Always sure that a third of humanity would be awakening from lethargy,
as the geopolitical analyst Fausto Carotenuto writes? Italy is the
country in which it has the courage to reappear at the Beatrice Lorenzin
elections, I am even at the head of a centrist coalition, it does not
pay for having just sent millions of families into panic, along with
schools and LRAs, with the avalanche of vaccinations imposed without the
shadow of an ongoing health emergency. All the polls in view of the 2018
policies give the 5 Stars as first party, towards 30%, but the
centre-right in slight advantage, adding the votes of the timeless
Berlusconi to those (in decline) of the League of Salvini, fatally
watered down in the alliance with the Knight, became conciliatory with
Brussels. After the Boschi-Etruria grain, Renzi himself appears to be on
a downhill run, even 22.8% according to Ixé, also due to the other
phenomenal novelty of the next 4th March, the "Free and Equal" cartel
led by two new entrants to Italian politics such as D' Alema and
Bersani, behind the exciting Grasso & Boldrini. Is all this the alleged
revival of the Italians? Nothing else, in view, for voters tired of
being mocked by politicians who have actually been confining themselves
for decades to obeying foreign diktats, especially financial ones?
In recent months, the role of "gatekeeper" of the 5 Stars Movement, in a
certain sense claimed by Grillo himself years ago, has become very
evident: we weren't there, there would be barricades in the street. So
far, from the 5 Stars, not a Beatrice Lorenzinparola on the NATO wars
that threaten Italian strategic security, starting with tensions with
Russia (already cost billions, to the Made in Italy, in terms of lack of
exports after the sanctions imposed in Moscow). Above all, grillins have
not yet formulated a recipe for the number one problem, the dramatic
economic crisis. They insist on proposing a "citizenship income", that
is, the pocket money for the final resignation to the worst, paid,
moreover, only by making the crest of "waste". The stepmother Europe?
Grillo tried to break away from Farage, in Strasbourg, to land among the
ultra-Europeans of the Alde, near Monti, the man of rigour. The euro?
Worse than going out at night: when by now all the economists of the
world explain that the single currency is a deadly trap for Italy, the
pentastellata Laura Castelli confesses, on television, that to a
possible referendum on the euro would not know how to vote.
Faced with this type of offer, it is easy to guess that the ocean of
abstentionism will grow again - but according to Aldo Giannuli, Antonio
Ingroia and Giulietto Chiesa, if they hope to make a breakthrough in the
non-vote with a last minute proposal:"If they succeed in presenting the
lists, there is a risk that they will not reach even 1%". Realistically,
numbers in hand, the show that awaits us is not cheerful: the umpteenth
"stumble" between Renzi and Berlusconi or a tactical alliance between D'
Alema and Di Maio, which is crediting itself as a possible reassuring
premier for the strong powers, one that will look well from changing
something. In both cases, many analysts believe that the ballot boxes
will produce a lame executive, of short duration. Reasons for
consolation? One, perhaps: the millions of Italians who, perhaps
wrongly, in 2013 took for good the freshness of the 5 Stars, tilt the
political establishment. Then the following is chronicle, starting with
the Roman comedy of Raggi. But those opposing votes, expressed almost
five years ago, remain a warning, added to the gesture of the millions
of Italians who have deserted the ballot boxes for protest and distrust.
One in two has stopped voting; of the others, and almost one in three
will vote for 5 Stars, under the illusion that it serves something.
Translated: by a large majority, Italy has already rejected this policy.
Even before the elections, so do what you want us to know how to react
and after that do not complain if the evasion increases because the army
of politicians at regional and provincial national level continues to
increase disproportionately and you have broken us the cock.
Governo mondiale e stranezze della Globalizzazione risparmiatori consumatori spogliati dall'inflazione e dalla speculazione,banche sempre meno trasparenti.Imbevitori di ogni sorta pronti a qualsiasi cosa purché di guadagni facili.Politici con nuove leggi che gravano sempre più sul comune cittadino,illuminati maghi,filantropi,onlus,coop,sette religiose,massoni.Piramidi sempre più perfette e ben studiate. La parola fondi che in realtà significa che non saranno mai riempiti a discapito di qualcuno.
Vogliono davvero ridurre la popolazione?
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