
Droga Nato: viene dall’Afghanistan e ha salvato Wall Street

The heroine has returned to kill again in our cities: 266 people died
from overdoses last year, especially among the very young. The alarm
rebounded on television and newspapers, which spoke of drugs being sold
by Nigerians. Not a word about the origin of this new epidemic:
Afghanistan under Western occupation, the source of 80% of global
heroin, which reaches Europe no longer only through the Balkan route,
but above all through Africa, with Nigeria as the main hub. Afghan opium
production in Afghanistan, which began in the 1980s in the
Mujaheddin-controlled areas supported by the CIA and grew up in the
1990s during the civil war, was banned by the Taliban in 2000. Under the
Allied occupation, with the return to power of the mujaheddin,
production has resumed again and in a few years it has surpassed every
historical record: today in Afghanistan there are 200 thousand hectares
of poppy plantations against the 80-90 thousand of the Taliban era, with
an annual production of 5-6 thousand tons against the 3 thousand of the
late 1990s. A production boom, according to the UN, concerns the
northern regions of the country (+324% in 2016) controlled by the
government, while in the south under Taliban control production is stable.

The management of the Afghan drug business is not managed by the Islamic
guerrillas, but by the drug lords linked to the government supported by
the West. Afghan insurgents on average not more than 2.5%-5% of the
Afghan heroin export value ".
explained in 2006 the UN and World Bank and then again the UN in 2009,
stressing that "the 25-30 largest Afghan drug traffickers control the
main transactions and shipments by working closely with accomplices who
hold high government positions". Sometimes they are themselves part of
the government, as in the case of the deceased Ahmend Wali Karzai, boss
of Kandahar and brother of the then president, or Sher Mohammed
Akhundzada, former governor of Helmand Province, or Mohammed Fahim,
vice-president of the republic and defence minister, or General Abdul
Rashid Dostum, vice-president and military chief of staff Bosses of drug
trafficking but untouchable for their political-military role or because
they informers of the CIA or NATO allies.

Afghanistan, the United States and NATO have decided to sacrifice the
fight against drugs in the name of terrorism. The same choice made in
Europe, Asia and Latin America in the name of the fight against
communism. To maintain control, the Americans have allied themselves
with powerful criminals and local warlords, turning a blind eye to the
entire Afghan drug industry that resurrected after 2001. A strategy that
has guaranteed not only the resilience of the U. S. NATO protectorate in
Afghanistan, but also that of the big Wall Street banks after the 2008
crisis thanks to the huge mass of recycled narcodollars placed in the
financial circuit: the only vital liquidity available at that time, as
denounced by the former director general of the UN anti-drugs and
anti-crime department, Antonio Maria Costa.

Questo non è capitalismo e sarà sempre peggio.

"Per favore, considerate tutti questi fattori la prossima volta che qualcuno denuncerà il sistema statunitense come il mi...