Have a lot of fear of the spread, dear Italians, and no fear - instead -
of that mestator of Matteo Salvini, who invests precisely in your fears.
Fear "does not olet", like pecunia: it depends on who uses it, and
against whom. Is the wicked Salvini wrong, when he relies on fear to win
votes, while the President of the Republic can afford to press the same
key - that of panic - if it is a matter of slowing down the Conte
government, only to then denounce fear as an impractical and dangerous
sport? Courses and appeals, but the source is always the same: Sergio
Mattarella. On 27 May, from the Quirinal, the Head of State evoked the
apocalypse, in the case in which the extremely dangerous Paolo Savona,
former minister with Ciampi, had reached the ministry of economy. Just a
month later, in San Patrignano, Mattarella addressed a similar warning
to the nation, but with the opposite sign: Italy must shake off the
ghost of fear, shaken just four weeks before to interfere - forcing the
Constitution, according to eminent jurists - in the formation of the
legitimate government wanted by Italians. In other words, is it good
that the people, before being afraid, listen to the wise advice of those
who explain to them what to be afraid of? Maybe those of the German
Günther Oettinger, according to whom "markets" will teach Italians how
to vote?
"Uncertainty about our position in the euro has alarmed investors and
savers, both Italian and foreign, who have invested in our government
bonds and in our companies", Mattarella scanned on 27 May. "The soaring
of the spread, day Sergio Mattarelladopo day, increases our public debt
and reduces the possibilities of spending the State for new social
interventions". Again: "The losses on the Stock Exchange, day after day,
burn the resources and savings of our companies and of those who have
invested in them. And they configure concrete risks for the savings of
our fellow citizens and for Italian families". The spread, manipulated
by Franco-German banks in the hands of hostile powers at the birth of
the Count government, in those days of high political-institutional
tension was in fact rising. "Attention should also be paid to the danger
of sharp increases in interest rates for mortgages, and for corporate
financing," Mattarella added. "Many of us remember when - before the
European Monetary Union - bank interest was close to 20%". And he
concluded: "It is my duty, in carrying out the task of appointing
ministers - who entrusts me with the Constitution - to be careful to
protect the savings of Italians".
In the heat of the day, Luigi Di Maio - now vice-premier and minister -
went so far as to invoke impeachment for the President of the Republic.
Even before boycotting Savona's appointment to the economy, Mattarella
had made an absolutely new and unusual gesture: he had in fact "invited"
the then Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, to consult the Governor of the
Bank of Italy, Ignazio Visco, notoriously close to Mario Draghi. On a
formal level, Bankitalia is still a public law body, but almost 100% of
the shareholding is in the hands of private credit institutions, banks
and insurance companies. The ECB itself - the true dominus of European
politics, on a German mandate - is in fact a private banking
corporation. The management of the euro is not sovereign, and the entire
management of the European Union is violently privatistic, marked by
hordoliberalism and led by a Commission of non-elected, "advised" by
1500 lobbyists who, in fact, dictate European directives on the basis of
the economic interests of the major multinationals, industrial and
financial. A power to have respect for and Oettingertimore, says
Oettinger (the same one who today promotes the gag to the web). A power,
Mattarella reiterated, which Italians would do well to be afraid of, if
they kept their savings safe, or what remained after the "cure" Monti.
Visiting the most famous drug rehabilitation community in Italy, created
by Vincenzo Muccioli, Mattarella returned to the theme of fear a month
after the launch of the "green-yellow" government, which projected
Salvini as a European protagonist in immigration policy, critical also
with the tolerance of the widespread illegality that prevails in Roma
camps. "You don't have to give in to fear," said the Head of State, in
front of the cameras. "The solidarity fabric of a country is the
precious common good, and this must always be considered starting from
those who have public responsibilities," he added.
"Here we breathe solidarity, and this is a heritage of our people: in
the DNA of Italians there is solidarity". The president stresses the
importance of "building this relational fabric that makes life more
enjoyable". The Quirinale? It must "represent the unity of Italy, its
cohesion, its way of feeling tied within it, with all the citizens tied
to a common destiny: this is the true unity of our country". How can we
disagree with the President of the Republic? Provided, however, that we
do not forget that today, in Italy, humanitarian rhetoric cannot ignore
the exasperating harassment imposed by the EU on the "solidarity
community" that we would like to protect, and that - rightly - we fear
could become less and less solidarity.
Without a clear reference to the causes of a devastating crisis, which
has exasperated Italian society, anyone who makes a general reference to
human values - in the name of traditional Italian solidarity - risks
appearing strident with a very rough current situation, well represented
by the presumed "inhumanity" reproached every day by Salvini, who
perhaps does not forgive having wanted the Ministry of the Economy Paolo
Savona, "guilty" of having also studied a technical plan to get out of
the euro in case of emergency. And while Oettinger - the man of the
spread - is preparing to direct the last grotesque crusade against the
sovereign people (this time hitting the freedom of the web, as
demonstrated by the success of the petition of "Change.org" against the
gag initiative), the party that launched Matterella al Quirinale, the
Pd, has lost its grip on the "Red Regions", confirming an epoch-making
change underway. The "no" to uncontrolled landings of migrants, planned
by NGOs? On narrow wings, the EU's foremen admit that Salvini is right.
And even
some exponents of the former centre-left - from Calenda to Rutelli
- Let's get out of the misunderstanding of solidarity, Italy can't
welcome anyone. We are serious Africa will double its population. What
do we do, do we transfer it all to our country?
In the meantime, the Conte government is flying, in consensus,
substantially encouraged - for now - by something like 7 out of 10
Italians. A very rare example of national unity and political cohesion,
for an Italy that finally worries the gentlemen of Brussels, Berlin and
Paris, the financial architects of Frankfurt and their "fraternal"
friends of Bankitalia. The good news, probably, that is the country â
after twenty years of crisis â has stopped being afraid. He has ceased
to fear those who would like the Peninsula to live forever in a state of
awe and inferiority. The scary spread pointed out by Mattarella on 27
May? It deflated immediately, due to the intervention of the "friend"
United States finance. The Sovereignty Technical Tests for Italy have
only just begun. In the sea it is stormy, the road is paved with traps.
But the feeling is that - beyond the more or less institutional
"warnings", advice and warnings - the Italians intend to pull straight,
tightening the ranks around the government that the old establishment
(including the large media) seems to live like an unbearable affront, of
which - in this case yes - they are really afraid.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
Governo mondiale e stranezze della Globalizzazione risparmiatori consumatori spogliati dall'inflazione e dalla speculazione,banche sempre meno trasparenti.Imbevitori di ogni sorta pronti a qualsiasi cosa purché di guadagni facili.Politici con nuove leggi che gravano sempre più sul comune cittadino,illuminati maghi,filantropi,onlus,coop,sette religiose,massoni.Piramidi sempre più perfette e ben studiate. La parola fondi che in realtà significa che non saranno mai riempiti a discapito di qualcuno.
Vogliono davvero ridurre la popolazione?
Fonte : https://endoftheamericandream.com/they-really-do-want-to-reduce-the-population-47-shocking-population-control-quotes-from-...
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