

There is an aspect of MES, of which little is said, that it is absolutely and totally outrageous, deserving, for that reason, not to be voted, is incredible Guarantees enjoyed by the Director General and the Council of Managers of 'body. Normally the supra-national bodies is guaranteed a certain immunity, but in this case we have a level that,that it is not being mirrored nor to heads of state and even to the governor of the ECB.

The director of the European Stability Mechanism is absolutely, totally totally IMMUNE to the laws of 19 states euro zone. It can not be touched under any circumstances, for any crime, neither he nor the six members of its board. Italy today speaks of a "Privilege Medieval", but wrong, because in the Middle Ages the nobility responded to the King or Emperor and the Emperor responded to the Pope, which in turn could be impeached by the clergy (the absolute infallibility is later), here we have an absolute civil and criminal immunity, a Roman Emperor position or Persian Emperor. But these figures were countered by violent means, which current director, the German Klaus Regling, is not likely.

To give a practical example of Mario Draghi decisions they have been brought to trial before the German Constitutional Court, which judged legitimate within certain limits. Unlike those of Klaus Regling are final, not be judged, absolute as descended directly from God. Here he is the new Moses and his decisions are the rules of the Tablets of the Law, also dissolved by the judgments of the European Court of Justice.

The same also applies to its board: David Eatough (Ireland), Rolf Strauch (Germany), Christophe Frankel (France), Kalin Anev Janse (Netherlands), Sofie De Beule-Roloff (Belgium) and Francois Blondel (France). No Italian, no Spanish, no greek. only Nordic.

This is a legal bestiality, absolutely intolerable in any civilized country, yet it is the law that governs the MES. And in Italy someone still wants to vote for him.

Vogliono davvero ridurre la popolazione?

Fonte : https://endoftheamericandream.com/they-really-do-want-to-reduce-the-population-47-shocking-population-control-quotes-from-...