
Merkel orders, Berlusconi performs: first Sicily dies, then Italy.

The script is always the same: Merkel orders, Berlusconi performs. With a shock vote, Forza Italia and PD, united more than ever, have strengthened the Dublin Regulation (which today assigns to the first port country the responsibilities related to reception). Anyone who claims otherwise is making fun of you. No economic migrants landed in Italy will be relocated to other Member States. Merkel and Macron had said so, and today Forza Italia and PD are running with their vote. The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs has voted to reform the regulation, which is not, for Italy, a cage from which migrants are very unlikely to be able to leave.

Sicily pays the highest price. With 70,671 migrants landed since the beginning of the year, all limits were exceeded. The reception centres are in total chaos. Mayors of some of the most exposed municipalities such as Lampedusa and Pozzallo have issued alarms, which have so far remained unheeded. There are many reported cases of missing migrants, especially among children. The Minniti plan signed with Libya is a fuge: it tried to put the problem under a carpet with an agreement signed with Libya, but the result was only to move the route further west, towards Tunisia. The Sicilians know well who are responsible for all this.

Today's is therefore a handshake that is worth more than a thousand words. The agreement between Angela Merkel and the Italian centre-right has never been lacking during this decade: but we are not talking about bilateral political agreements that benefit our economies and societies. History has taught us that the propensity to genuflect the Berlusconi era has given Italy to the macro-economic slaughterhouse, with the Germans free to produce exports without limits to the detriment of Italian small and medium-sized enterprises. What the "great entrepreneur of Arcore" should have defended (being the self-made man we all know).

And then, lowering taxes and joining forces with Merkel are two concepts that do not stand together, as the walls also know. In Brussels, Italy is considered to be a "bogged down" state - to put it mildly - and Sicily is a region in economic, social and political blows. Like Greece, it is in need of care that the austerity hawks (guided by the European allies in the centre-right) are eager to pack. For those who are not yet aware of it, in fact, Forza Italia in Europe is an ally, in the same political group and converges in the votes with the German austerity hawks of the EPP. Berlusconi is at Merkel, just as Musumeci is at Berlusconi.

The centre-right leader is no longer interested in the multiple judicial processes in which he is involved, but in the manner and the menefreghism with which he has handed over Italy to the B series of the Continent. During the course of its governments in Europe, fundamental decisions were taken, blindly endorsed at national level and never really discussed in the Council, where the Knight and his ministers were seated. From immigration with the Dublin regulation, with which just today the umpteenth mockery was written for Italy, to the economy with the Fiscal Compact. Voted and wanted by the Berlusconi-Lega government, by the end of the year, there is a risk of entering the EU legal framework thanks to the short-sightedness of the centre-left, in power practically from 2012 onwards. The same people who today want to look like Eurosceptics have been complicit in consenting to Today's disaster.
But it was the Knight's allies who made Silvio Berlusconi and Angela Merkel laugh even more than the handshake. How can the Northern League justify an alliance at national level when its secretary, Matteo Salvini, is sitting in the extreme opposition of everything that Forza Italia represents today in the European Parliament? Not to mention Giorgia Meloni and her Brothers of Italy.... We are talking about a political short-circuit that does not stir up just because Italy is totally uninhabited to consider the European Union as strategically relevant. It was Salvini himself, at least in the media (because his presence on the parliamentary committees is one hand) who fought against any decision taken by the European Parliament in recent years: starting with the granting of the ESM to China, ending with Tunisian oil, going through banking crises, reforming the governance of credit institutions, granting glyphosate and, of course, managing the migration crisis. These are issues that the PPE (so called Forza Italia) pushed in a German direction.

Italian excellence, even in the agro-food sectors, has been tormented by the mad choices made by these gentlemen of nowhere. Let us only think of the last case, the striking case of the pesticide glyphosate. We believe that it should be banned immediately, not least because of the effect it has had on the productive activities of our farmers, those who had to be protected by the great statesmen of the Government. They are the silent victims of these choices. Glyphosate used in pre-harvesting allows countries such as Canada to export their products at extremely competitive prices, destroying the production sector in countries such as Italy. Over the last ten years, more than half of the durum wheat producers have disappeared in the South.

People are now disgusted by such great political nullity and total lack of human dignity. The moves of the old electoral law policy, together with the manoeuvres at European level, confirm that the Italian political system is still totally rotten at the foundations. It will only be up to the Italian citizens, who still have few rights, to break the chains that relegate us from them.
PS: Let me be very clear I am above the sides because politics is a viscid and full of falsehood, from how I see it I'm just a pretext to make money and gain power, to the detriment of people that
work honestly, more honestly, six more are massacred and deceived with all sorts of promises in every sense.

Questo non è capitalismo e sarà sempre peggio.

"Per favore, considerate tutti questi fattori la prossima volta che qualcuno denuncerà il sistema statunitense come il mi...