It is pointless to turn around it too much: the shadow of an Italian
government that is Eurosceptic and in favour of public intervention in
the economy is waving the sleep of the liberalist potentates. It is not
known whether this anxiety is well responded to by those directly
concerned, but, in doubt, the attack has been prepared in every detail
and, according to some experts, has already begun.
The devil is hidden in the details, usually. On this occasion, however,
everything seems all too clear and it is no coincidence that the fund of
the billionaire Ray Dalio, the largest hedge fund in the world, since
last October has tripled its positions on Italian companies.
And there is not only speculation about the actions that are lurking in
wait. BlackRock and the International Monetary Fund led by Cristine
Lagarde also participate in this tour of the carousel.
The IMF has published a study that highlights the need for the Italian
State to completely review its welfare state, through cuts in maternity
benefits and survivors' pensions. However, the note also looks at the
pay system, which should be penalised contractually because thirteen and
fourteen months are too expensive for the system. The Black Rock fund
has relaunched this issue, warning Italian BTPs, a move that seems to
anticipate a downgrade by rating agencies.
Only a jerk can afford not to understand the message from the
potentates: âno to a Eurosceptic government! No to beat your fists on
the European table!
The attack on maternity protection â at least that! should raise the
outrage of Italian Catholics, but it is easier for paedophilia to
disappear in the Church than for the mistaken companion, Jorge
Bergoglio, to stand firm and determined against globalization. The
Catholics who sit at the top, as we know, are crazy about the Middle
Ages, and they will have no scruples in getting him back. So, those who
think that Catholicism can offer a shore to the shipwrecks of
globalisation are being strongly deluded, even if we are talking about
millions of Europeans. There are billions of Asians and Africans to
delude, the outside.
Returning to the blackrock attack (led by Fmi), it goes without saying
that these are tactics already seen in Russia in the 1990s, in Greece in
2011 and 2015, or in Italy, since the time of Mario Monti.
The big difference is that this time we know how they attack. We all
know where they want to go to parry, and we say this again clearly here,
until it goes into even the most empty pumpkins.
Europe wants to dismantle the Keynesian welfare state guaranteed by the
Italian constitution because it aims to compete with third world
countries in a race to productivity completely meaningless in the world
of artificial intelligence. The aim is to further weaken the weak, to
make them even more taminous and blackmailable, and replaceable with
another gleba. The Europe of the Lagarde recalls France in the days of
Napoleon, or even before that, Louis XIV, who had set himself the task
of collecting polenta wheat and accumulating gold, while in the rest of
the world Dutch and English merchants did the beautiful and bad weather
with maritime trade. The truth is that Europe is old inside. Sick of her
liberal dogmas â dogmas that even the Americans are seeing with suspicion.
In the Old Continent, we are much better off than in the rest of the
world, only and exclusively because we have been able to set up a
welfare state system. Without that, living in Paris or in the hole in
the ass of some infamous neighborhood in Mexico City will be the same
thing. And that's what they're aiming for, shortening Italy.
Governo mondiale e stranezze della Globalizzazione risparmiatori consumatori spogliati dall'inflazione e dalla speculazione,banche sempre meno trasparenti.Imbevitori di ogni sorta pronti a qualsiasi cosa purché di guadagni facili.Politici con nuove leggi che gravano sempre più sul comune cittadino,illuminati maghi,filantropi,onlus,coop,sette religiose,massoni.Piramidi sempre più perfette e ben studiate. La parola fondi che in realtà significa che non saranno mai riempiti a discapito di qualcuno.
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