The king is naked but nothing happens. The numerous scandals and,
recently, the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into the banks, have
exposed the reality of politics and bureaucracy, the systematic and
transversal robberies of the regime, its structural illegality of
operation and nothing happens, society accepts everything passively.
Just as it does "justice", the people do not react, accept injustice and
illegality. He increasingly suffers and does not act. Experience has
taught him that voting and demonstrating is unproductive. A popular
rebellion against the rotten regime is impossible: the Italian people
are old and disheartened, even in themselves, and without
self-confidence a people does not organize a rebellion. And the vote
does not allow us to change, as you will say. Banksters plunder savings
with impunity, while judicial and administrative supervisory authorities
turn a blind eye or two and do not act even after the fact. The
government, together with relatives and friends of bankers, covers them
and passes on the damage caused by their abuses to civil society. Grillo
roughened declaring that his movement would open up the palaces of power
as sardine boxes to bring all illegalities to light by day, as if this
could provoke such reactions as to reform the system. But that's not the
case: the system continues as before, and people suffer passively.
And why wonder? Legality is the most widespread interest, therefore the
most dispersed, the weakest, and therefore the most loser. It is an
impotent interest in defending oneself. The people are ox because they
are people, not for any other reason. On the other hand, the
interestsMarco Della Lunaconcentrati, of the few against the many,
especially if illegal and hidden, are also strong powers, and they have
good play to buy those who serve them and put their trustees in the
right places. The exponents of the Italian regime are now boasting an
economic recovery, even if at the back of the queue, but they do not say
that the forecasts for the next 25 years show the Italian country system
in constant loss of productivity-competitiveness with respect to the
other EU and OECD countries. This means that, in order to compete on
production costs, real wages, workers rights, pensions and investments
will have to continue to be cut back, and that in the future Italy is
being sold off, because for 25 years now it has been losing in
comparative productivity, and 50 years so they mean that the country is
no longer viable. This was also exacerbated, not least because the
government has to pursue a policy of positive primary balances (i. e. to
remove more money from the company with taxes than it spills into it,
despite the fact that society is in serious lack of money).
More than virtuosity, rehabilitation, recovery: everything must go to
the bankers who lend money, including the ownership of companies.
Without strategic investments there is no recovery of productivity,
there is no end to decline. This will accelerate the flight of capital,
entrepreneurs, skilled workers and brains. This failed destiny is
inherent to Italy's unity, to this state wanted and created from abroad
to serve and be exploited by foreign powers, as explained in previous
articles. A state wrong in its composition, which has been made by
uniting preunitary nations that are too different from each other and
that therefore have never tied but have generated a parasitic and
incompetent governance, which only knows how to enrich itself by
stealing on transfers from efficient to inefficient areas, and in
general on public and private resources. A vassal state, in which
politics is decided from abroad and to the domestic political class, as
the only area of action, remains the competition-lottization in the
looting of the citizen and public expenditure. Not being able to obtain
consensus with good policies in the interest of Maria Cannata national,
our politicians if they procure them by distributing clientele
privileges. This is the way of producing electoral legitimacy in Italy.
The dominant foreign potentates support and legitimise those Italian
political and bureaucratic forces that better serve their interests at
the expense of the Italians (until they send Italian armies to fight
slavishly American and French wars against Italian interests), allowing
them in exchange to continue their trades with small banks, rigged
contracts. It is thanks to such relations with the Italian partycracy
and bureaucracy that foreign potentates have acquired control of
(almost) all the leading Italian companies and strategic companies, as
well as the Bank of Italy and the credit system. This is how the
government has regularly signed, under blackmail of ratings,
deliberately ruinous financial contracts for the benefit of dominant
counterparties such as Morgan Stanley, with losses of tens of billions -
see the comment of Brunetta's honorvolele at the hearing of the doctor
Cannata in the Committee on Banks, a hearing that tried to overshadow
with fuss on the statements of the President of Consob Giuseppe Vegas to
the same committee on the Etruria-Boschi case.
Such a state, as an apparatus, can only live through a systemic
corruption, therefore interwoven also in the institutions of control
(the anti-corruption campaigns, of course, are a grip for the backbone).
His political parties are galaxies of business committees engaged in
illegal or at least incorrect transactions. The respective secretariats
act as a coordinating body between these committees, and receive
requests for foreign interests (sometimes even domestic) dominant. What
strength would the parties of power have if they did not manage
(clientelarmente) contracts, credits, hiring, licenses? None. The
parties that detach themselves from those of power to pursue social
ideals and justice, systematically, go out; they are not vital, even
though they sometimes have excellent ideas and great honesty, precisely
because they do not carry behind any slice of public spending, Giuseppe
Vegas some clientelare resource. Where there are serious interests at
stake, laws, even by the supervisory and judicial bodies, are only
marginally observed, especially to maintain a minimal facade of
legitimacy in the eyes of ordinary people.
In fact, there is a clear division between those who are subject to the
law and those who stand above it and use it on others to crush and
squeeze them. Public power is understood as private property, as the
right to pass over the rules and to take away rights from others, that
is to say, to derogate from legality. Now, in the election campaign, it
is inevitable that the parties will each have the capacity and
willingness to save the country and fight corruption. That is what the
(pseudo) left-left that has been the most active and faithful executor
of foreign interests, that has collaborated most in subjugating the
whole country to them, in squeezing it to enrich the sharks of finance
predates, in sabotaging the economy and public order, in imposing a
single thought and language that would prevent even describing what it
was and is perpetrating. Then we have a Berlusconi, owner of the main
centre-right party, who has always used the votes of those who trusted
him to uphold the line of the left (pseudo) and Germany, even the
ruinous Monti government, in order to defend his own business and legal
interests a Berlusconi who has always been conditioned by judicial
attacks that take place when needed.
We have a League with analyses and shared intentions, which was once
independent and now no longer independent, at least in the declarations,
and proposes itself as a guardian of pan-Italian national interests
within an EU and a euro in which it wants to remain. Unfortunately,
until now, the League has, on a national scale, carried out almost
nothing or almost nothing of its programmes, even though it has been in
government for a long time. Finally, we have an M5S that has many valid,
courageous and freely acting representatives, but whose holders - those
who say that "one is worth one" - do not know what goals they have and
what interests they represent, even if they appear to have significant
ties with the USA. Finally, we have a new, furbesque electoral law,
which leaves it to the secretariats (neglecting them from the
electorate) not only the choice of parliamentarians, but also the
decision on the new government: a typically party-political law. No, my
dear gentlemen, do not delude yourself: the process of disintegration
and the internal and external malignant parasite will continue more
firmly than ever, with the ECB supporting public debt, extending the
collapse, so that the plan for the transfer of the country's resources
can be completed. Nothing will change with the forthcoming elections.
The only possible and concrete change is achieved by those who emigrate.
Governo mondiale e stranezze della Globalizzazione risparmiatori consumatori spogliati dall'inflazione e dalla speculazione,banche sempre meno trasparenti.Imbevitori di ogni sorta pronti a qualsiasi cosa purché di guadagni facili.Politici con nuove leggi che gravano sempre più sul comune cittadino,illuminati maghi,filantropi,onlus,coop,sette religiose,massoni.Piramidi sempre più perfette e ben studiate. La parola fondi che in realtà significa che non saranno mai riempiti a discapito di qualcuno.
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