
Carpeoro: danger terrorism, now Italy has powerful enemies.

"I'm afraid for Italy: there's a risk of attacks if the top of the
secret services is "dismantled". This is a warning that Gianfranco
Carpeoro launches to the "green-yellow" government that has just been
installed: the current intelligence structure, he says, in the last 4-5
years has efficiently supervised the security of our country, wrecking
massacres and avoiding Italy the bloody "treatment" to which the major
European partners, first of all France, without forgetting Germany and
Great Britain, Belgium and Spain, have been subjected. In web-streaming
on YouTube with Fabio Frabetti of "Border Nights", Carpeoro showed
pessimism: just to begin with, he said, "I don't expect a long duration
for this government". In addition, he adds, "I expect a different
management of finance, to our detriment, from the ECB". And, last but
not least: âI expect something in the field of terrorism, in the short
termâ. But the weapon of terrorism, precisely, is not the only one at
the disposal of "overmanagement": there is the financial blackmail of
the debt, "rebated to Germany but not to Italy", which adds to the
explosive situation created in Libya, against Italy, by France: "I would
quantify the damage and I would ask the French to pay compensation, in
soldions, for the enormous economic loss they have inflicted on our
country, with the shameful deposition of Gaddafi organized in order to
grab Libya".

A wide-ranging analysis, that of Carpeoro, author of the essay "From
Freemasonry to Terrorism", which reveals the background - paramasonic,
non-Islamic - of the strategy of international tension unleashed in
Europe and the Middle East by sectors Anti-terrorismforces or
intelligence manoeuvred by an altered reactionary oligarchy: "The famous
Abu Bakr Al-Baghadi, leader of the Isis, is also the card number 12 of
the superhuman "Hathor Pentalpha" founded by the Bush". Among its
exponents, Nicolas Sarkozy. Is French Freemasonry today taking sides
against Italy? Alarm clock, says Carpeoro: "Since Mitterrand was
torpedoed, French Freemasonry has conditioned the politics of Paris in
an anti-Italian function". And do we want to talk about Germany, which
keeps us hanging on to our huge public debt? "Someone - says Carpeoro -
should go to Brussels and ask why Germany was cancelled the enormous
debt it had, at the time of founding the European Union, while Italy
does not discount anyone. The new government should say, simply, that it
is ready to answer only for the debt that is actually attributable to
Italian politics, not to that deriving from European financial
politics", on which there has never been democratic validation.

"Overmanagement", in fact: starting from the historic divorce between
the Treasury and Bankitalia. Coincidences: at the time "Professor
Federico Caffè, an eminent Keynesian, was also made to disappear". For
Carpeoro, the mysterious disappearance of Caffè - the historic master of
Mario Draghi, Bruno Amoroso and Nino Galloni - was a clear message,
intimidating. Coffee was opposed to the hilarious neo-liberalism:
therefore, whoever had followed it would have done the same thing.
Draghi understood the antiphon and put himself at the service of the
privatizing superpower, the one who had already tried - with the
obstructionism of Mattarella - to stop the Conte government by vetoing
Paolo Savona, "another pupil, nacelle, of Federico Caffè". Today, the
"green-yellow" Italy is in the midst of a dangerous ford: France and
Germany are preparing to put it to zero, with the help of the ECB. The
last thing to do, Carpeoro recommends, is to get rid of the current
set-up of the secret services that have so far protected us. Thorny
problem: for the moment, the Carpeorodelega has maintained the premier.
Usually, explains Carpeoro, it is attributed to the Undersecretary to
the Presidency of the Council, which however in this case is Giorgetti,
leghist like the Minister of the Interior Salvini. Two offices that, for
the first time, are expressed by the same party.

According to Carpeoro, the new power that took office in Palazzo Chigi
could be tempted to put its signature on the services as well. And here
we would enter the danger zone: "That is a structure that has proved
very efficient. Changing its top management - stresses the analyst -
means putting oneself in a position to take a big risk: on a purely
technical level, of the skills, it is not certain that any successors
will be up to their predecessors". Until yesterday, adds Carpeoro, it
must be said that Italy was not exactly in the eye of the cyclone: its
complete political irrelevance - the Renzi and Gentiloni governments,
harmless for Brussels - sheltered it from the danger of maxi-attentati
like those of Nice and Bataclan. "In any case - specifies Carpeoro - our
services have however foiled, already then, dozens of minor attacks on
Italian soil". But it's now that the danger is growing: if Italy has so
many new enemies, right now even a maxi-attentive on Italian soil could
be put on the agenda, by "over-management". "That's why I would do
everything - says Carpeoro - to keep the structure that has so far
guaranteed our safety intact".

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

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