The economy is the game of society in which we are all immersed, a game
of rules, prohibitions, permits and restrictions.
This game sees money as the absolute protagonist, which conditions
indeed shapes our lives, in all their aspects, both public and private.
Money, for example, allows us - or forces us - to work eight hours or
more, neglecting our affections, our friendships, our loves, our family,
even ourselves. All for a roof over your head, a car and some food.
Since this money is lent to us by central and local banks, bank-centrism
is a direct consequence of this game.
Money - or rather its management based on criteria of scarcity - takes
us against each other to obtain - for example - a job or income, which
translates into selfishness, cynicism and malice, since for one who wins
there is another who loses.
The needs induced by the mass media (which get advertising from
multinationals that are completely dependent on the financial sector)
justify the essence of this game, and once again lead us to put material
goods first instead of people, since, according to this or that
advertising, if we have that good we will finally be happy.
The attention to the money or better to the game-system for its
accumulation is so important that everything is monetized, in short
nothing is free, and if it is certainly not worth much, since in the end
only "what is worth" counts.
If it is true as it is true that it is education or rather evolution
makes the individual, it is equally true that money affects both these
conditions, since both education and mass evolution are based on money,
which can only make us insecure and frustrated.
Today we have a school that teaches everything but the indispensable,
that is to say, what really counts in life. For example, it does not
teach us how to develop confidence in ourselves, how to learn to love
and be loved, how to keep the ego at bay, how to develop ethics in our
lives, in short, how to build a life full of meaning and true satisfaction.
On the contrary, the logic of money and, in general, of the business
world, has become a major part of school curricula, and is convincing
young people that it is true what television says, that it is true what
their parents already think: in life, in essence, if you want to be
happy, only money counts.
In the "logic" of society, therefore, as a consequence, everything else
does not count because it ends and brings suffering: loves end,
friendships end, money instead... never end.
Globalization has worsened this mentality, since it has accentuated
competition between the nations of the world and individuals, rather
than creating new cooperation.
It is therefore in this arid and rotten humus that what today we could
define sic et simpliciter l'Homo Economicus develops, that is, a single
man, greedy, without affection, self-interested, aggressive and
calculating. A private social model of affection, love and humanity,
which must only be competitive and flexible.
A model of man - if we think about it - simply stupid, since money gives
comfort but certainly not happiness and balance.
It is no coincidence that today narcissism, depression and addictions of
all kinds prevail: they are all reactions to a system in which each of
us is forced to live as if he were torn from his soul, as if we were robots.
The most incredible thing is the bug in this system, that is, an error
in the source code of the program, which causes everything else to
collapse just like a sand castle: it is since 1971, in fact, that money
comes from nothing, or rather is no longer anchored to gold and
therefore has no value in itself. In short, we are talking about waste
paper that could be produced anywhere along with mere virtual figures
created and charged to us by the financial system.
The question arises spontaneously: who explains it to the HomoEconomicus
that is chasing, indeed is literally living in function of money created
from nothing?
Who tells you that you are giving up everything else for this? What is
more real, money or affections, love, life itself?
The models that the system is setting up are a total failure from both a
cognitive and a human point of view.
If man is more important than money - and he is, at least as long as we
keep a little logic - that's where we have to start again.
Gabriele Sannino
Translated with
Governo mondiale e stranezze della Globalizzazione risparmiatori consumatori spogliati dall'inflazione e dalla speculazione,banche sempre meno trasparenti.Imbevitori di ogni sorta pronti a qualsiasi cosa purché di guadagni facili.Politici con nuove leggi che gravano sempre più sul comune cittadino,illuminati maghi,filantropi,onlus,coop,sette religiose,massoni.Piramidi sempre più perfette e ben studiate. La parola fondi che in realtà significa che non saranno mai riempiti a discapito di qualcuno.
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