Tax on funThe
world of entertainment , with good reason , is always in the forefront
to make requests for funds and grants, because the art and the show are a
source of culture and entertainment. But the fun should be taxed , as there is right of revenue on public performances and also on thoseindividuals when they are in placepublic.
tax on the shadowThere are a few rooms with a curtain that sticks out on the road, for practical reasons or purely aesthetic . Too bad though, making the shade tent , in fact the owner invades the public land. For such great invasion , then it will be to pay a tax for the occupation of public land , otherwise called tax on the shadow .
tax on airAmong
the many manufacturing taxes , there is one on the " liquefied
petroleum gas also mixed with air and methane " mixed with air . In
short , if the air is a key component of the mixture to make it easy
fuel oil and natural gas , that you do not want to pay ? Here is the fee that allows you to say nonchalantly at the bar in Italy that tax even the air .
Tax on unemploymentIn Italy, there are fewer and fewer competitions and unemployment gallops . But
if you ever an opportunity to compete , you will be taxed on the basis
of known tax competition , always present in the public calls . In the event of non-payment and performance of the payment , you will in fact excluded from bankruptcy proceedings .
Tax on goods and passenger liftsEven the elevators and hoists are tax free , and the reason is quite
obvious : the license for the installation of lifts and goods lifts and
the operating license shall be subject to government concession taxes .
The tax on emigrantsItalians are fleeing the country 's unrest and unemployment. But
the IRS pursues them even abroad, with the ad hoc tax similar to the
one that corresponded to emigrationis excise tax paid by the migrant to
the capital he carried with him . Choose , if possible, a country that has double taxation treaties .
Tax on mushroomsSome like to go for fungi and will also be your right. But on permits for harvesting mushrooms, bears a stamp duty .
The tax on sewers (though lacking )Despite
a ruling by the Constitutional Court ( 335/8 ) have established the
illegality to demand payment for a service not available in the specific
case of sewerage and treatment , with a decree-law of 2009 it was
determined that the water companies can enter in the bill payment notes relating to sewers and sewage treatment , even if they are in the planning stage.
Tax on the stepsWho does not like to own a building , preferably old , and facing the public highway ? But given the need for municipalities to fund the cleaning of the
streets , then know that you would be responsible to pay the tax on the
steps , which is due to homeowners who have stepped entrance on the
The tax on animal mealDelete, annually , 380 thousand tons of meat and bone meal , it's complicated . But the mechanism that provides support for green energy you emit green certificates , which cost burden on electricity bills. Thus,
companies that burn the meat and bone meal , in recent years companies
have been granted green certificates for their energy enhancement . The production of energy due to animal meal is considered green .
The tax on inventionsEven the great inventions in the beautiful country at a cost, since
every industrial invention patent is subject to the application fee ,
the annual fee for the maintenance of the patent , the fee for the
printed publication of the description and drawings.
The tax on truckersWhen truckers strike, the difference compared to when they are inservice feels . That's why licenses, permits and authorizations forthe road haulage pay their license fees .
Tax on evictionsFor processes running real estate, the contribution due is equal to 242EUR . For other executive processes is the amount of 121 Euros . In the case of values less than 2500 Euros , you will have to pay only 37 euro
Tax on candlesThe tombs are to be honored , even if light a candle in memory must bepay duty fueling business dell'elettroilluminazione votive .The lighting of a candle lit in memory of your loved ones has a costreally low , being a low voltage bulb , also considering theperiodic replacement. But the companies that run the service they have their gain. Because the total gratuity is not of this world.
The tax on the scattering of ashesTo scatter the ashes of your loved ones need permits and taxes .So , first snaps of stamp duty on the demand for foster care staffAsh and the related authorization measure . Then there is the taxstamp duty on both the demand for scattering of ashes that on itsauthorization measure .
central ghostThe municipalities that host nuclear power plants that cost to the consumer inpays an electric bill for a prize fund of € 5,000 per kwh .
Tax on petitionsAsk and you shall receive, recite the scriptures. But in Italy , ifsupplicate , you must also pay a fee. They are in fact subject to taxationinstances , petitions , appeals, and related pleadings directed to the officesadministration of the State , in order to achieve the enactment of ameasure .
The excise on the couple (ius primae gabellae )Even on the day of the wedding , you will be forced to pay taxes but onlyto those local authorities that provide for consideration as a single price forto celebrate the marriage in the Municipality. Of course, applies to non-residentsthat , not wanting to get married in their church of the country, aspire to the Capitolto Rome or to some common along the Amalfi Coast . But perhaps the daymore beautiful, even the taxes you value most.
