

Friday, October 7, 2016

NEW YORK - From the pages of the "Wall Street Journal", the director of
the Hudson Institute's Center for Religious Freedom, Nina Shea,
addresses a harsh indictment in Washington and Antonio Guterres, former
'UN agency's director for Refugees ( UNHCR), and the next appointment as
Secretary general of the United Nations.

Guterres said last December that Christian refugees who had escaped the
brutality 'Isis in Iraq and Syria, victims of conflicts in those two
countries and often the violence of their fellow Muslims, should not be
transferred to the West.

Yet, Shea points out, just six months ago, the US Secretary of State,
John Kerry, has formally charged the Isis of "genocide" against
Christians, Yazidis and other groups and religious minorities in the
areas under the control of the so-called Caliphate.

"Why - he asks Shea and with it the Wall Street Journal that gives great
prominence on the front page of this intervention - the Obama
administration has entrusted the survival of these people and the
precious US aid to a UN agency (l ' high Commissioner for refugees
UNHCR-ed), which like its parent organization has never acknowledged the
existence of this genocide? ".

The US State Department claims to be committed to supporting the
minorities who have fled Syria and Iraq, along with other refugees from
those countries, precisely through the United Nations. From 2012 to date
the United States has allocated to humanitarian support for the Syrians
$ 5.6 billion, all managed by the UN.

Yet, accusing the author of the editorial, "UNHCR marginalize Christians
and other objectives of the Isis extermination campaign in two critical
programs from which they are systematically excluded: housing for
refugees in the region and outplacement of Syrian refugees abroad ".

Even in the US, the extension of the introduction program of Syrian
refugees President Barack Obama "is serving a constant
underrepresentation of genocide survivors in Syria": the data of the
State Department show that "of the 12,587 Syrian refugees admitted to
the US as last fiscal year, just 68 were Christians, and only 24 members
of the community 'Yazidi ".

This' means that "only 0.5 percent of Syrian refugees welcomed in the US
are Christians, even though they have long constituted 10 percent of the
Syrian population."

And 'un'ccusa tough and documented that reveals a real horror: the
dell'amminisrazione disinterest Obama and the Democratic Party for the
Christian holocaust in the Middle East, disinterest widens the UN and
even the Catholic Church.

Just facing the issue last month, during a hearing in the Federal
Senate, the deputy assistant to the US Secretary of State, Simon
Henshaw, said that only 1 percent of registered Syrian refugees are
Christians, a figure that " and 'in any way compatible with the
statements of last August by the Syrian Catholic Patriarch Younan,
according to which half a million Syrian Christians - about half' of the
total - have fled the country. "

They were all massacred Or they are not considered "refugees" just
because they are Christians? And then abandoned to their fate of
suffering and death? Only these, are the possibilities.

"The Department of State speculates that Christians do not want to be
transferred abroad, and for that you do not register the lists for
ricollocamenti - The Wall Street Journal". According to Shea, pero ',
"all signs point to UNHCR: a report on the Christian refugees in Lebanon
cured last January by the Catholic News Service report in fact a real
discrimination on the part of the UN UNHCR against Christians, which
they are ignored by agency officials after the initial interviews. And
abandoned to their tragic fate. they are Muslims favorites, ever. "

Questioned personally by Shea last December, during a press conference
in Washington, Antonio Guterres replied with statements "shocking but
enlightening" the Syrian Christians, he said, should not be transferred
to the West 'cause I'm part of the "DNA of the Middle East ".
Statements, accusing the author of the editorial, "that sound like the
articulation of a discriminatory policy by purposes' policies." The
ethnic cleansing of Christians from the Middle East.

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