
Risk of not being able to vote in #Italy in 2018.

Even if Renzi finds itself in great difficulty, the forces that still
support him are still in great difficulty.
studying a strategy to try to avoid
the final collapse of the Pd. The parliamentary elections for this
reason must be moved as far as possible, and the Pd - this is the
indisputable political result of the Sicilian elections - is out today.
It would take a new team, a new team, a new team and a new team.
new coach and even a new league to start playing again from
To do all this takes time, so much time. Route it is easy, build on the
much more difficult rubble. And then Renzi not
has no intention of going aside. Bullies
never give up, even when they have
lost. Renzi and what remains of his party
need time to reorganise.
They are doomed to lose, but at least they will avoid a humiliating defeat.
However, we are at the end of the legislature. Lo
The President of the Republic is responsible for the dissolution of the
Chambers, and Mattarella would have time to issue the decree of
dissolution up to
14 March of next year, having taken place on the
Parliament installed on March 15. from
that date, the elections must take place no later than
seventy days. That is how it prescribes the Constitution.
In short, theoretically you could vote
even at the end of May. A coward
made specifically for postponing the popular vote as much as possible,
especially in order to justify a vote.
such an extension of the legislature until
extreme limit of its natural expiration, the
PD might try to pass a series
very controversial laws, such as the law on
ius soli, biological will, etc. The fact
that the President of the Republic has
these days denying such a hypothesis means only one thing: Renzi is
seriously thinking about it, he just has to convince Gentiloni and above
all the Presidents of the House and Senate to
game. And at that point also the "Notary" can only take note of it.
This is Renzi's drawing. You will see us try to make it happen. And it
is not at all impossible to exclude
that he can even find support even in Berlusconi, who always hopes,
thanks to a decision in favour of him by the Strasbourg Court, in a
political rehabilitation that would allow him to be, in full rights, of
the game (as Renzi in these days has been the case.
I hope that it will be, sending Berlusconi a
implicit message). On the other hand, Renzi and
on the other hand, Berlusconi have both, for various reasons, a
converging interest in the
move the date of the elections as far as possible
bile. To be damaged, if the thing will go
in port, it will be above all Salvini. But there is no
no valid reason to support this plan. Until recently there was the
excuse for the
absence of electoral law. A law
now there is an election, and then go to the vote as soon as possible,
bringing an end to a parliamentary term.
useless, not to say harmful, which has given rise to life
three governments, Letta-Renzi-Gentiloni, three faithful
executors of the Brussels orders, who do not
have done nothing but continue the work of
massacre of the middle delceto started by Monti. The real
"unpresentable" are them. After approval of the budget law, the Chambers
of Parliament
may be dissolved without further delay.
Now just play with the game, give yourself again
voice to the people, without wasting time, and if you
Want to save money find the way to merge
policies and regional (in several regions, votes are taken on
next year) in March. The gardens of March are dressed in new colours,
especially orange.

Questo non è capitalismo e sarà sempre peggio.

"Per favore, considerate tutti questi fattori la prossima volta che qualcuno denuncerà il sistema statunitense come il mi...