
Anti-cancer diet, here are the foods recommended by Prof. Umberto Veronesi

"Go ahead, because the world needs science and reason." This is the recommendation with which Umberto Veronesi has left us on 8 November. Today we know with certainty, thanks to numerous scientific studies published on the subject, that there is a precise relationship between diet and cancer. The anti-cancer diet is a varied and balanced diet, in which foods are rotated and prepared with low-fat and healthy cooking.
The consumption of certain foods should be reduced and limited; fall in this section salami, sausages and red meats. In particular the salami rarely need to be consumed because of some substances used for their conservation and that, in the long run, may prove to be harmful. Red meat is not to be eliminated but simply to consume less often because of the high percentage of saturated fat.
Instead, it is recommended that consumption of white meat and fish; the latter is rich in protein, it contains little fat. In the prevention of many diseases, nutrition plays a very important role that maintains it when it comes to preventing cancer. Of course, the carcinomas are not caused solely by the type of diet followed but, according to Dr. Veronesi are between 25 and 30%. Nature provides a wide variety of foods that protect our health, promote well-being and keep away tumors. These are foods that are particularly suitable for the prevention and if you are suffering from cancer, it is essential that we continue to follow the directions of the center where he is being treated.
The diet should be easier and with more natural and less sophisticated foods. Foods cheindicava Professor Veronesi are: tomatoes, broccoli, oranges, pumpkin, cabbage, green beans, carrots, green leafy vegetables, legumes, garlic, onion, peas, peppers, potatoes, cucumbers, parsley, fennel, asparagus, artichokes, mushrooms, radishes, herbs. Besides strawberries, apricots, raspberries, grapes, melon, watermelon, blueberries, chestnuts. Again, green tea, yogurt, crustaceans, molluscs, fish in general, olive oil. Also important a good glass of red wine, always without exaggeration.
A pivotal role is played by the used type of cooking; among those recommended unless there is to the plate because the food reaches high temperatures, often scorches, and develops so of particularly harmful substances such as polycyclic hydrocarbons. It 'better to opt for a cooking baked or stewed, thus avoiding the use of larger quantities of fatty substances. It 'also important to reduce the consumption of fried foods and favorites or containing too much fat
Balanced diet . There are foods that when taken for long periods can prevent or promote the malignant transformation of a cell. And despite many different mechanisms and molecules involved they are still considered simple defendants, and definitely not guilty, research, especially in recent years, has made great strides. The same applies to most of the food from the newspapers often described as the "salvaprostata" or "salvaseno" of the situation. It should be said that while researchers continue their daily work of analysis of individual foods and their components, useful or dangerous they are, we now know with reasonable certainty that a healthy and balanced diet can reduce up to over 30 % the risk of having a tumor. Are in fact now many studies, made on different groups of population in the world, demonstrating how a greater or lesser spread of cancer depends greatly on how you live, what you eat and even how much you eat.
The nutrients - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and dozens of other substances contained in small amounts in foods - are involved in the typical reactions of the body, including those of DNA and processes related to it closely. Thanks to this discovery, over the years has been a growing interest in nutrigenomics, the science that studies the effects of diet on our body. In this field, much attention has been paid to anthocyanins, pigments that are found in plant foods, so it is recommended a total consumption of ten servings a day (five fruits and five vegetables).
Over the years the scientific community has brought to light several health benefits: anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effect to protect skin from ultraviolet rays, the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases to fight against obesity. But the potential benefits from anthocyanins to health are manifold. One aspect that has pushed the Umberto Veronesi Foundation to address the topic in depth in the last book of the series "The Health in the table."
Time factor . The biological mechanisms by which foods promote tumor cell transformation are numerous and complex and therefore it is reasonable to think that preventive diet means essentially lead a balanced diet, where you eat a wide variety of different foods, constantly taken over the years. In fact, the time factor plays a major role. Why dietary changes can yield tangible results, in terms of cancer prevention, it takes time for this reason it is necessary that the eating habits "protective" to start as soon as children and are carried out for many years. Tangible signs of the dietary changes make their appearance, in prevention, after 15 years since its inception.
One of the now incontrovertible data that is found in all or most of the scientific literature on this subject, in addition to the danger of animal fats in particular as regards the breast cancer, is the high protective value of fruits and vegetables. Consuming these foods in large quantities hinders the appearance of most cancers: mouth, larynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines. Fruits and vegetables are in fact rich in valuable substances, such as vitamins, fiber and inhibitors of carcinogenesis (flavonoids and isoflavones). Do not put on the table every day these foods means to deprive the body of important natural shields, which on the one hand neutralize carcinogens and on the other reduce the ability of cancer cells to proliferate.

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