspect that Moscow should thank us for Euro Maidan.
If we look at the events in the cold, by the riots provoked by the U.S. and Europe (Poland) during the Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia has literally woke up (said not to wake the "Russian bear" at the end is damn true) and in the order :
Create a circuit to Replace Credit Cards Russian Visa and Mastercard
He pushes harder and harder to get to the establishment of a World Bank and IMF, consisting solely of emerging countries
Pushes to create a circuit for the settlement between banks different from Swift
Signs a major supply agreement with China Gas
Create Eurasian Union with the Russian ruble as the currency of reference (USSR 2.0)
Prohibits the use of state-owned enterprises to sell dollars hydrocarbons (Ruble and Euro)
Companies and Wealthy Russians close open accounts in U.S. banks +
Abbreviation various trade agreements that do not involve the use of the U.S. dollar but the ruble
Enter the microchip market for matters of national security
Yes, there will be "costs" for the actions of Russia. Guess who pays?
LONDON - The parasites in Brussels as well as being ruthless and arrogated are also complete idiots because their anti-Russian policy is proving to be one of the most 'big nonsense of recent years.
Since that time you do not talk about sanctions to be imposed on Russia economically damaging but until now the only ones who are risking big are the Europeans saw that the Russian government has already 'found new lucrative markets for its gas.
In this regard, in recent days, Russia has signed a new trade agreement with Japan for the annual supply of 20 billion cubic meters of gas taken from the share previously destined for Europe.
After the closure of nuclear power plants caused by the Fukushima disaster, the Japanese government was desperately searching for alternative sources of energy, and although the U.S. government has tried to prevent this agreement, many Japanese MPs have been shown to favor considering that this was the solution better.
This explains why the Japanese government has approved a fiananziamento from $ 6 billion for the construction of a 1350 km submarine pipeline that will connect 'the Japanese island of Hokkaido island of Sakhalin.
However, until the pipeline is ready, Gazprom will strive to supply the Japan of LNG by sea.
This agreement follows the agreement signed a few weeks ago with China to $ 400 billion, and demonstrates the ability 'of the Russian government to find new markets for its gas with all due respect to those who hope to damage Russia economically by imposing new sanctions. Also, is not 'like delays that other countries could follow the example of China and Japan.
On the other hand anyone with a bit 'of common sense would realize that the attitude of the EU towards Russia and' a true political suicide, but it is known that the bureaucrats Community of common sense have never had and for this reason and 'now that we come out of this evil institution. But Renzi announced their agreement with Obama for the sanctions to Russia ... In other words: to insist with the idiocies.
Governo mondiale e stranezze della Globalizzazione risparmiatori consumatori spogliati dall'inflazione e dalla speculazione,banche sempre meno trasparenti.Imbevitori di ogni sorta pronti a qualsiasi cosa purché di guadagni facili.Politici con nuove leggi che gravano sempre più sul comune cittadino,illuminati maghi,filantropi,onlus,coop,sette religiose,massoni.Piramidi sempre più perfette e ben studiate. La parola fondi che in realtà significa che non saranno mai riempiti a discapito di qualcuno.
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