Tax on hatchesWells , manholes , manhole covers, gratings : there are plenty of artifacts placed on the groundpublic on which a tax levied by the cryptic name "canon not ricognitorio " andfalls in property taxes of Commons.
The tax on the fridgeThe refrigerator is not only the refugium peccatorum of our house, but also aessential in many machine shops. That's why beingallowed to hold refrigeration machinery involves a tax that falls betweenthose of government concessions .
Tax JusticeHere is what you pay from January 2013 to appeal to the courts :37 € for the processes of value up to € 1,100 € , 85 € for theprocesses between 1,100 and 5,200 Euros ; 206 for processes between 5,200 and 26,000 Euros ;450 for processes between 26,000 and 52,000 Euros ; 660 for processes between 52,000 and260,000 € , 1,056 € for processes between 260,000 and 520,000 € , 1,466 €processes of value in excess of € 520,000 .For processes of indeterminable value from 206 to 1,466 .
The tax on pipe ( or tube )This environmental tax was introduced in 2006. enclosed nell'impostapublic land , it also affects underground pipelines for thedistribution of water, gas , electricity , telephone linesgroundwater , bedrooms inspection , crawlspaces , artifacts and the like,containers underground cables , pipelines and electric lines .
The tax on the itemThe tax on mobile phones amounts for contracts for private use 5.16euro , while for contracts to business use is the amount of 12.91 EUR . they doexception state administrations . They are also exempted financiers and agenciestax , by express provision of law .
Set on cranesIn the cities , the cranes are part of the landscape. But the mark affixed on the craneadoperate mobile and tower construction sites , you pay the tax duemunicipality, in the cities who decide to tax it , advertising the brand thatguarantees the right to distinguish the product , according to article 2569 of theCivil Code.
Tax on shop signsWhen the sign is more than 5 meters of surface you have to pay duty . but alsounder the fixed size , you will have to pay , when it enters into force the IMUsecondary , optional municipal tax that municipalities may adopt the, 2014.
Tax on lamppostsThe lighting, despite recent government measures in this regard, acentral aspect of the life of the city. That is why it is pay the Tosap ,or the tax on lampposts that applies to all backups of lampsstreet lighting or electrical lines, telephone or telegraphwood or metal.
Double fee for the music in the barIn a bar or restaurant that respects, the musical accompaniment must nevermissing, but to match the music rights must be not only toSiae but the Consortium phonographic , being in the presence of a form of publicdiffusion of music recordings .
Tax on pylonsThe municipalities are also responsible tax that affects the power line pylons from alicense fee that is coupled with property tax .
Tax on marshesOnce upon a time in Italy there were the marshes , which is why the tax on the marshes bornin 1904 provided for the payment of a contribution for the remediation of those whobecame cultivable lands . After the season of reclamation, the arrivalabandonment of land and construction employment . But the contribution ofreclamation has never failed , that is why many Italians have decided toresolve the issue in court. There are two judgments of the Court ofCassation (No. 8957/96 and 8960/96 ) which provide that the tax you pay if thereclamation works have led to an actual increase in valueproperty. For any dispute, to decide is the Land Reclamation .
The Vajont disaster and other disasters from excise dutyTo cope with a commitment to a military or civil disaster , draw ongasoline are attached taxation. It begins with the first dutyon gasoline to 1.90 pounds in 1935 to finance the war in Abyssinia,to 14 pounds for the Suez crisis in 1956 , to 10 pounds for theVajont disaster in 1963 , 10 pounds to cope with the flood of Florencein 1966 , 10 pounds for the earthquake in Belize in 1968 , 99 lire for theFriuli earthquake in 1976 , 75 pounds for the Irpinia earthquake in 1980 ,205 pounds for the mission in Lebanon (1983 ), 22 pounds for the mission in Bosniain 1996. One could go on but we stop for love of country.
Tax tricolorAccording to Article 12 of the Constitution , the flag of the Republic is theItalian flag , green, white , red, in three vertical bands of equaldimension . To expose our beautiful flag of identity must, however, paya "tax on advertising ." A tax that , you can bet, do not like tonostalgic for the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies and even those who would like aPadania free .
Governo mondiale e stranezze della Globalizzazione risparmiatori consumatori spogliati dall'inflazione e dalla speculazione,banche sempre meno trasparenti.Imbevitori di ogni sorta pronti a qualsiasi cosa purché di guadagni facili.Politici con nuove leggi che gravano sempre più sul comune cittadino,illuminati maghi,filantropi,onlus,coop,sette religiose,massoni.Piramidi sempre più perfette e ben studiate. La parola fondi che in realtà significa che non saranno mai riempiti a discapito di qualcuno.
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