Showing posts with label sacrifices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sacrifices. Show all posts


Taxes, Fees, teasing and Human Sacrifices for the Italian

By Don Abbondio Super Silvio

Rome, Palermo - C. Alessandro Mauceri and Sergio Basile - Enrico Letta ... Enrico Letta, but who is he? He babbled so, including if, when Don Abbondio, going back to the house, intent to dodge the familiar stones and surrounded by the usual anxieties, had happened to misfortune of living in these dark days. Times carattterizzati from other types of "pests", but no less destructive than the age of the Monatti, since far more subtle and mystified, cleverly hidden behind "due to estrogen" pumped to capacity like no other place on the planet. But let's go to the facts, taking a few steps back in time! Remember when a few years ago to be elected, a candidate reuccio Arcore promised to cut taxes? Well, to show proof its "seriousness" did everything he could to eliminate the ICI. At the end we did it, but forgot to tell his voters (and all other Italians) who simultaneously had introduced another fee, much more costly for taxpayers' pockets. Obviously, to avoid riots saw to it that the entry into force of the measure was deferred ...

 Don Rodrigo Monti - Man at Yale

Then came the scourge Don Rodrigo Monti, who did basically the same thing. Promise disalvare Italy - obviously leaving intact the privileges of caste and banking dell'usurocrazia - playing with words and inventing the "Save Italy". The Bocconi promised to eliminate the underground economy (unleashing the Guardia di Finanza to carry out tax audits on the premises of the most famous Italian squares and beyond) and to force banking institutions and insurance companies (not to mention the parties) the payment of taxes due for the property . The former student at Yale University, then, promised to recover the tax due (and never paid) by those who had filled dimacchinette playing all over the country. In fact he did nothing but increase the tax burden on Italian and enable increasingly restrictive measures and destructive. And of all the so-called "good intentions" you lost track. Indeed, paradoxically, forced the Italian-payment of fines imposed by the EU to our country for not doing what the technical government "should have done" as expected, and to give even a semblance of "democracy" in this suffocating dictatorship.

 The Unspeakable Enrico

Then came Letta (not John, but his nephew Henry), and many thought that, perhaps, the Italians would have been a "breath of fresh air" .... Thanks to its experience (nb: the "young head of government" resides in Parliament for decades and boasts a world-class curriculum, which features the primacy of "youngest minister since the war," as well as its overflowing presence in different super-globalist lodges). Confusing evidently, once again, the barrel with that of oxygen gas. Among many obvious disasters (see attachments) the "suspension" of the IMU (mind you) "the first house" was supposed to be his last "move" of national reconciliation.

  Service Tax and Marriage surprise

The reality, however, is quite different. Apart from the fact that: 1) the abolition of the tax on the first home has already been abundantly compensated by that Italian families and businesses will have to pay for the increase, on the other recessive, VAT (who, it should remember, is among the highest in Europe, compared with virtually zero services, as long as the EU budget), 2) that the Chairman of the Board, no later than August, had promised that the same increase in the Tax would have been avoided. The fact is that, in short, the pockets of Italians will be emptied even more thanks to Service Tax. Obviously the government has seen fit to download the hot potato in the hands of the municipalities (the same which, with the abolition of the IMU, Parliament has taken a major, albeit unequal, revenue) that will have to decide how much to charge its citizens. And what do you think will make the municipalities, most of which is under bankruptcy? Increase the tax burden, of course! In short, these technicians with taxes and they go to their wedding. New marriages tax surprise that the media continues, in a criminal and dishonest to pass off as ideal solutions and "cures inevitable" to pay the mythical (and illegal) "debt."

 New Taxes in all areas

In short, six months of government characterized by taxes of every kind and in all sectors. As the rising cost of stamps. Those before they cost 1.81 euro were increased to 2 Euro and those who before they cost 14.62 now cost 16. Even the VAT on food sold from vending machines - sets that in many in Parliament these days have taken pains to emphasize not be increased - in fact it had already been more than doubled from 4 to 10%. And having reduced the consumption of tobacco (remember that well, "kill", as the same state imposes to report on the packaging, but then continue to sell them to enjoy the taxes that derive from their sale), the Parliament decided to tax electronic cigarettes with tax than 58%, even knowing that they do not contain tobacco!

 Publishing, VAT, excise, transfer of ownership

Even the publishing industry has been affected by the decisions taken by the government have read and ratified by the parties of government: from June (coincidentally just when, statistically, the demand for these goods by consumers) VAT on the products attached to the magazines has increased Indeed, to be more exact, has increased fivefold, from 4 to 21%. It could not miss the increases in excise duties on fuels, the pride of every "self-respecting government." Government and Parliament if they are screwed to listen to the opinion of all the experts - economists and lawyers - who for years, even decades from now, they just repeat that certain taxes are nothing short of obsolete and that taxing taxes (assuming the 'VAT on excise duty) is not legitimate. Fuel taxes went up! Point and at the head! And as a result, taxes on these fees ... Even other taxes, such as register on many public acts (including those relating to the transfer of ownership of the property, with the exception of the first house), have been increased from 168 to 200 euro. It also increased taxes on alcohol, justifying this and other measures under the pretext that the revenue that would ensue would be used to compensate for the additional expense for the school. Expenditure, however, the financial statements appear to have declined. Indeed, according to the report "Education budgets under pressure in Member States" of the European Commission, Italy's spending on education would have decreased and returned to the levels of a decade ago.

