To reduce the risk of acquiring
Ebola virus, international health authorities, primarily the World
Health Organization (who), to wash hands and disinfect with gel or
hydro-alcoholic solutions. All relatively simple measures but that must be respected strictly.
Surveillance for any symptoms of the disease in one case suspect is of great importance. A person is not infected until symptoms have manifested. The duration of the incubation period ranges from 2 to 21 days. Ebola
symptoms can include fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue,
diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite and in some cases bleeding.
The virus is not transmitted by
air as for influenza or rubella, but by direct contact with body fluids
of sick or medical supplies (syringes and needles) or objects (laundry,
clothes ...) contaminated. Can still
take place, with a lower risk through infected surfaces, which should
clean and disinfect according to the appropriate procedures. Blood, feces and vomit are the most contaminated fluids, according to the who. The virus has also been detected in breast milk, urine and semen of patients. Even saliva carries a risk, but extremely limited. The virus has not been isolated in sweat, detects the organization.
It is "very unlikely" that the
virus is transmitted among passengers on a plane or a train because you
need a direct contact with bodily secretions, argues Dr. Stephan Monroe,
Deputy Director of the National Center of urgent infectious diseases at
the Cdc. Most people who become infected live with sick or belong to the medical staff that treated them, he stressed.
In the current epidemic that
struck in a manner unprecedented in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea,
the infection is fatal in about one case in two. Surviving
patients can still be contagious: the virus can remain in the semen at
least 70 days and, according to one study, more than 90 days, finds the
who. The virus can also be transmitted by contact with the bodies of the victims of the infection during funeral rites. People
who live in the areas where the Ebola virus is endemic and that
suspicious symptoms should be quarantined, point out the Cdc on their
Treating staff must protect themselves by
wearing sanitary masks, goggles and gloves and regularly wash your hands
before and after contact with fever patients. Initially, the Ebola virus has infected humans through contact with the blood, organs or bodily fluids of infected animals.
In Spain about 20 health care
professionals of the hospital Carlos III of Madrid protested after the
case of nurse infected by Ebola. Members
of unions of nurses reported that the Spanish authorities did not give
them enough training and the most modern security equipment. And if this happens in Spain, you can easily imagine what's happening in Africa.
Governo mondiale e stranezze della Globalizzazione risparmiatori consumatori spogliati dall'inflazione e dalla speculazione,banche sempre meno trasparenti.Imbevitori di ogni sorta pronti a qualsiasi cosa purché di guadagni facili.Politici con nuove leggi che gravano sempre più sul comune cittadino,illuminati maghi,filantropi,onlus,coop,sette religiose,massoni.Piramidi sempre più perfette e ben studiate. La parola fondi che in realtà significa che non saranno mai riempiti a discapito di qualcuno.
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