
The Dawn of the Dead

January 24, 2013
Fabio Michettoni, Managing Director of the Agency Ticker
Choose a prime minister rather than another does not matter because it is in Brussels who decides. Remaking Italy 's on the European paradigm is an experiment never tried before, considering that the whole is physiologically prepared without resorting to an event, historically applicant as is the war, which aims to reduce the excess capacity of a country.
After all the same Monti admits candidly a program, and as a primary effect was that of a social decline to the point at which the economy of a developed country like Italy, becomes competitive with that of countries that are only now ushering the first being of an industrial civilization. The man of the power transfer goes into politics with this task, splitting poles and forcing the comic "bipolar Italian", recomposing parts around your agenda, ie the only program recognized and shared at European level, which shines black light of the "Fiscal Compact", the eternal balance the budget.
Forty billion euro cuts are fierce and painful to break down on Italy, but no one says it loud and clear, no one has explained what it means to "balance the budget" as articulated in the Constitution and, specifically, the Fiscal Compact. No one points the finger at those who want to reduce poverty in more than a generation, against those who deliberately set a policy of austerity that produced debris in the world of work, stressing until the collapse of productivity well beyond all reasonable expectation. Our rulers have fired into the pile and wrong accounts in assuming a halving of debt in twenty years.
A study by the International Monetary Fund has shown that the hardship of economic policy did get out of hand to the technocrats of the situation, causing irreparable damage to our economy and condemning her to a downward spiral beyond the worst expectations. Invoke the Constitution to hope is no longer valid, because the European Constitution stands above national ones, as ratified by the Treaty of Lisbon of 2007, which brought in large changes to the previous Treaty on European Union and to establishing the European Union.
In this sense, the European law, drawn up solely by the European Commission of technocrats who elects nobody, surpasses the national laws, including the Italian ones. The result is that the national parliament has ousted the sovereignty and will have to do with the other, the Union's interests before their own. The focal point is just that, the Government and Parliament, for what concerns the economy will be constrained so stiff and then for what you are going to vote on the 24th of February? Considering the choices available, none of the candidates who are opposed in the political arena today, will govern, they will be just executioners of orders issued by the European Union and financial markets.
Calm, our destiny is already mapped along the last Green Mile undertaken by our country, without specifying anything already drastically recognizable.

Vogliono davvero ridurre la popolazione?

Fonte : https://endoftheamericandream.com/they-really-do-want-to-reduce-the-population-47-shocking-population-control-quotes-from-...