
The disappearance of the news from the great Italian newspapers have become propaganda organs pro EU.

Assuage, deceive, narcotizzare: these three verbs better than others describe the method used in this pre-election period by the great Italian press considered "authoritative." Anything to say no and not give information that could lead the reader - soon voter - to decide to vote for Eurosceptic parties.

And when you just can not censor the news because - unfortunately - published by organizations such as Istat beyond the control of the oligarchy Italian publishing, journalists come into play-fakes: skyrocketing unemployment? But no, it already happened in 1977, rest assured we are already left once, we'll make today. Too bad it's fake. The Corriere della Sera newspaper to which I refer. He pubbicato Istat data on unemployment (arriving at 12 percent and go in this early 2014) being able to write that "Italy has returned to the unemployment of 1977." Repeat it false: in 1977 it was 7% (Istat). But it is not an oversight, it is a sweetening of the reality that the leaders of this paper systematically put in place to prevent that readers come to the obvious conclusion that the euro is a disaster and the European Union a death trap.

The same technique is applied to the current uninformative government led by a guy never voted, never elected, with no democratic mandate to be Prime Minister, Mr. Renzi from Florence.

Renzi appointed at the top of the Legislative Office of the Presidency of the Council of Florence Palazzo Chigi a traffic warden. She has a degree in law, for heaven's sake. Even though there have been ministers summit of center-left governments with a solid education studies fermatasi the eighth grade, as Ottaviano Del Turkish Finance Minister Prodi govenro. However, if the horrid Berlusconi had appointed the head of the brigade Arcore same role assigned to her by Renzi favorite traffic warden when he was mayor of Florence, probably a few lines on the front page De Bortoli, Mauro and other "priests of Italian journalism "would have written.

In this case, the silence of lead (typeface)

Renzi has trumpeted cutting the cost of politics to begin by the provinces, only in this case is false: the cutting of salaries (attendance) of the provincial councilors together are worth 50 million Euros per year. The staff of the provinces - which remains in the organic public administration - costs about € 500 million a year. Renzi has not cut the cost of the provinces, which would give the idea - said so - that there is no more affectively. Renzi has cut a tenth the cost of 100% and the elective democracy. But there is another news about this "cut": Grllo noted that the elimination of the Province was one of the key points of P2. Gelli in people wrote in that notorious program of Democratic Rebirth "Provinces should be deleted." Renzi was able to put "finally" in practice, but in the mainstream press does not care put into light.

If you switch to the economy, then, reading Sole 24 Ore, Corriere della Sera, Repubblica and Printing, the disconnect from reality breaks through in the pathological. It 's all a celebration, while the real country dies. Gusts from the titles of articles dripping with happiness for the spread that the great falls, the stock market that has surpassed the 20,000 points, Renzi, who triumphs in the polls, the economy that gives clear signs of "recovery", the GDP going up, the EU loves us.

False. All false. Polls domesticated, but spreads down public debt rises (nearly 2.1 trillion of Euros!) GDP which crashed (had to be more than 1% is not even the half and tends to zero), bag high prey because the most colossal bubble of the last 10 years (overestimated by 40%) and then deflation. Deflation that comes with large print our local nuisance, marginally, like the memory of a bad dream from early morning chase, when it is a cancer that is devouring Europe.

In this climate of the last few days of dictatorship, Renzi also rampant on television. It ads a day, hoping that those of the previous day to be forgotten. He said that by April would have been paid all the debts of governments. Bales. Missing 80 billion to do it. He said that the electoral law would be approved by March 31. Bales, is not even on the agenda for April. He said he would give 80 € to all payroll since May. Bales, did not find the money. He said he would go to Europe to plead the reasons Italy. Bales, went to reaffirm that it will respect all treaties, including the Fiscal Compact that will kill definitively Italy.

But these lies, not even a line of newspapers and television. Only on our online newspaper and a few other news sites on the web.

As long as we will let you do.

Vogliono davvero ridurre la popolazione?

Fonte : https://endoftheamericandream.com/they-really-do-want-to-reduce-the-population-47-shocking-population-control-quotes-from-...