Russia prepares to defend Iran from the next US-ISRAEL aggression
of Luciano Lago
All the signs are there: the USA is preparing for a war directed against
Iran using Israel as a provocative agent, while Saudi Arabia has been
entrusted with the "dirty job" of financing and training anti-iran rebel
groups to infiltrate Iran from the Asian border. There have already been
the first episodes of attacks from the border with Pakistan, which were
immediately rejected by the Iranian border guard.
The US-Israel plan is to implement against Iran in a similar way as the
Bush Administration did against Iraq in 2013. Create provocation, make
unfounded accusations and wage war, possibly with an international
coalition including Britain and France and other NATO countries. The aim
is to destroy Iranâs industrial military potential and to obtain regime
Israel has achieved what it wanted, the removal of the nuclear agreement
and in the coming weeks it will put appropriate pressure on its European
allies to follow Washington in the same direction. The package of
measures to be adopted to penalise Iran is already ready and blackmail
will be used against the European allies who will refrain from joining
the anti-Theran alliance. The US Secretary for Europe, Kurt Volker, has
already made his first trip to Europe to start putting pressure on our
European allies. Sanctions and more sanctions against Russia and Iran.
With this measure of the exit from the nuclear pact, which follows by a
few months that of the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital city,
Trump secured, at large, the support of the powerful Zionist lobby
within the United States and that of the ultra-Zionist Christian
evangelist community which has a very strong influence in Washington
(the evangelists are many millions of people in the United States).
So it confirms what had been anticipated by various analysts and that we
ourselves had written on this site: Trump is the "puppet" of Israel
whose moves are inspired and guided by the powerful lobby and his
son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who is the trade union between Tel Aviv and
Whashington, could not be more evident.
Iranian Special Forces
However, the US Administration has not taken sufficient account of the
strong military, economic and industrial cooperation links Iran has with
Russia and China. This is a reason that pushes Russia in the first place
to take sides with Iran so as not to compromise the position of its
principal strategic ally in the Middle East. Putin is well aware of this
and, beyond the formal condemnation of the gesture of the US
Administration that tramples on every rule of international law, Russia
has perfectly understood that the rules of international law for the
US-Israel-Arabia Saudi triad are worth nothing and that Washington and
Tel Aviv only listen to the language of force. What Israel is doing
against Syria and what Saudi Arabia is doing against Yemen demonstrate this.
Russia is preparing its military counter-attacks to face the
aggressiveness of the Trump Administration and, first of all, it is
preparing to equip Syria with a first level anti-aircraft system,
through the installation of the S-300, which must prevent Israeli
attacks on Syrian territory, but this does not exclude a direct
involvement of Moscow in the defence of Iran from possible direct
attacks by the US fleet in the Persian Gulf. It is easy to think that
the Russians are studying, even in the case of
Iran to provide anti-aircraft systems and naval support to deal with the
US threat. It should be noted that Russian aviation already relies on
certain air bases in Iran for its strategic bomber missions on Syria,
where the air base is insufficient to accommodate strategic aircraft on
the runways (TU-22 M3). See: Russia places its strategic bombers in Iran.
Trump was in such a hurry to quickly break out of the agreement as if he
intended to start a war with Tehran as soon as possible. Who is in such
a hurry? Easy to answer: Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli leader is
looking forward to targeting Iranian forces in Syria with US support as
his first objective, before they can install missile ramps aimed at Israel.
This explains the decisive step towards war with Iran taken yesterday by
Donald Trump.
Of course, the consequences are not insignificant. First of all, the
work of the IAEA, the nuclear control body, which had certified Iranâs
compliance with the agreement, is being delegitimised. International
institutes are worth nothing if they do not validate US theses, which
apply to any international body, including those for the control of
chemical weapons. What Washington and London establish is absolute truth
and there is no need for international verification.
The USâs reliability on international agreements is virtually nil, as
can be seen from the USâs latest outings from its previous Paris climate
agreements and from its latest Paris nuclear agreement with Iran. This
is a factor that will be carefully calculated by any other country that
needs to make agreements with Washington.
What Washington does not tolerate is the nonsubordination of those
countries that refuse to submit to the domination of the United States,
such as Iran, such as Syria, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua,
Bolivia, etc.. The declining U.S. Empire wants to reaffirm its rule and
returns to be aggressive with those who do not submit. The countries of
the world are all warned and Russia and China are no exception, sooner
or later they will have to face the enemy, the U.S. Empire become
increasingly aggressive.
Who knows if President Vladimir Putin wants to make his old saying:
"Love your enemies so that they get the best out of you" (Friedrich
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Governo mondiale e stranezze della Globalizzazione risparmiatori consumatori spogliati dall'inflazione e dalla speculazione,banche sempre meno trasparenti.Imbevitori di ogni sorta pronti a qualsiasi cosa purché di guadagni facili.Politici con nuove leggi che gravano sempre più sul comune cittadino,illuminati maghi,filantropi,onlus,coop,sette religiose,massoni.Piramidi sempre più perfette e ben studiate. La parola fondi che in realtà significa che non saranno mai riempiti a discapito di qualcuno.
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