 What happened to the taxes on slot machines?

Of course, after what has been done by his predecessor, the government Letta has looked good from the state to collect taxes from those who has never paid and continues to not pay them. For example, it was not done anything to collect 98 billion, 456 million and 756 thousand euro from the connection fails slot machines (such sum is derived from surveys of Umberto Rapetto, a former colonel of the Guardia di Finanza, who resigned after seeing that the fruit of his work was left to rot). Indeed, in the course of judicial proceedings, the sum due was reduced to 2 billion euro, thereby giving up to a total amount received not one but a dozen financial maneuvers. But in the coffers of the State likely will not fit even these 2 billion euro: dealers will be able to regularize their position by paying only 25% netgrant of the paid. A sort of amnesty. Indeed, given that a judgment delConsiglio of State ruled in favor of one of the giants of gambling, authorizing him to not comply with the requirements of the rules included for concessions (provided for by Law 220 of 2010), this will also avoid paying the sums due him and create a precedent for allowing all operators of slot machines do not pay a single euro than they would have had to pay.

 The logical breakdown of life insurance policies

And, to "encourage" the growth of business, government and Parliament have decided ditagliare tax rebates such as those on life insurance policies (which, in fact, are undergoing a collapse). It matters little that the statute requires the taxpayer not to change the tax rules retroactively. For this we are sure that no Aventine will materialize on the horizon. Monti docet: the government does what it wants and Parliament fully supports his choices.

 Robin Tobin Tax and Tax: how to migrate capital abroad

Letta The government has also extended the "Robin Hood Tax" energy companies who bill more than 3 million, which will pay IRES rate of 38% instead of the previous 27.5%. And given that companies will not be able to claim on consumers, this measure will have a devastating effect on an industry that is characterized by declining consumption (they are already descending into the low 90s ...). And then introduced another tax, the Tobin tax, whose name is similar, but - as seen: see attached - is aimed at financial transactions. Also in this Letta has not done anything but copy what was done by Monti.

 Record in the world of taxes and skyrocketing debt: who stops this madness?

Some time ago, just before they would receive his mandate by President Napolitano, Mario Monti in an interview he had the courage - Barbarian - stating: "it is necessary to generate economic crises to ensure that parts of a State were" sold "to third parties ... and to force cittdini to accept the conditions ... "(see attached video). It is not surprising, therefore, that Letta, the same that he was "made available" Monti to help him, after having received its mandate from the same Giorgio Napolitano (some have even suggested that the re-election of the President serve this) is not doing nothing more than following in the footsteps of his predecessor. It is no coincidence that the tax burden on real Italians, after the handover, not diminished, in fact has increased and is among the highest in the world (the official one has already exceeded 54%, but in the case of small businesses , this burden exceeds 68%. Sole24Ore Data, Bank of Italy). It does not matter if in the meantime the deficit / GDP ratio has breached the 3% threshold (with the serious economic consequences that will have ratified the Community measures during the Monti government). It matters little if the economic and social Italy has regressed to levels of a few decades ago (while other countries continue to grow). No matter if an increasing number of large enterprises are sold to foreign buyers.

 The final clearance sale of the real estate

It does not matter if most of the Italian real estate is no longer in the hands of our countrymen, but of banks (who do not know what to do) and multinational companies. No matter if, between tax fraud and recession, missing from state coffers 36.1 billion Euro (at least according to data from a study of the European Commission will initiate a procedure against the beautiful country). No matter if, despite everything, Italy persists in spending billions of euros to buy from America or F35 spy satellites from Israel. And since the money is never enough (and how they might be enough if the additional expense for which they are ripped from the pockets of Italians do not diminish and the bank seigniorage riane a taboo subject), no matter if it is already November it will be necessary to enact "manovrina" to recover additional funds ... and kill other families.

 Taxes and Human Sacrifices

Some time ago, given the increasing frequency of suicides due to poor economic conditions (to put it mildly) caused by the policies adopted by his government, Monti was asked what he thought (note: in the last 4 years, the number of suicides due to the crisis- scam would have increased by at least 30% - some say that it is doubled - and even more increased consumption of antidepressants. Data Observatory on Health in the Italian Regions). The response was much too diplomatic. In Greece there are now more cases of people who have killed themselves on fire in front of the door of the Parliament due to the same crisis-scam taking place in the Eurozone (accomplices Stalinist austerity measures imposed by the European Union). Perhaps those who govern - if you do not want to run the risk of being mistaken for a common criminal and / or a mafioso, or even worse, for a satanic priest, propitiatory human sacrifice - would do well to read these statistics and, before deciding on new taxes or "manovrine" would do well to think about how it will change the percentage of suicides after they have imposed new taxes on citizens. Meanwhile, trade unions, anti-politics and saviors of the country are watching ...

C.Alessandro Mauceri and Sergio Basile

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